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Robert Plant new rumour

Guest neil_hill_1

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should be interesting to see how it pans out because Plant w/ his own band, Strange Sensation or whomever it is, would be a very, very different show than Plant and Krauss. different energy level completely. as different as Muse and Beth Orton for example (i use them as example because i'm hoping they're both due for a return appearance in '10)

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who said it does? it even says rumour in the title.

but when plant is cryptic over who he will be prrforming with then that gives people a reasonable excuse to then bring led zep into the equasion, why be cryptic over performing with Alison Krauss or his own Band?

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If John Bonham did play the drums for them again, it would be the best gig ever, although if they can get Bonham, why not go the whole hog and have a super group of John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley and Freddie Mercury.

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I'd never seen him till about 5 years ago when he played a tsunami benefit with Massive & Portishead (and Damon Albran), and didn't think he'd be all that - how wrong was I!!

He has one of the greatest voices ever, not really from his singing tone but from his timing. Mindblowing is an understatement!

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Is this a coincidence or do you think that this is LED ZEPPELIN's chance to tie in a '40th' anniversary

gig Led Zep 2 issue plus...

if they do it will be also be 40 years to the day (almost).... from this appearance;-

Shepton Mallet, UK

Bath Festival - West Showground

June 28, 1970


Now Plant (rather than Eavis) has dropped some hints then it may be tease out some interest and keep the suspense ... He's great at that sort of thing

This could be the strongest chance we have for a proper reformation..

However it could be a case of 'here we go again'

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I think theres definitely a possibility, he was terribly cryptic about who he'd be playing with. If it were anyone other than Zep, why would they be having discussions with him at this stage? Made it sound like they'd been happening for a bit.

If Zeppelin played it would be such a coup.

I dont know though, maybe I'm just hoping. It'd be far better than a Pulp re-union anyway.

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Indeed. Ive been waiting for a full on Led Zep re-union for more than twenty years now. In that time I've read reams of rumours, stories, claims and "word on the street" type reports. I personally won't believe it's happening until I'm standing in the middle of the Pyramid field and they have just played Rock N Roll and are starting up Black Dog. I'm very specific about this because I once had a dream that they played Rock N Roll and I was standing in the middle of the Pyramid field, and they finished it, and then Percy said "Na, just kidding" before they all trooped off stage.
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Nah, can't see any chance in it being LZ. I think it will be a Robert Plant and friends sort of set. I would like to be surprised, but I guess im just being realistic :D , which is unlike me!

Robert has to play in some sort of form though, he is an important part of the festivals history :D

Good news all round and if this is the sort of act Mr Eavis is looking to build upon for this special year then its going to be very special.

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considering Eavis started Glastonbury after seeing the mighty Zeppelin at Bath Festival (then held at the Shepton Mallet Showgrounds, where international Glastopeople now pick up their tickets) there is certainly a glimmer of hope.

Yes JPJ has loads of fun with the Vultures at the mo, and yes Jimmy is just Jimmy and doing f**k all (where's that new material you have been promising for the last few years), but I said even before I saw them at the O2 (they were mindblowing) that there are only 2-3 places Zep could ever consider for further reunion gigs and after Knebworth, Glasto would be in top spot....

Saying that, as any Zep-fan can testify rumours appear constantly and usually fail to deliver...Either way Percy on his own, with some mates, with Alison Krauss, with the Strange Sensations will always be an awesome gig. I saw him in all his incarnations and he might have lost the rawness from his early Zep-Days or the status as the Golden God of Rock, but he is still an outstanding vocalist with a musical repertoire that will blow people away....

On that note....yes please Mr. Eavis keep calling him until he is a definite....


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I'd love to see Robert Plant again. I saw him in 2000 when he was touring with a band under the Priory of Brion name. One of the best experiences of my life and on top of that got to meet the man himself after. A true gent who took time out to speak to the few of us that hung around after the set and sign some stuff. Amazing hearing him doing some of the great tunes from the '60s, including Love's A House Is Not A Motel and Bluebird by Buffalo Springfield.

If it's the Zeppelin I'll be the one in dreamland (pun intended) in the middle of the Pyramid field!

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I'd love to see Robert Plant again. I saw him in 2000 when he was touring with a band under the Priory of Brion name. One of the best experiences of my life and on top of that got to meet the man himself after. A true gent who took time out to speak to the few of us that hung around after the set and sign some stuff. Amazing hearing him doing some of the great tunes from the '60s, including Love's A House Is Not A Motel and Bluebird by Buffalo Springfield.

If it's the Zeppelin I'll be the one in dreamland (pun intended) in the middle of the Pyramid field!

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