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Rant about see tickets....

Guest dccool

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The most infuriating, bullshit system ever.

Got to put the reg and postcode details in. Then put payment details in. Then says session timed out. Repeated this until all tickets had sold out.

I'm no computer whizz but surely they should have a sufficient time limit after completing the reg details page so as to complete the payment.

I don't mind bashing f5 but once your through and actually put card details in the excitement levels are through the roof cos your so close....to then be told session timed out is a massive kick in the gonads!

Bullshit see tickets have ruined my day.

Congratulations to those that did get tickets have a fantastic glastonbury 2014.

Rant over....

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way of the world my friend, but dont let it ruin your day, plenty more out there that is more serious than not getting tickets for Glastonbury!

I actually managed to get 2 tickets but no campervan tickets left, so it's a no-go for us this year too but never mind, I'm sure we'll do something else instead, there's always Brasil and the world cup!

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I've got to say, aside from the first half hour in October when See had their technical 'blip', I've found the system to be impressively smooth. Yes it's annoying that they don't reserve the ticket briefly even when you're on the payment screen, but such is the nature of a truly first-come, first-served system.

I know others have had terrible experiences so this is just my personal experience, but it's worked well for me. It crashed a couple of times in October when I was putting in payment details (before I realised you must have them easily copy and paste-able) but I just went back a page on my browser and continued. My experience - having got through three times now in each major sale - has only been great.

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way of the world my friend, but dont let it ruin your day, plenty more out there that is more serious than not getting tickets for Glastonbury!

I actually managed to get 2 tickets but no campervan tickets left, so it's a no-go for us this year too but never mind, I'm sure we'll do something else instead, there's always Brasil and the world cup!

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that indicates you needed to start again from the beginning to get a new session ID, that's why it kept failing I bet, you were probably not going back far enough to actually restart so stuck going through the motions on a dead sessionID

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I am slightly annoyed.

The adrenaline hit when I got through to the enter Reg. No. and postcode screen was massive. Really thought I was in. That was at about 9:09.

Kept clicking "Proceed" but it just kept saying "currently unavailable".

Stuck on that screen for about 5 minutes (or however long it was until I got the "Sold Out" screen).

Still, I have a job offer, but am still a little bit worried about time off work.

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that indicates you needed to start again from the beginning to get a new session ID, that's why it kept failing I bet, you were probably not going back far enough to actually restart so stuck going through the motions on a dead sessionID

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The most infuriating, bullshit system ever.

Got to put the reg and postcode details in. Then put payment details in. Then says session timed out. Repeated this until all tickets had sold out.

I'm no computer whizz but surely they should have a sufficient time limit after completing the reg details page so as to complete the payment.

I don't mind bashing f5 but once your through and actually put card details in the excitement levels are through the roof cos your so close....to then be told session timed out is a massive kick in the gonads!

Bullshit see tickets have ruined my day.

Congratulations to those that did get tickets have a fantastic glastonbury 2014.

Rant over....

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that indicates you needed to start again from the beginning to get a new session ID, that's why it kept failing I bet, you were probably not going back far enough to actually restart so stuck going through the motions on a dead sessionID

Edited by storm
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I was through at 9:02, filled everything out as quick as I could I then was told after payment that tickets where out of stock even though see tickets still said they were available on their twitter feed. I needed 4 to make up the rest of my group, gutted and fuming in equal measures.

On the bright side theres still 5 of us going including me, my wife, two newbies and my best mate who hasnt been since 2009.

Just me, the wife and one of the first timers going down on the Wednesday so im lookiing forward to showing him around and seeing the wide eyed look of wonder on his face.

Its still gonna be an amazing year dispite this set back.

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I see what you mean OP and that is probably right about that there should be an explicit time window, although I'm not sure how it'd work if people had six tabs open and they all got through at the same time - as they usually do.

Although, I think the amount of people just getting straight through cleanly straight away and checking out with their tickets and it selling out at 9:09 (is that correct?) shows that it was pretty efficient today.

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I got through, booked 4 tickets, entered payment details, got to the final page and it told me one of the ticket numbers had already been used (it had literally seconds before and before my friend could get hold of me to tell me). There was no option on that page to delete that persons ticket so had to click back to start again. By the time I had done that the tickets had all sold out. Had I have not changed my mind about who I was getting tickets for this morning (I only decided to offer this morning!) I would have my ticket now. Next time, I am going to carry on and be a selfish madam and just get mine and the hubby's. Gutted that the page wouldn't let me delete those extra people :(:(:( So close.....

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The only criticism I have is that they make you give them your card details before you have a ticket. I gave them that information and they weren't even giving me anything for it, they're basically going "tell you what, I'll take your money and we'll see if we can give you anything". Once you're through to the card payment screen, you should be guaranteed a ticket unless it times out in a set amount of time, shown at the bottom of the page.

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