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Bands that should never have headlined

Guest worthyraver

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Never a truer word said. Totally wrong in so many ways. Actually, there was one redeeming feature - I got my best sleep of the festival that year in the crowd while he was on.

Me, I planned to give him at least three songs as a fair chance to impress me.

I bailed out after two songs, after he'd dedicated "the next song to our boys in Afghanistan". It couldn't get any less Glastonbury. ;)

As I walked out of the crowd I bumped into a mate who'd bailed for the exact same reason. We decided to head for Groove Armada or Air (I forget which it was now) who were on the Other Stage, but via Jazzworld to check if St Germain were worth catching instead - which they were, they were stunning! We stayed there.

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Guys.. All these headliners are from the last two years have not been that bad when put in historical context. As previously mentioned Rod Stewart was the nadir of the 2000's. This question really needs to be broken up into decades as there has been some awful headliners in the past. The point is that Glasto tickets selling does not rest on having amazing headliners, the variety across the festival is its main selling point, those who buy their tickets for the headliners are missing the point. However I do not deny that sometimes the headliner and the crowd get insync at a "Glasto Moment TM" is created i.e. Radiohead (each time they have played). But the majority of the time the PS headliner is an easily consumable sop for the canvas chair brigade, so they can go to bed happy, while the proper party starts in Shangri la/Lost Vagueness B)

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I was there and was surprised at their headline slot I had never seen them live but was prepared to give them a chance, however Kasabian who played before them blew them away, now whatever you think of their Kasabian's music that was tight and polished performance I was very impressed with that.

Edited by Craigston
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A well worthy Worthy headliner if you ask me!

They were THE British band of the moment By miles. And Glastonbury is THE British showcase. Biggest selling debut album ever at the time, and on the back of a cracking EP and new album, during a lack of decent rocky, different from the mass indie landfill, with great guitar riffery/hooks and lyrically intruiguing and observantly different from, and better than other bands at the time. And right now I can't think of a better newish band headliner at Glastonbury since. Or new guitar rock since. I am trying to think of the last time I was so excited by a newish headliner.

Oh yeah, and they were as tight as f**k and as well rehearsed as any band could be.

Were you actually there?

Every record label since has been chasing the next Arctic Monkeys. Hence the deluge of crap sounding easily mocked even more of the same but not as good indie landfill since.

Edit: I thought Jay-Z was a bad call. Now I think I was wrong. He gets it.

Edited by niceandfriendly
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