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Assuming, The Arctics and The Stones are correct....who's the last headliner then?

Guest Justiceforcedave

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Another reason Radiohead could be more likely than people give it credit for, is that they'd probably do it for very little and at short notice given the relationship between the festival and them. It means that if Rolling Stones are ridiculously expensive and/ or drop out for financial reasons Radiohead can step in.

Radiohead and Arctic Monkeys both being cheap would mean a higher offer for the Stones. Jay Z and Kanye however would both be very expensive given how... financially motivated they are shall we say.

Mumfords would be relatively cheap obviously but strange booking for closing the festival, and boring as hell.

Fleetwood Mac would again be expensive given the reunion and all, and Lady Gaga, I'm not sure, I can't comment but I'm guessing they're going to be high on the wish list and high on the price.

I think it all depends on the Stones and how much they want and how secure their booking is. But for me it's between Gaga and Radiohead.

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Thom and Jonny gave a one-off special performance in 2010, and the full band in 2011. I don't see that happening three years in a row. Atoms for Peace or nothing, and Nigel says they won't be at Glasto.

Which festival will get Atoms for Peace? I imagine someone will sign them as an exclusive to headline or sub.

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unfortunatly it will not be Radiohead. I saw them in the Park ( 2011 ) and they were great but it was a new album promo, try out performance for future gigs. I really want to see a 2005 performance on the Pyramid or simialr to the Reading performance but fear as i missed that will not see it at Glasto again. I suspect it will indeed be a pop act to satisfy the locals, i wouldn't put it pass them giving it to Fleetwood Mac either.

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Thom and Jonny gave a one-off special performance in 2010, and the full band in 2011. I don't see that happening three years in a row. Atoms for Peace or nothing, and Nigel says they won't be at Glasto.

Which festival will get Atoms for Peace? I imagine someone will sign them as an exclusive to headline or sub.

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Watch The Throne wouldn't be expensive.

He did Hackney this year for relatively little (okay, he got radio exposure but Glasto obviously offers that with the TV) and even got Kanye over/stuck around an extra day to appear with Rihanna.

I reckon they'd be alot cheaper than Gaga anyway.

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I think in this day and age, it will probably be One Direction or Justin Bieber!

Would love Fleetwood Mac but realistically cant see it happening, cant see it being Radiohead again

If i had to bet it would be Gaga, its an expensive but logical choice for those who like pop music, since the other two are rock bands

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