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Flaming Lips v Gorillaz

Guest russycarps

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Well I'm not one to say I told you so but....

The Lips were absolutely wonderful. Sensational stuff. People were in tears during Do You Realize?? such was the beauty of the moment.

A perfect band for Glastonbury. Everything about the set was awe inspiring.

We're talking an all time great glastonbury performance here.

It was fantastic to see people streaming into the crowd after leaving Damon Albarn's little side project after just a couple of songs. I spoke to several people after the gig who had never seen the flaming lips before and they were astonished by it. "Best thing I have ever seen in my life" was heard numerous times on the way out.

From what I gather the 2 sets were the polar opposite of each other. One was hosted by an engaging, inspiring, grateful, joyous, fun-filled front man and was a life affirming set full of panache and charisma. The other an boring set led from a silent, introverted, self indulgent, arrogant, tedious dullard. Not even a "hello glastonbury" to be heard.

Those of you who chose gorillaz over the lips must be burning with impotent frustration right now. Let me just make this very clear: you missed an extraordinary, legendary set for a set totally lacking in charm and charisma.

When U2 pulled out the Lips should have been bumped to Pyramid headliner immediately. That slot was no place for a side project.

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Few people I talked to about it said it was alright but hardly "an all time great performance". By the sounds of it there was a tiny crowd aswell.

Heard "Do You Realize" was one of the choons of the fest though. Glad you enjoyed it Russ - were you right up the front?! Any pics?

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Few people I talked to about it said it was alright but hardly "an all time great performance". By the sounds of it there was a tiny crowd aswell.

Heard "Do You Realize" was one of the choons of the fest though. Glad you enjoyed it Russ - were you right up the front?! Any pics?

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The Flaming Lips were great they had the best introduction to their set than any band that I have seen before, with all the glitter cannons and Wayne in the translucent ball walking across the crowd. It was one big party :)

Sadly left before Do you realize to get to the Shangri La.

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In a fit of getting-it-arse-about-faced we decided to check out Gorrillaz. Thankfully the vapid, tedius drivel soon brought us to our senses and we high tailed it over to t'other stage in time to see Sir Wayne of Coyne mount his mighty bubble steed and charge out into the crowd. I was a jibbering wreck by the time DYR came on, I'm getting emotional just thinking about it now.

By the cringe that was a close one, what were we thinking?

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Absolutely astonishingly good set. Loved every single minute of it.

My mate said that he wanted to see The Bootleg Beatles because he is a massive fan but I managed to pursuade him otherwise. The crowd were so lovely and my friend is now a converted fan. So much so that he's going to do She don't use jelly on the next open mic set at the pub!

So glad I've seen them live. My voice was absolutely f**ked by the end of the gig from all the singing.

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Thom Yorke with Johnny Greenwood (Dead Centre Front Row)

Followed by Hot Chip Closing their set.

Followed by being amongst fellow Flaming Lips nutters at the front.

Equals the best evening I have ever had at Glastonbury. By a mile and 3 quarters. and another 4 million miles.

The Flaming Lips set (after seeing Thom Yorke, I was expecting anti climax) was the most entertaining set I have ever witnessed.

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Utterly mindblowing, even though they raped Embryonic it worked perfectly, everybody there was a big fan and the sing alongs just acted as a catalyst. Wayne's passion for his songs are unique.

I was quite drunk during the set unfortunately, after being forced to drink a large amount of gin. Luckily I remember it all. I was in heaven.

If anybody was near a guy who had his tshirt as a scarf, kept jumping up and down screaming "THIS IS WAYNE'S WORLD NOW" and crying, singing along little a complete loser, then that was me :-(

Like someone else said, that after Thom Yorke & Johnny Greenwood was the most surreal evening I can imagine. I've not had a better line up than Lostprophets > Nine Inch Nails > The Smashing Pumpkins at Leeds 07.

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The FLips had a great sized crowd, they're a cult band and the majority of their music is hard for your average casual music listener to get into easily. They were never going to fill up the Other field but by the start of the set it was tightly packed back beyond the sound stage and by the end, a sea of people. 20 to 30 thousand easily. Anybody who didn't bother with it missed out.

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Watched the first half of Gorillaz and wasn't impressed so headed over to see The Flaming Lips and as usual they were amazing. I'm so happy I managed to see Do You Realize at Glastonbury, it just summed up the whole feeling of the festival for me.

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