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My boyfriend cheated and we're meant to be going...should I still go alone?


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What is the outcome, are you still going along? I am in exactly the same predicament and can't decide.


I had resigned myself to not going but now really really tempted....


Definitely go! If you're still debating it at this stage it sounds like the only thing causing you doubt is nerves, which I also get the day before every year and I haven't regretted going once! :) 

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humph. True...


I have nothing sorted though, no travel, no tent, no sleeping bag. And noone to meet.


I don't know if it is best to go when not in a great place emotionally, might struggle


I'd be willing to bet that half the people on this forum (all about the stats today) are in a similar situation. 


You've got a day or two, plenty of time. And the stress of getting there will be more than worth the catharsis of being there. 


Edit: and you're wrong on that last point - you've got 150,000 people to meet. 

Edited by tiffpietiff
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humph. True...


I have nothing sorted though, no travel, no tent, no sleeping bag. And noone to meet.


I don't know if it is best to go when not in a great place emotionally, might struggle

You can buy everything you need on site. You just need a bag of clothes and sort out the travel. 

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humph. True...


I have nothing sorted though, no travel, no tent, no sleeping bag. And noone to meet.


I don't know if it is best to go when not in a great place emotionally, might struggle


Personally, I think you should go. You'll be in the best place in the world with amazing people. Emotionally, I couldn't think of a better place to get over someone (as bad as that sounds) and you'll have one of the best weekends of your life. There's a mass crowd of us going so more than welcome to join.

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humph. True...


I have nothing sorted though, no travel, no tent, no sleeping bag. And noone to meet.


I don't know if it is best to go when not in a great place emotionally, might struggle


First time for me on my own without my ex partner and I am very anxious but I know when I get there I will love it, worst that can happen I go home but I will have at least made the effort so there will be no regrets


If you watch it on tv over the weekend it will make you very sad !.  

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Quick trip to a decathlon or something similar tonight for the kit you need e.g. Tent. Crate of drinks. Chuck some clothes into a bag.

Then book a train ticket from the nearest train station to you to Castle Cary. And back. Shuttle bus to the site!

I'm going solo too and meeting up with a whole group of solo people, so message me and I'll send you my number. If you're arriving after I am (middayish, hopefully) give me a ring and I'll direct you into the camp. Instantly you'll make 60 new friends (we're a big group!) and have a fantastic time.


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I thought I'd add some encouragement. I split up with my boyfriend of over 6 years just before ticket day. I booked the tickets with an acquaintance on a bit of a whim whist in an emotional blur. 


I've fought with giving my ticket back loads of times. I'm going with one person I know and loads of people she met there last year. I had to work today so I'm getting the bus on my own and meeting them there. I barely know anyone, havent't camped since I did Duke of Edinburgh about 9 years ago. I

only bought my wellies yesterday...


I'm so anxious but I'm determined to enjoy it. My ex said I'd never cope at a festival thats why I never went before. Don't regret it, you can always leave early if its that bad..

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Thanks for the overwhelming response guys. I will message those that mentioned it with number :)


Where is camp solo?! 


IF I do go I don't think I can get there till Thursday. I would have to just buy a little pop up tent - will there be room to squeeze it in.


Love the Glasto community btw :) :) :)

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Yes, I am going! Come camp in Camp Solo with me!



Thanks for the overwhelming response guys. I will message those that mentioned it with number :)


Where is camp solo?! 


IF I do go I don't think I can get there till Thursday. I would have to just buy a little pop up tent - will there be room to squeeze it in.


Love the Glasto community btw :) :) :)


Any of your ex-boyfriends look like me by any chance?


If so, then take a chance on me. 


(Very sorry that I've quoted Abba)

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My friend was in a similar situation last year and had a ball - there are groups on facebook for solo travellers - we kept trying to meet up with her but she was too busy with her 'new mates' 


I think they meet at the Cider Bus on Thursday -


You only live once

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Hope you're going, there are lots of lovely people on here, even if you stay just a couple of days, at least you wont let HIM spoil it for you. good luck on you and i hope you have a great time.

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Thanks for the overwhelming response guys. I will message those that mentioned it with number :)

Where is camp solo?!

IF I do go I don't think I can get there till Thursday. I would have to just buy a little pop up tent - will there be room to squeeze it in.

Love the Glasto community btw :) :) :)

Im sure we're able to save a space for you in camp solo, there are even 1 or 2 that dont arrive until friday

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I'm (currently) not going for the first time in 6 years.

Don't spose you took your ex's ticket, as some kind of sweet revenge?

Here's hoping! :locomotive:

Oh and that he would look like me.

Ha, no. He did offer me his ticket but I said nah thanks you're alright.

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What is the outcome, are you still going along? I am in exactly the same predicament and can't decide.

I had resigned myself to not going but now really really tempted....

Go go go go and meet people at efests tom night. You'll have a blast. If you don't like it, you could leave early....

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Have you decided to go? We are doing a video about solo-goers and would like to get in touch with you. Could you email me? irenebaque {at} gmail.com



I've never done a festival before and my boyfriend has decided to cheat on me, so now I'm all alone with a ticket to Glasto. Should I still go? I'd like to meet new people but I'm quite shy!


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