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Guest Mr Andre

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Morning campers. Just been and checked the latest chart and my extensive range of real time sensors and the following applies for Pilton for the period 07z to 08z 22 Jun 13.

1. The chart shows that the dog hasn't had his pill yet.

2. The rock on the string is wet and moving slightly leading to the conclusion it has rained and there is a bit of wind.

3. The guys on Worthy Lane security point say that it rained quite heavily for a couple of hours off and on.

4. They slightly wierd guy on VG1 is still wearing his dust mask.

5. The top of the dog is dry, conclusion is that it has stopped raining.

6. The dogs feet are wet and not muddy, conclusion is that it is still hard underfoot.

7. The sky is grey with blue bits and there is some evidence of a big hot yellow thing overhead necessitating thr use of eye protection.

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Hee hee, it can be- its when it gets to that point where all the shade is disappearing, and you come across people in random places clinging on to a rare patch of it. I usually pop to one of the big tents in the circus field, or the acoustic tent, or the dance village if its getting a bit much. Or you can sometimes get a bit of shade by the mixing desk thingy at the main stages.

Still, infinitely better than trying to find shelter from the rain... Plus I like that second wind of energy you get once the sun sets and the heat goes.

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I'd love to be able to link to the appropriate clip from Black Books of Manny freaking out about the temperature hitting 31c (but I can't as they are blocked by C4 in Ireland) because that is basically what I'm going to be like. Going to pick up a spritzer from Boots and maybe some sort of fan. Damn you NFR NFC monsters!

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I'd love to be able to link to the appropriate clip from Black Books of Manny freaking out about the temperature hitting 31c (but I can't as they are blocked by C4 in Ireland) because that is basically what I'm going to be like. Going to pick up a spritzer from Boots and maybe some sort of fan. Damn you NFR NFC

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