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4 hours ago, mattiloy said:

I think it’ll probably manage to woo a number of lib dem and soft tory voters daan saaf but it feels like they’ve given up on the red wall and on Scotland and Wales if they base their election campaign on this.


Doesn’t surprise me because the Red Wall is very Tory now. Lots of people cheering on their boy Boris with whatever he does.


58 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

yeah, a lot of it is bollocks, but if that's what he needs to do to try and win over people who have switched from labour to tory/libdem, or maybe liberal tories who don't like Johnson...then why not. Like you say, he has to win over a lot of people, and this probably won't be enough...he basically needs bojo's government to fuck it up to stand any chance.

This is the strategy Labour have had already for a while and it doesn’t work. Timing the market doesn’t work. If you sit around waiting for people to flock away from the tories nothing happens.

Its everything BUT being a better party.

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I’ll always find it funny that a Labour leader can do something with the ultimate aim of making peoples lives better and still get torn apart; yet a Tory leader will actively make peoples lives worse and not get half as much grief. 

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Whatever your view of Corbyn I think it's difficult to argue Starmer that isn't currently making a pigs ear of his opportunity. Has completely burnt his bridges with the left. The right of the party seem to view him as nothing more than a stop-gap leader and, with the EC bullshit, he's once again handed the tories a pass when they should be nailed to the wall for the current clusterfuck overwhelming the country. 

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31 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

To be fair I don’t really the general public care about how Labour elects their leader. They will care about rising utility prices and falling living standards though. 

yeah, definitely....but they will only vote labour if they can trust they will make things better.

But yeah, if this winter is bad, real bad, that will stick to this govt like the 2008 crash stuck to labour...so fingers crossed it's carnage.

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1 hour ago, SwedgeAntilles said:

Whatever your view of Corbyn I think it's difficult to argue Starmer that isn't currently making a pigs ear of his opportunity. Has completely burnt his bridges with the left. The right of the party seem to view him as nothing more than a stop-gap leader and, with the EC bullshit, he's once again handed the tories a pass when they should be nailed to the wall for the current clusterfuck overwhelming the country. 

Corbyn definitely offered an alternative. What Starmer goes on about in that essay could  easily have been written by Johnson, or any other tory actually. But, I guess idea is to try and do what blair did in 97 and appeal to the centre ground. Trouble is, it isn't 97...and a lot of people are scarred from austerity, and now the pandemic, and want proper change. Really starting to feel both downbeat and apathetic tbh.

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6 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

Corbyn definitely offered an alternative. What Starmer goes on about in that essay could  easily have been written by Johnson, or any other tory actually. But, I guess idea is to try and do what blair did in 97 and appeal to the centre ground. Trouble is, it isn't 97...and a lot of people are scarred from austerity, and now the pandemic, and want proper change. Really starting to feel both downbeat and apathetic tbh.

Completely with you on that tbh, worried this winter is gonna be a shit show

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This is a bad one. Doesn’t know Consett from Darlo n goes on a partridgesque ramble about taxi drivers liking him more than Boris…

I honestly feel sorry for him when I see him like this. The interviewer is a prick. And I hate to see it now the media, who are the worst people, has suddenly decided to hang their golden boy out to dry out of pure self preservation. If Starmer was still man of the hour this little twerp would be tongueing his hole. Coward.

I don’t think Starmers a bad guy, just long overpromoted and happy to accept duff advice from some of the worst shysters in politics.

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29 minutes ago, mattiloy said:

This is a bad one. Doesn’t know Consett from Darlo n goes on a partridgesque ramble about taxi drivers liking him more than Boris…

I honestly feel sorry for him when I see him like this. The interviewer is a prick. And I hate to see it now the media, who are the worst people, has suddenly decided to hang their golden boy out to dry out of pure self preservation. If Starmer was still man of the hour this little twerp would be tongueing his hole. Coward.

I don’t think Starmers a bad guy, just long overpromoted and happy to accept duff advice from some of the worst shysters in politics.

Ouch. That's awful.

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Meanwhile more issues cropping up for the country:

BP closes some sites due to lorry driver shortage https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58645712

Ministers prepare for worst in gas price crisis https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58668594

We are heading for a very hard winter under the Tories, imagine the furore if this was under a Labour government. 

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10 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

Meanwhile more issues cropping up for the country:

BP closes some sites due to lorry driver shortage https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58645712

Ministers prepare for worst in gas price crisis https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58668594

We are heading for a very hard winter under the Tories, imagine the furore if this was under a Labour government. 

I can well remember the Winter of Discontent under Jim Callaghan's Labour government. We've a long way to go before reaching that level of chaos. Really.

Fuel prices can only go up as far as the fuel cap (which is why some energy suppliers are going bust). This would have happened regardless of the current supply problems and can't go up again until the Spring when things might be very different.

The lorry drivers shortage is partly due to Brexit and also to the pandemic. Hopefully that will ease as more drivers come on stream.


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6 hours ago, Ommadawn said:

I can well remember the Winter of Discontent under Jim Callaghan's Labour government. We've a long way to go before reaching that level of chaos. Really.

Fuel prices can only go up as far as the fuel cap (which is why some energy suppliers are going bust). This would have happened regardless of the current supply problems and can't go up again until the Spring when things might be very different.

The lorry drivers shortage is partly due to Brexit and also to the pandemic. Hopefully that will ease as more drivers come on stream.


There’s plenty of reasons why energy companies are going bust, I have a detailed email from one of them explaining why. The government were also warned this would happen by Ofgem in March 2020 and did nothing; a bit like with the pandemic. This Conservative government are complicit in many high profile failures and crises yet people seem happier dumping on Labour leaders who genuinely want to improve things for people.

It’s also funny how we don’t hear about empty food shelves, fuel shortages and higher energy prices like ours in other countries considering we’ve all faced a pandemic…

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7 hours ago, Ommadawn said:

I can well remember the Winter of Discontent under Jim Callaghan's Labour government. We've a long way to go before reaching that level of chaos. Really.

Fuel prices can only go up as far as the fuel cap (which is why some energy suppliers are going bust). This would have happened regardless of the current supply problems and can't go up again until the Spring when things might be very different.

The lorry drivers shortage is partly due to Brexit and also to the pandemic. Hopefully that will ease as more drivers come on stream.


Yeah, well a lot of people can't remember 78/79 and will just see higher prices and their UC cut if they receive it, and for them it could be a hard few months.

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2 hours ago, steviewevie said:

hope starmer has a better idea of what democracy is than the SNP did when they reckoned they could vote themselves usage rights over the soverreign currency of another sovereign country.

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The driver shortage is definitely real and not some story aimed at getting clicks. 

At my work we’ve had some new machines delivered from Germany. Both arrived at Southampton over a week ago. Both supposed to be delivered on the same day last week. 1 made it about 10 hours later than planned. The other one is still sat on the docks. Had 3 missed delivery days now. Each day missed involved a team of people and a huge forklift left sat waiting for 8 hours. If it doesn’t arrive in the next week then the companies we supply won’t get their components on time as we will be behind on production so the end customers will be facing even longer delays on the goods they’ve purchased. 

1 missing driver is potentially halting production for a lot of factories. 

The same scenario will be happening in all industries. If you’ve got anything on order don’t expect it to be anywhere near being on time. 

Edited by squirrelarmy
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