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double-dose pills.


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11 minutes ago, lukemack said:

+1 for caps wouldn't do 250mg in one though, they tend to have a much stronger effect than pills

Suppose it really depends on strength, testing it and knowning how strong it is helps, I don't personally do this but a friend does so it helps, I'd be fine with .3 but it definitely depends on tolerance levels too 


Id be very careful buying what was being sold as MDMA crystals/powder at a festival, check for it either being obviously crystallised in look or a brown colour to it, I mean I wouldn't advise buying anything st a festival, but watch out for that if you're going to 

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5 minutes ago, Mezhyp1 said:

Suppose it really depends on strength, testing it and knowning how strong it is helps, I don't personally do this but a friend does so it helps, I'd be fine with .3 but it definitely depends on tolerance levels too 


Id be very careful buying what was being sold as MDMA crystals/powder at a festival, check for it either being obviously crystallised in look or a brown colour to it, I mean I wouldn't advise buying anything st a festival, but watch out for that if you're going to 

Are they bad or good?  I did a cursory google around yesterday and colour didn't seem to really mean anything either way.

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6 minutes ago, stuartbert two hats said:

Are they bad or good?  I did a cursory google around yesterday and colour didn't seem to really mean anything either way.

Good, as far as I'm aware the slight brown colour just means it's stronger/purer. I wouldn't be buying anything sold as Mandy that didn't have a crystal look or brownish colour to it 

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9 minutes ago, Mezhyp1 said:

Good, as far as I'm aware the slight brown colour just means it's stronger/purer. I wouldn't be buying anything sold as Mandy that didn't have a crystal look or brownish colour to it 

The thread I read said that being brown meant it was technically slightly less pure, but shouldn't make any appreciable difference, although some were saying it seemed to kick in more quickly.

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5 minutes ago, stuartbert two hats said:

The thread I read said that being brown meant it was technically slightly less pure, but shouldn't make any appreciable difference, although some were saying it seemed to kick in more quickly.

a rock of pure MDMA should look something like this, so a brown colouring is definitely a good thing (sometimes even a purple-ish colour)


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2 hours ago, FloorFiller said:

i usually split a gram in to about 4 bombs, but then i'm a frequent user. maybe go for 6 if you're more uncertain

This.  I usually break a gram into 8 or 10.  Take one, wait 30/45 mins, then another....  You can't untake it, but you can top up.  Though as I've got older, my mates aren't in the scene anymore so I can't get it anymore, and I'm never that keen to buy from a random up at the stone circle 

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12 hours ago, funkyuk said:

This.  I usually break a gram into 8 or 10.  Take one, wait 30/45 mins, then another....  You can't untake it, but you can top up.  Though as I've got older, my mates aren't in the scene anymore so I can't get it anymore, and I'm never that keen to buy from a random up at the stone circle 

Exactly my tactic. Split it into ten. See how you go after one bomb. I had half a green rolls Royce last year. It was the first time I'd taken pills in about five years and five years a go they used to be terrible quality. The half hit me like a tonne of bricks. Totally got caught out by how strong they are nowadays. 

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I'm glad I read this thread, I haven't had pills for about 7/8 years and I've bought some for Glastonbury and as someone mentioned previously I was one of those people who could have a handful in one night back then due to them being so weak. I had a break from anything for a few years and the last two years I've just had magic every other month or so, it's good but feel as though I've never had that proper twisted feeling that I used to get off pills. But as I said, glad I read this thread as I'll make sure I just take a 1/4 or 1/2 to begin with.

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6 hours ago, shai! said:

Anyone ever had any grief bringing in any of the supplements that Rollsafe suggests? I'm thinking of bringing a few things with me, but it seems like asking for trouble at the gates.

If they're going through your bag enough to find supplements then chances are that them finding just the supplements are the least of your worries 

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I'm sure you have already see Glasto's new warning about drugs on their main page. I don't indulge myself and the only word I've been able to recognise on this thread is 'spliff'!

 Fuck knows what the other stuff is that you're talking about! Anyway, see a reminder here about the new 'legal high' laws:



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2 hours ago, JanieM28 said:

I'm sure you have already see Glasto's new warning about drugs on their main page. I don't indulge myself and the only word I've been able to recognise on this thread is 'spliff'!

 Fuck knows what the other stuff is that you're talking about! Anyway, see a reminder here about the new 'legal high' laws:



I remember buying something called 'buzzy bees' off one of the dodgy legal high stalls, a fair few years ago after a recommendation from some fucked up bloke I met.

I was up for hours and hours and felt like I was the emperor of the universe on them, and was really rushing. To this day I don't know what was in them. Stupid behaviour looking back.

