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It wouldn't be resale day without a hangover, would it?

Guest angelin

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Every bloody time I say I'll get an early night and do it full awake. Then the nerves kick in and I open a Brothers. One thing leads to another..... Well, I've set my alarm for 8. I only need one of the blinking things. What time are you all getting up at? Will you be bright eyed and bushy tailed?

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Yeah, usually aim to be up pre-8am on sale day, just to be safe. That's if I don't wake up stupidly early and not go back sleep incase of over-sleeping. In the past I have found myself clock-watching at 6am & making a coffee every 5 minutes!

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I'm trying for somebody else too and I'm every bit as jittery as I would be if I were trying for myself. I've already set the alarm to go off at 7.30, knowing that it'll take me 45 minutes to wake up properly. I've also arranged to have someone phone me at 8.15 in case I get my normal morning grumpy on. I've checked and re-checked and then re-checked again all the information I'll need. I've got my kitchen set up so that I can reach the kettle, coffee, milk and biscuits and still press F5 as often as possible. The See phone number has been added to my favourites on my phone and what I hope is the relevant page has been set as my home page on my laptop.

I know it's nerve-wracking (is that how you spell it?) but it is also really, really exciting.

Good luck to everyone who is trying tomorrow.

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I'd like to take this moment to make sure the ticket gods know I didn't deserve tickets in the main sale* but I have learnt my lesson and am very fearful of you. I will put T-Day above all from now on.

*I stayed out and tried to buy my ticket from the bed of a one night stand...

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Alarm set for 8.15, good luck everyone, I'm trying for friends as already have my ticket, still causing palpitations.

It'll be brew, fag, another fag, bit of pacing, constant watch checking, fire up the devices, check watch, check out efests and twitter, another fag then settle down and take a deep breath

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I absolutely hate and absolutely love tickets days. They're horrible but they are exciting at the same time, which is one of the reasons I always get up on the resales to help anyone who needs a ticket. I'll be trying tomorrow and I'll just post somewhere if I get through, to see if I can help someone.

We had to get them in the resale last year and it was horrible, really horrible. Knowing that there were so few tickets made it that extra bit more horrible, but we were thankfully lucky in the end. I've had people offer me help in the past as well, and I want to return that favour to whoever needs it. It's nice to know that there's other people looking out for you and vice versa on ticket day.

I'm also going to use the resale to try out different browsers etc to see if any work better. Just for my own future reference really.

So good luck everyone, see you at 9am :)

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