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Whats the best way to find out about the secret gigs?


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and even more of those types talk complete bollocks.

Hehe, this for sure. Every festival I have been to I think I've had a conversation with some chatty security guy/steward who has given me spurious information about supposed secret sets.

I think the days of the big acts doing TBA sets at the park are done now, victim of their own success.

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I thought Mumfords were curating something down Avalon - didn't some of them actually turn up?

Yes we saw some of them with Haim on the Saturday while waiting to go see Bad Shepherd

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But isn't the point of a secret gig, that they are secret and you stumble across them ?

I'd hate to be checking twitter all the time to see what I could see on the other side of the site--- good luck to those that stumble across those magical moments- thats what makes them special

Maybe I'm missing the point !

Totally agree with this, I cant be doing with 1) taking a smart phone with me or 2) Checking bloody twitter while at the best place on earth. its a shit dog, coz you do miss stuff, but yeah better to just stumble across something, or hear it around the site. One of the best I saw (bar Pulp) was The King Blues at Strummerville. That still stands as my most favourite Glastonbury moment.. awesome.

Edit: found a you tube video, badass

he shared some of the cider around at the end and a J, fucking great times man

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It does make me wonder how people used to find out. I remember going to see Ash's acoustic set in '99 and have no idea now how we knew it would be happening.

I certainly don't use a smartphone to find out about sets, the only recent one I went to was the Radiohead set in '11 and that was only on spec, not knowing who'd be playing and having a free hour conveniently.

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I normally take a cheap phone with no internet capabilities so no access to Twitter etc.

I did however set up Twitter to send me any tweets from the @secretglasto account via SMS so that I could keep up to date with any secret gigs around the site.

There were a couple of false leads if I remember correctly but it was still top notch so massive thanks to whoever was controlling it!

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Yeah, some people are making out that to use twitter you have to be glued to your iPhone in the Chill N Charge tent 24/7. That's not how it is, just have some alerts on your phone, check twitter to see if anyone knows anything when you wake up, get on with your day, change your plans if you get an alert of a band you like doing a secret set etc.

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Usually Twitter or by somebody texting me!

In 2011, my mum rang me on the Friday morning and said "the paper says Radiohead are playing a secret gig tonight. No idea who they are but I've heard you bang on about them" or something to that effect...

When Alex Turner turned up with Miles Kane in 2013 (not a secret gig but something I wouldn't want to miss) they tweeted a hint to it about an hour before he came on stage. I didn't see it but my friend at home sent me a text.

No idea how we knew it was The Kooks last year but it was pretty widely reported. It might've even been in the programme.

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I spotted one in the app as it was launched in 2013, skrillex was listed and then deleted from the app, it was a secret set in the end, i went to see him :)

That's a point actually, quite a lot of the TBAs, particularly the DJ ones, get updated on the app on the day

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Fair enough and we are all different which is great.

Maybe I'm old school - I want to live the festival, absorb every moment, and live for the moment. I plan very little, and if I miss something then hopefully I've been having a great time somewhere else and have made a shed load of memories doing whatever

Don;t get me wrong if I stumble across a secret set then thats an amazing feeling and I feel lucky to have been in that place at that time

Please don't live the festival through your phone, embrace it, feel it, live it, and etch it into your memory forever

I'm with you on this one, my life is ruled by time and technology, it's great to leave all that behind for a few days and live each moment as it comes along. The best bit is not worrying about what may or may not be happening elsewhere and just emersing yourself in what's happening here and now

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You can set up that account to just send you text messages whenever it tweets.

If it was MuppetMark, he was pretty good about not flooding the @SecretGlasto feed with endless nonsense.

I tried my best :) sadly for you guys I actually have a ticket this year so I can't run it. Closer to the time I'll hand over the account details to someone (I'll create a thread asking for a volunteer) because there's no point creating a new Twitter account every year for it.
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