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Tent thefts

Guest RoyC

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We were camped in Dairy, just next to South Park; security came around on Thursday morning and warned us that various people had a total of £1000 stolen. Really gutted for anyone who had something taken. :(

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I had a camping chair stolen and what pissed me off the most was a bag that was taken on the Monday. i was camped half way up Pennards on the way to stone circle by the mens toilets. I believe this to have been taken by one of the vultchers that go around from tent to tent on the last day. This is a beavause it was in my mates tent and he definitely remembered seeing it on the Monday morning. It's frustrating as it was a rucksack that was a zipped attachment for my hiking bag. All that was in there was half a bottle of ameretto, a bottle of coke and some cups so I'm sure the bastards enjoyed themselves but they could've just had it if they asked I just wanted the bag back.

Still I know its nothing in comparison to what others have lost.

On another note I heard a bunch of scouse lads (stereotype alert! but true) walking up to stone circle. One of them said he was going to nick himself a chair then a few of his mates shouted "nick me one as well lad" fucking scumbags. No shame at all...

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On another note I heard a bunch of scouse lads (stereotype alert! but true) walking up to stone circle. One of them said he was going to nick himself a chair then a few of his mates shouted "nick me one as well lad" fucking scumbags. No shame at all...

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Slightly off topic, but I saw a guy being wrestled to the floor by three security guards on Thursday night on the railway track at the back of the Other Stage. He was tiny, but a right wriggly thing and nearly got away from them a couple of times. I heard one guy ask to see his wristband, to which he replied "I don't have a fu*king wristband." A fourth, female security guard went over to help out and the little sh!t kicked her between her legs. Charming.

It made me wonder whether they still do get a few people sneaking in to go on the rob...

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Some cretin went into my pals tent when they were asleep, woke up tent was open. Took a bag and his rain mac, lucky they had nought in it, bar a few cans. He did find the mac dumped on a neighbours tent behind and the bag and cans close by also. We were in Dairy. Next day loads said they had been done. Horrible narks. That was Wed, didn't hear of anything after then thankfully

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We was robbed in Dairy in early hours of Thursday morning.

They took about £200 from my wallet and about the same from my sister purse. I blame myself really. Id had a great night Wednesday ib the rabbit hole and silent disco. Came home worse for wear and put it in the inside pocket of my tent. Was awoken by my sister saying her money had all been stolen and my heart sank. I knew mine would be gone. My sister had slept with her bag as a pillow, they had gone in, opened the bag under her head and took her purse.

I was gutted but luckily I had put some extra funds away before I came.


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Re: the lockups - the scruffy books are a total pain in the arse, but the system does work. The phone charging thing is being totally revamped though.

Like everything, some workers are just faster than others!

Heard some real horror stories again this year, a guy got 200 quid stolen whilst he was sleeping in his tent - his wallet was up at his head.

Not had the final figures yet, but donations felt like they were much much lower this year.

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Our group were going out for a wonder on Thursday night walking up the path that spilts oxylers in half on the way to the toilets by the other stage and on two occasions before we got to the railway track were asked to show our wrist bands (there were 5 of us in a mixed sex group) when we got to the railway line we commented that it feltike something was going off as a small army of security were coming marching in from the gates and several land rovers full of them two.

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I used an intruder alarm system this year, don't know if it worked but didn't get any trouble.

Used some solar lights which automatically turn on inside the tent giving the look of somebody being 'home' (or helping aid the thieves by lighting up my booze) you decide

Whist in the tent I had a piece of string with my empties dangled across the doorway as a noise/tangle disturbance if the fuckers try to get in. (Ran the risk of choking myself in the morning whilst running out still pissed as a fart for my obligatory morning piss dash)

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Camped in Lower Mead, my friend woke up to some strange bloke in her tent. He legged it. The next morning a girl nearby was crying her eyes out. She had been robbed.

Saw the police the next day, they said the area had been targeted and they thought they knew who by. Didn't hear/see anything else until we saw loads more police on Sunday and they told us to watch out as they expected lots of pickpocketing. No idea why they expected more than would be usual though...

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Another positive report on the lock-ups, I thought they were brilliantly executed. The system was as good as it could be with a pad and pen, and the staff were exceptional.

On the Thursday, I woke up to realise I'd lost my two tickets for the lock up at Pennards. I felt sure they'd be upset but the lady who looked after me (Leah?) was absolutely amazing. She actually apologised to me on numerous occasions that it was taking so long to find my things, and could not have been friendlier. I've rarely known such good service, and from a volunteer as well. Leah was truly exceptional and I regret very much that I didn't make a donation.

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Another positive report on the lock-ups, I thought they were brilliantly executed. The system was as good as it could be with a pad and pen, and the staff were exceptional.

On the Thursday, I woke up to realise I'd lost my two tickets for the lock up at Pennards. I felt sure they'd be upset but the lady who looked after me (Leah?) was absolutely amazing. She actually apologised to me on numerous occasions that it was taking so long to find my things, and could not have been friendlier. I've rarely known such good service, and from a volunteer as well. Leah was truly exceptional and I regret very much that I didn't make a donation.

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We were in the middle of Dairy and got robbed twice. Wednesday night me and 3 mates woke up with all our tents open and one had £80 taken from his wallet. On the Saturday night when we were all out a friend had an ipod stolen and a couple (who had a huge tent) had the tent ransacked and had their sleeping bags and stuff pissed on(the worst thing). The thieves dropped a few ripped wristbands and other things in the tent which makes me think it could've been security. Just unlucky!

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My friend bumped into a guy who was the year below me in school who was selling at the festival, he had 2 lots of drugs on him, one for scousers and one for everyone else. The pills for scousers were fine, the pills for everyone else were duds. It really doesn't help the stereotype when you've got people doing things like that :(

I know it's not a tent theft but it's still pretty much thievery right?

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