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Hi, i'm long time lurker and have been reading through this thread and wanted to dispel a few myths as people do seem to take them as gospel and they spread. Sorry for being 'that guy'

  • MDMA crystal/powder is more pure/less likely to contain other crap. As it currently stands the pill market is incredibly strong at the moment, there are not many around that are adulterated like the old days dealers have found ways to mimic MDMA crystals by cooking up god knows what into off white/light brown crystals. Crystal is NOT a guarantee of quality.
  • Pills contain a lot of rubbish. See above, perhaps at certain times in the past this was the case, at the moment there are incredibly strong and pure pills around (the vast majority).
  • MDMA crystal > 84% > pills. The crystal used to make pills is exactly the same as you buy as a bag of crystals. This derives from pure MDMA freebase which is a highly caustic colourless oil, you would not want to ingest this stuff. It is reacted with hydrochloric acid to form the hydrochloride salt; MDMA.hcl which is where the 84% comes from, 16% of the weight being HCL. 
  • Smacky/mongy pills/MDMA. There is still a bit of raging debate about this one, some think MDMA=MDMA=MDMA. However, MDMA has a central chiral carbon atom within the molecular struture which means it exists in 2 forms; R-MDMA and S-MDMA which are seteroisomers (mirror images of each other), another example of this would be dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine. Sometime in the past chemists switched precursors for the manufacture of MDMA which it is thought means that while previously it made a racemic mixture of MDMA (50% S-MDMA and 50% R-MDMA) the end product now contains a diferent proportion of each which can effect the pharmacological profile as each isomer has a different effect or 'high'.
  • Anything above 125mg is dangerous. There is no concrete figure for humans but it is thought the LD50 for MDMA is around 15mg/kg. This means that for a 70kg (11 stone) sample of people, if they all take 1050mg of MDMA in one go, 50% of them will die. MDMA has an incredible safety profile for an illicit substance, even taking into account most deaths are attributed to it when it turns out it was a substance mis-sold as MDMA. Thats not to say you should not be cautious with your doses, as a few people have said in this thread, you can always take more if you need to. 



The main thing people run into trouble with is adulterated product, not drinking enough water (or too much) and getting too hot. Drink some water and if you are in a hot tent make sure you go outside to cool of a bit every now and again.

Checking pillreports or buying from a trusted source is good start but pills do get faked if a press is good and everyone is asking for it. Buying a test kit is the only way you can you can have a good chance of knowing what is in your stuff, I say good chance because it has been known for unscrupulous people to put trace amounts of MDMA in their product to fool the test kits. 

Most importantly enjoy yourselves and look after each other :D


See you at the festival!

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2 hours ago, FuzzyDunlop said:

It does work both ways, but Ive road tested a few of the pills tonight before the festival... pleased to say, they meet the required standard.

Liverpool should have road tested Benteke. 

This is also not a bad idea, admittedly it's probably too late for a test run if it hasn't already taken place, but if it's something new to you, it could be an idea to try it before going head first into a festival environment. Our test run has taken place, it's going to be a fucking good one. 

Enjoy and stay safe everyone 

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3 hours ago, concerned said:

Hi, i'm long time lurker and have been reading through this thread and wanted to dispel a few myths as people do seem to take them as gospel and they spread. Sorry for being 'that guy'

  • MDMA crystal/powder is more pure/less likely to contain other crap. As it currently stands the pill market is incredibly strong at the moment, there are not many around that are adulterated like the old days dealers have found ways to mimic MDMA crystals by cooking up god knows what into off white/light brown crystals. Crystal is NOT a guarantee of quality.
  • Pills contain a lot of rubbish. See above, perhaps at certain times in the past this was the case, at the moment there are incredibly strong and pure pills around (the vast majority).
  • MDMA crystal > 84% > pills. The crystal used to make pills is exactly the same as you buy as a bag of crystals. This derives from pure MDMA freebase which is a highly caustic colourless oil, you would not want to ingest this stuff. It is reacted with hydrochloric acid to form the hydrochloride salt; MDMA.hcl which is where the 84% comes from, 16% of the weight being HCL. 
  • Smacky/mongy pills/MDMA. There is still a bit of raging debate about this one, some think MDMA=MDMA=MDMA. However, MDMA has a central chiral carbon atom within the molecular struture which means it exists in 2 forms; R-MDMA and S-MDMA which are seteroisomers (mirror images of each other), another example of this would be dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine. Sometime in the past chemists switched precursors for the manufacture of MDMA which it is thought means that while previously it made a racemic mixture of MDMA (50% S-MDMA and 50% R-MDMA) the end product now contains a diferent proportion of each which can effect the pharmacological profile as each isomer has a different effect or 'high'.
  • Anything above 125mg is dangerous. There is no concrete figure for humans but it is thought the LD50 for MDMA is around 15mg/kg. This means that for a 70kg (11 stone) sample of people, if they all take 1050mg of MDMA in one go, 50% of them will die. MDMA has an incredible safety profile for an illicit substance, even taking into account most deaths are attributed to it when it turns out it was a substance mis-sold as MDMA. Thats not to say you should not be cautious with your doses, as a few people have said in this thread, you can always take more if you need to. 



