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Happy Tears


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I just mentioned in another thread that I'd barely put my tent up one year before I burst into tears!

Another time in 2010, a very dapper guy was "busking" by one of the walkways and started singing Fly Me To The Moon. A couple in their 70s started to waltz - and were completely oblivious to everything apart from each other. I was furiously rubbing away tears and telling myself to get a grip:)

What else has turned people into blubbering wrecks??

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I went to the farm 4 weeks ago, just before my father passed away, and was blubbering under the shell of the pyramid stage knowing the next time i will be here, he will be with me in spirit listening to the stones, his favourite band.

Edited by matthewsdad1968
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During Blur in 09 - when the crowd were singing tender was stood with a big smile on mouth until the singing got to where we were - tried to sing and just burst in to tears. Cried all the way back to the tent and then everytime it was mentioned on the radio on the monday burst into tears - not so good in the fast lane of the M6!

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I cried at Blur too :)

And the following year at I Am Kloot - my mate said "God, what's up with you NOW?!"

To be fair, I was recovering from a particularly nasty divorce and was probably one step away from a complete nervous breakdown back then. I'm fine now, but bet I'm still in bits at least once this year!

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My first year was 2009 and i went along on the sunny afternoon on my own away from the people i went with and saw the Mummers in the Avalon tent, they sang a song called " this must be heaven" and it dawned on me that i had had the best 5 days in my life, i guess it was a letting loose of all my pent up emotion over the few years before that and that song that i just started crying, though happy tears.

My Mother passed away on the first of this month and i might not have greived much so far, i am guessing that at some point during the festival i might just let loose, listening to Bobby Womack at the moment , that might just do it for me i think.

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I cried my eyes out during Leonard Cohen in 2008. It was my first time, I was tired, emotional and exhausted and it was just beautiful.

Pretty sure I cried at Blur too. I was bawling at their last Hyde Park gig!

I've had a couple of bereavements since the last festival and have definitely been more emotional since then so could see myself having a bit of a 'moment' in 2013.

It's good for you though. What a great cathartic thread.

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In 2011 I went to meet my mates at the Cider Bus on the Friday at about 12. On the walk in I came in from the right hand side of the Pyramid, right thru the crowd as the first act of the weekend was playing (some African ensemble). I got to the other side of the Pyramid just before the bus and turned round to take it all in. After years of watching on the TV it was a real 'I'm actually here' moment. Being in front of that iconic stage with that strangely enchanting music, Just got me.

Glastonbury gets to you in a way no other festival can. Don't think anyone can fully grasp it until they've been.

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Has to be the Verve, The drugs dont work, I was a snivelling snotty wreck, bawling like a small child holding the hand of a policeman who was trying to comfort me to no avail. He turned to his police partner and said "The drugs have worked for this one"

I didn't just cry, I howled

The other one was Ray Davies in the Acoustic tent when he sang Days, it was played at my mates funeral so all the emotions came flooding back

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I had flood of tears as pulp came on to 'do you remember the first time'. I like pulp but I'm not even a huge fan but i think it was the effect of the night before, just getting very merry that evening, the sun finally coming out and then watching glastonbury legends.

I later cried at home whilst watching elbow 'one day like this' on tv when i got back. That was very much the effects of the previous few days catching up with me...

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At Glastonbury Brian Wilson singing 'God Only Knows'. I rang Mrs Grumpyhack who was at home (she doesn't do festivals) and blubbed. Also watching Joan Baez sing 'There But For Fortune' in the Acoustic had me in tears.

A big guy next to me put a comforting arm round my shoulder and asked: "Are you alright mate?" and I replied. "Yes, it's beautiful."

I'd been in love with Joan Baez since I was 17 and at the time the song had particular resonance for me because I was working on a project with recovering heroin addicts.

Away from Glastonbury several other songs can trigger tears, particularly "Teach Your Children" by Crosby, Stills and Nash. It was played at the funeral of a close friend who, when he knew he was dying of cancer, chose all the songs he wanted and asked me to compile a CD to be played at his farewell.

Edited by grumpyhack
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