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  1. Past hour
  2. Given the state of our country, he’s probably right here.
  3. I mean, treating it like it's still 1996 and we're smarting from that season is one way to go about. Although everyone wants to beat Manchester United tbf. We were good enough to win tonight but just couldn't. Crap shooting and 3 poorly defended goals will do that for ya. f**king annoying but that's football sometimes. Well, I suspect there'll be more final day twists and turns than the title race will provide.
  4. You must've made a good impression on that bartender 😜
  5. StuwieG

    The Park

    Is Tap House open on the Wed? This sounds right up my street. I’m guessing you’re from Liverpool? Sounds like Mojos
  6. Over BBC introducing way...and I was in there till 2 last year I think...
  7. Nah. You used to be able to come and go. Only way you got in in 20 mins was pushing or getting lucky...or more likely, you're full of shite, seeing you just said it's hard to go back in... So errr...you proved my point. Not bad, seeing as I put it across out of nothing.
  8. Eeeekk united and Newcastle fighting for the conference league. 😐
  9. LeFreak

    The Park

    Does the new area replacing the Rabbit Hole/Funkingham Palace seem like a bit of a downgrade? It seemed to always get a few good DJs I'd be into along the lines of Artwork, Greg Wilson, Manpower etc. Not even a name I'd recognise on the new area set to replace it. Maybe just going for something different.
  10. Gonna bring a load of Tailwind sachets for when I need a burst of non-alcoholic energy. Normally used on extremely long runs so I reckon they’ll be perfect!
  11. thanks pal it's frustrating but can't be helped!
  12. Embarrassingly, just one of those artists I've never really taken the time to get into, so they kind of passed me by. There are a few artists/bands in that inexplicable list for me 🫣. Ben
  13. I asked them via Instagram
  14. Assumed you'd be all in for LCD.
  15. Today
  16. Acid_Haze

    The Park

    I know PPC probably are, where have you seen about Problem Patterns?
  17. TV Coverage for both headline sets are an hour
  18. Flights? No, but Amyl & The Sniffers have a London show going on sale on Friday morning and I want to know if I can see them at Primavera without a clash before I book tickets.
  19. Yeah cider is really bad for me, only surpassed by a Welsh oggie, which is a death sentence.
  20. PPC & Problem Patterns are both definitely Sunday
  21. Neil

    UK Politics

    have you seen the spoofs of starmer welcoming rees-mogg to the labour party?
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