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A third way

Guest Glastonvirgin

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if anything you've got a stronger reason not to go for tickets, you are a working part of the festival, that keeps it going and being as superb as it is, whilst being lucky enough to see a side that few people get to see and experience.

Take it as it has been give and experience this, new side, you never know you may love it, then next year try another way, see as many different sides as possible,

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Working a fest is definitely a different experience! I worked Latitude this year and it was the most sober I've ever been at a festival, the flip side is that I remember much more of it, met some new mates, had a great laugh working the bars, got a couple of free drinks a day, couple of free meals a day, crew camping (space, and no one being sick over / falling on / stealing from / burning down my tent), not to mention the hot showers and decent toilets.

I'd definitely work again, already down to work Latitude, and if I don't get tickets on Sunday will hopefully go to work at Glasto instead.

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Exaclty mate, if someone from Glasto gave me a bell, pointed me to my nearest soup kitchen or whatever I'd go and do 20/30 hours. Plus it fits in exactly with the spirit of Glasto, at the minute it seems to boil down to if you are good at computers or being just lucky then you'll get through.

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IF i don't get a ticket on Sunday I will still be able to get a ticket somehow. Although I don't live local enough to be in the proper local ticket catchment (just outside unforunately) i have friends and relatives who do so i'd be able to re-register at their addresses and go through that process.

I also know many people who have gone to the festival ticketless.

Where there is a will there is a way :)

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Thing is, and i hate to say it, but i think i feel like i have done loads of work for a ticket by going on this forum all the time, but the fact is, someone who has never even heard of efestivals before could come along on ticket day, press refresh and have as much chance as i do at getting one.

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It's not a bad idea really. It entirely depends on what sort of system you want. Either an entirely fair system, or a biased one.

If the coach sale is any indication, it looks like this year will be the first entirely 'fair' sale, as the old 'book your own tickets then help mates get theirs as you're still logged in' loophole seems to have vanished. I'd imagine there will be a lot fewer larger groups next year. With that, assuming no technical cock-up/back-door, we'll have a fair system.

Some people are fine with that, other people prefer a system that rewards effort. You can often see those people expressing sentiments along the lines of:

1) I preferred it when it took 8 hours to sell out because then at least people who were less bothered about going would quit after an hour and;

2) They should go back to selling them at HMV and let people queue overnight if they really want first-dibs on tickets.

Both of those ideas are about reward effort - biasing the system so that those who try harder are more likely to get in. And I do think that if you like that sort of system in principle, it better that effort be directed towards charities rather than queuing or pressing F5.

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