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the " had i not been somewere else " thread

Guest ghandi

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Ok, so i'd gone into this year with acts in mind that i didn't want to miss and after the line up had been announced i changed that somewhat. After coming back and having a couple of weeks to listen to sets online on BBC webpage i have summerised the acts i missed out on good or bad that were from my original choices. I guess you might have done the same?

London Grammar : i watched Massive Attack

Now i don't think wild horses would have stopped me from seeing Massive Attack, given my history, but i had origonally stated how badly i wanted to see London grammar before Massive Attack had been announed, now after coming back and been at Massive Attack in what was a good gig, albiet overcrowded as would have been though in heinsite and after watching back London Grammar , i'd wish i'd opted for the later:

What a voice, haunting , i missed perhaps a MOMENT with "wasting our younger years", a pionient song for me :), i didn't think they'd handle a headline slot, how wrong was i! i saw an XXX flag in the crowd, excuse me how dare you take that to this, no they don't compare............... they have presence. As for the best cover thread , look no futher than Nightcall, magnificent.

Gutted now that they are only doing some fests and then off for Euro tour and then US until November.

Foster The People: I was watching ( or wanted to ) Vintage Trouble

Ok so i secummed to the dreaded lighting storm and i am gutted really. I wanted to see Vintage trouble, walked through the Glade where Dreadzone were playing, saw two tracks ( have always wanted to see Dreadzone play ) too get to see Vintage Trouble only for the storm to interupt, the rest is Glasto history. NOW i originally had Foster the people penned in, having watched it back online, i though it was a great set, sad i hear that they delayed things on the Other to get thier set in, why coudn't they do this elsewhere? i felt sorry for Vintage Trouble because of this. no getting way from it thought Foster the People put on a great set .

Rodrigo and Gabriella- must admit we were sort of bimbling after Blondie

Loved these, i made notes on the passion and how these were for the disearning music lovers, oh and how great Gabriella looked in her hot pants :)

Creep was a stand out though! only when you watch back do you realise how bloody good they are!

The Pixies - was watching Goldfrapp

Now the dreaded Saturday clash fest ! I had a few, Pixies and Anna Calvi being two , but i wasn't dissapointed with Goldfrapp, indeed one of the two best sets i'd seen all weekend.

Oh Kim where were you? Actually a really good set, and i would have been there but for me as great as they were forgive me for thinking there was something missing, i love Kim. I actually think the new girl gives Charles more impetus and vigor in his performance now kim is not there , BUT the absence of Gigantic and i Bleed from the set was criminal, and that's because Kim is not there. Props though i though it was really good!

The Horrors - i was seeing Public service Broadcating and Lee Thompson Orch

In Heindsite i might have legged it after seeing PSB to see these but coundn't be bothered , i'd seen the Horrors twice before, in 2009 at the Park and at the Alley palace. Wish i'd legged it over after PSB and then onto St Vincent ( where i ended up ).

I thought the crowd was in need of a cattle prod! Dead awful, Perhaps it was the wrong stage at the wrong time but it didn't come over IMO.

Why does the base guitarist remind me of Brian Jones? Maybe a drunken moment :)

Loved the cover of Frankie Knuckles " your Love ".

For me i reckon i got the best of them in 2009 doing the primary Colours set at the Park . Though i enjoyed the JP set as well.

They remnid me of OMD of the 20's

Anna Calvi - a casualty of the Saturday night clash fest

I saw her in 2011? in the JP, she was great then and she was even better here, pity about the small crowd and i reckon the booker got this wrong. Either later on another stage or earlier would have got here a bigger crowd, she was outnumbered by the choice over the site at the time.

Little Dragon - another victim of the dreaded Saturday clash.

I've seen these live in Islington early doors.they are great and i love Yukimi! Gutted again to miss them as i had too make choices and Alison Goldfrapp won my vote. They were great though and i fear i've missed the boat seeing them at Glasto, missed out last yeat too on West Holts!

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I missed vintage trouble too. Got there too late, field was empty and we huddled around a food stall. Shame that. They deserve a retry next year.

I missed Midlake because of the extra trudging in the mud, cut short paolo nutini, when I was told he played a blinder.

Edited by drewsstrat
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I missed loads on my little list, which is always subject to terms and conditions, However if I had a regret it would be missing Disclosure on the Sunday night. I was with my friend watching Kasabian her No terms and conditions cannot miss set.

Other than than no regrets... Even missing my cousins wedding on the Saturday hasn't entered the regrets list.....

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Ahh you can't have too many regrets though, it's just impossible to be everywhere at once and know who's going to be great and who's going to be so-so

I have to say London Grammar were amazing and their set reduced me to tears (end of the Festival tears!). I reckon Goldfrapp was probably a better choice than Little Dragon though but I don't really know them & their set was only short.

I wanted to see Dry the River & even though they played twice I never managed it, but I saw them last year and will be seeing them in October

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Loving the spelling of hindsight in the OP :) No tall regrets thus yeast music wise, though was in a knackered/dream like state for Warpaint so couldn't fully appreciate it.

Would have liked to have explored the SE corner a bit more but again tiredness won.

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Missed most of Arcade Fire, as I was dragged off to see Four Tet (Good), Arcadia (Brilliant) and Skrillex (Not for me), and when I eventually arrived at the Pyramid stage I presumed I'd missed Wake Up, so only heard it as I was walking off. Aaaargh!

Other than that pretty happy with seeing most of what I wanted to see.

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Not making Metallica pisses me off a little bit...am such a fool, should've put effort into getting to the Pyramid, but was smashed and I hate that stage, so no effort was put in, no regret though as if I had of gone, I wouldn't have had the great night I had with me best chum, we partied hard till nearly 9am and it was ace.

Also forgetting to watch Anti Flag - was too late for that and too early for Suzanne Vega - but did watch some great comedy in the Cabaret tent and it was ace just chilling in there with me pals.

Only saw 2 bands on the Friday - had planned on watching loads, but got stuck in the Theatre / circus and greenfields - it was one of my favourite festival days though, was having way too much fun, completely forgot to go and watch bands.

That's why I love Glastonbury - there's never a bad choice really

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Just to get things straight, the original post wasn't grumble that I'd missed stuff and that I was sad because the acts I saw across the three days were great! it was just a reflection on having watched those bands that I'd have chosen if I wasn't where I was.

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Missed Foster the people due to the rain.

Missed Ed Sheeran as i was asleep.

Missed Royal Blood as i was too comfy at the acoustic stage bar and id seen them support the Arctic Monkeys recently.

Think thats probably about it though!

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