The main thing people run into trouble with is adulterated product, not drinking enough water (or too much) and getting too hot. Drink some water and if you are in a hot tent make sure you go outside to cool of a bit every now and again.

Checking pillreports or buying from a trusted source is good start but pills do get faked if a press is good and everyone is asking for it. Buying a test kit is the only way you can you can have a good chance of knowing what is in your stuff, I say good chance because it has been known for unscrupulous people to put trace amounts of MDMA in their product to fool the test kits. 

Most importantly enjoy yourselves and look after each other :D


See you at the festival!

You're not a former schoolteacher with a terminal illness, are you?

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5 hours ago, concerned said:

Hi, i'm long time lurker and have been reading through this thread and wanted to dispel a few myths as people do seem to take them as gospel and they spread. Sorry for being 'that guy'

  • MDMA crystal/powder is more pure/less likely to contain other crap. As it currently stands the pill market is incredibly strong at the moment, there are not many around that are adulterated like the old days dealers have found ways to mimic MDMA crystals by cooking up god knows what into off white/light brown crystals. Crystal is NOT a guarantee of quality.
  • Pills contain a lot of rubbish. See above, perhaps at certain times in the past this was the case, at the moment there are incredibly strong and pure pills around (the vast majority).
  • MDMA crystal > 84% > pills. The crystal used to make pills is exactly the same as you buy as a bag of crystals. This derives from pure MDMA freebase which is a highly caustic colourless oil, you would not want to ingest this stuff. It is reacted with hydrochloric acid to form the hydrochloride salt; MDMA.hcl which is where the 84% comes from, 16% of the weight being HCL. 
  • Smacky/mongy pills/MDMA. There is still a bit of raging debate about this one, some think MDMA=MDMA=MDMA. However, MDMA has a central chiral carbon atom within the molecular struture which means it exists in 2 forms; R-MDMA and S-MDMA which are seteroisomers (mirror images of each other), another example of this would be dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine. Sometime in the past chemists switched precursors for the manufacture of MDMA which it is thought means that while previously it made a racemic mixture of MDMA (50% S-MDMA and 50% R-MDMA) the end product now contains a diferent proportion of each which can effect the pharmacological profile as each isomer has a different effect or 'high'.
  • Anything above 125mg is dangerous. There is no concrete figure for humans but it is thought the LD50 for MDMA is around 15mg/kg. This means that for a 70kg (11 stone) sample of people, if they all take 1050mg of MDMA in one go, 50% of them will die. MDMA has an incredible safety profile for an illicit substance, even taking into account most deaths are attributed to it when it turns out it was a substance mis-sold as MDMA. Thats not to say you should not be cautious with your doses, as a few people have said in this thread, you can always take more if you need to. 



The main thing people run into trouble with is adulterated product, not drinking enough water (or too much) and getting too hot. Drink some water and if you are in a hot tent make sure you go outside to cool of a bit every now and again.

Checking pillreports or buying from a trusted source is good start but pills do get faked if a press is good and everyone is asking for it. Buying a test kit is the only way you can you can have a good chance of knowing what is in your stuff, I say good chance because it has been known for unscrupulous people to put trace amounts of MDMA in their product to fool the test kits. 

Most importantly enjoy yourselves and look after each other :D


See you at the festival!

I've always wondered if the reason pills these days seem different to those of old was the change of safrole as a precursor to newer synthetic ones or was just down to me getting old. 


the piprazine period was awful though. Only have them at festivals and the rare night out but wouldn't go near those things so knocked them on the head totally for years

Edited by Sack truck
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On 16 June 2016 at 3:42 PM, Mezhyp1 said:

Good, as far as I'm aware the slight brown colour just means it's stronger/purer. I wouldn't be buying anything sold as Mandy that didn't have a crystal look or brownish colour to it 

See I've always been informed by chemist friends than a substance is purer the whiter/more clear it is? The MD I get is white crystal and is more than good, on the other had I've also had brown MD which has also been fantastic.

I guess the train is that the only way to be sure is to use a reliable source.

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