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I was thinking £200. Taking cider and spirits with me and few snacky things. I don't need loads to get me drunk so won't be spending loads on alcohol, and will probably buy a few souvenir things (clothes or bags usually).

I wasn't working last time I went to a festival so had to scrimp, don't wanna be doing that this time. Wanna enjoy myself without worrying about money too much. Will have money in my bank as a back up just incase.

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I couldnt think of anything worse than having to sit by my tent and cook food whilst the festival goes on. The variety of food at Glasto is immense, from Jamaican Jerk chicken, Cornish Pies, Crepes and Nachos etc to snack on. Youre missing out there Paul, leave the stove at home and enjoy Glasto to the max!

Look at it like this: Its only money and Glasto is only 20 days every 5 years , assuming you get a ticket! Make the most of it!

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I couldnt think of anything worse than having to sit by my tent and cook rubbish food whilst the festival goes on. The variety of food at Glasto is immense, from Jamaican Jerk chicken, Cornish Pies, Crepes and Nachos etc to snack on. Youre missing out there Paul, leave the stove at home and enjoy Glasto to the max!

Look at it like this: Its only money and Glasto is only 20 days every 5 years , assuming you get a ticket! Make the most of it!

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It really just depends on your own personal budget. The days when you could survive the festival on £20 or £30 are sadly gone (the days of £1 tofu burgers and 50p chillums!). But you could still have a lively, fun festival on £100 (or even slightly less) if you are frugal.

Money saving vibes are: Bring your own booze (obv.). Cheap spirits are a winner. But you will lust after a cold pint (or equivalent) at some point over the festival, especially if when it's hot.

Cook some of your own food. This is a bit of a hassle. It's not just the cooking - it's the washing up in a situation where the toilet facilities are the only place with access to water. I dislike doing it like that. You could store some water near your tent and bring a small washing bowl, etc. but you can see how all of this adds up to hassle, just to save a few quid? Not worth it unless you really have to. Having said that, I've rustled up some fab meals on a gas cooker at Glasto, so - do whatever you have to do.

Krishna food - I really like it, and go whether I need to or not (and donate accordingly). But seriously - if you're on a low budget it's a godsend (literally, eh? ;-)). For those who don't know - you can get free, tasty (not to everyone's taste apparently), food at the Hare Krishna tent. And there's not that much brainwashing involved. And it's free.

Green fields eateries. Generally very high quality cafe and hippy food, at much lower prices than the rest of the festival. You can find meals there for a fiver if you hunt around (perhaps cheaper), and snacks to tide you over for £2 or so.

But if you have got some money - it's well worth budgeting a fair whack for enjoying yourself at the festival. There are a multitude of great food places on site, so you can eat like a king or queen for around 7-8 pounds per meal. Add in a bit for snacks and soft drinks.

Then there's alcahol:

Even if you've got loads of money, it makes no sense at all not to bring some booze with you. You get so much better value for money at an offy or supermarket, and I just can't imagine anyone going to Glasto and relying soley on the bars.

Having said that - even if you're skint, you should try to budget for a few bar trips. The power of an ice cold drink cannot be underestimated, plus your mood will draw you to something (Brothers? an ale? a cocktail?). Plus you will get a bit bored of whatever special offer bulk purchase you made. It took me a few years to drink Vimto again after taking a ton of rum and vimto to Glast one year!

Then there's crafts activities, and t-shirts to buy and stuff - not what I usually indulge in, but I can see the appeal.

I've done skint Glastos in the past, and feel like treating myself this year, so I'll be budgeting around £300 or so. But I would be comfortable taking just over half of that.

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Agree on the cooking lark, im sticking to pot snacks this year, so the only washing up involved is a fork! and as said on here, breakfast time is the busiest time to buy food, so thats when i tent to use the camping stove, then its usually some cerial bars/crisps during the day and a big meal brought on site at dinnertime

As for bringing alcohol i think i would still bring at least some even if i was a lottery winner, its handy to have a few cans in a rucksack so if you fancy a drink while in a crowd/nowhere near a bar you can. Also harder to spill a can than it is a paper cup

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Took about 200 quid on 2011 so will be about the same again. Will bring a few crates, breakfast bars and some lucozade and mountain dew for helping recover in the mornings.

Also a tip if you see any festival t shirts you like you can just order them online when you get home.

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Like quite a few people, we tend to take £200 each, sometimes that does us, sometimes we end up getting more out. Normally buy a few souvenirs 5-6 pints each a day but otherwise it all goes on food! I tend to eat my way round Glastonbury...what we end up doing each day is often influenced by where I want to eat!

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I try to do it on £50 a day, Two meals a day and maybe something for drunken munchies :) Definatley buying my festie hat and additions if needed. I might by a t-shirt, did so in 2009 after seeing the Mummers, i've still got it. I usually take a bottle of Rum and One of Vodka, i will buy mixers on site this year. We always share the beer and but about 4 or 5 crates amongst 5 of us. In 2010 we left two crates behind,it was to hot to drink warm beer! We do tend to buy beer on site and i like to buy one cold one and top it up with cans as i walk along. The old bladder might not be up to over doing the lager this year especially whilst in the middle of a gig so i will most likely take more spirits this year.

Reckon i need at least £ 300 - 350

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Take £300 to start and see how you get on, depending on how much ale you are prepared to carry round. Dont bother cooking any food at your tent, its a waste of valuable Glasto time and theres loads of great food stalls all round the site - the food on offer is one of the best parts of Glasto and I'm led to believe its gonna be even better this year with an area for local produce / real ales etc.

And then have another £200 minimum in your bank to fall back on if you loose your money or go wild and spunk all your cash in Shangri La on the first night ;)

Treat it like a holiday, youve worked hard all year and looked forward to this for months, dont me a minge like some of these trying to do it on £150 all in.

Edited by AiiShotTheDJ
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Will dependent on how much I get out of my savings tin, put aside all my £2 coins and then added a tenner each payday which should hopefully give me in the region of £200-£250 which is enough for me to enjoy myself and not feel like I'm going without. Get paid while I'm there though so can get some more money if I get desperate.

Does anyone know if the official merchadise stands accept bank cards? Don't usually bother buying stuff like that but may treat myself this year. Although last year they sold a load of tshirts off really cheaply through their website after the festival so I bought from there.

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