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The Crowd.

Guest Matt42

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I'm not sure as I haven't seen reading footage. But Leeds was amazing. Huge singalongs, pits everywhere being kept open the entire set. The band joking around and enjoying themselves and they played really tight. Would have been the band of the weekend for me if they'd been given longer, the set was just too short, 17 songs.

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Some clown always starts a thread like this, "I'm not there but on the telly etc.", as if festival crowds go nuts for every minute of every song of every set and if they don't something's wrong.

And Deftones finally decide to play Engine No 9 at Reading the one year I decide not to go? w*nkers.

Edited by mrtourette
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Fall Out Boy are one of my favourite bands ever (yeah yeah, laugh it up) but I can't describe the dissapointment I felt after their set. The crowd were awful. They didn't know the words to Dance, Dance around me, and only sang along to the songs off of that terrible new album. It was full of chavs who started 'mosh pits' (the weakest pits I've ever seen, they seemend to be stroking each other) to the calmest of songs. When they closed with Saturday, me and my mate were the only people around us who knew what it was, and we started jumping around and singing and people around looked at us like Plague Victims. Really let down, I'd waited to see them since I was 13 and everything just dissapointed me. Especially the crowd

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Fall Out Boy are one of my favourite bands ever (yeah yeah, laugh it up) but I can't describe the dissapointment I felt after their set. The crowd were awful. They didn't know the words to Dance, Dance around me, and only sang along to the songs off of that terrible new album. It was full of chavs who started 'mosh pits' (the weakest pits I've ever seen, they seemend to be stroking each other) to the calmest of songs. When they closed with Saturday, me and my mate were the only people around us who knew what it was, and we started jumping around and singing and people around looked at us like Plague Victims. Really let down, I'd waited to see them since I was 13 and everything just dissapointed me. Especially the crowd

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The crowd pissed me off a fair bit too, usually when I was seeing bands such as Swim Deep and Peace, when it was these young girls who knew one song who'd rush to the front, see that one song, then spend the rest of the time chatting away and taking 'selfies'. Bleurgh. Although the crowds for C&S & Eminem, whilst chavvy, were packed and brilliant!

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Fall Out Boy are one of my favourite bands ever (yeah yeah, laugh it up) but I can't describe the dissapointment I felt after their set. The crowd were awful. They didn't know the words to Dance, Dance around me, and only sang along to the songs off of that terrible new album. It was full of chavs who started 'mosh pits' (the weakest pits I've ever seen, they seemend to be stroking each other) to the calmest of songs. When they closed with Saturday, me and my mate were the only people around us who knew what it was, and we started jumping around and singing and people around looked at us like Plague Victims. Really let down, I'd waited to see them since I was 13 and everything just dissapointed me. Especially the crowd

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One thing really, REALLY f**ked me off on the Friday during Biffy's set. A group of girls walked over and were jumping about shouting and I thought, oh good, more people loving The Biff :D but then one if the girls turns to a guy stood near her and asks, "Excuse me, who is this?" As a hardcore Biffy fan who was singing along to every word having the time of my life, it sickened me! My mate turned to me and said, "Mate. Don't go over there and kill them" :P

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One thing really, REALLY f**ked me off on the Friday during Biffy's set. A group of girls walked over and were jumping about shouting and I thought, oh good, more people loving The Biff :D but then one if the girls turns to a guy stood near her and asks, "Excuse me, who is this?" As a hardcore Biffy fan who was singing along to every word having the time of my life, it sickened me! My mate turned to me and said, "Mate. Don't go over there and kill them" :P

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I went to Leeds and whilst Enimen seemed to big biggest crowd I was so surprised how quiet it was, dead easy to get to the front at any set

White lies pulled weak crowd which was a shame, people round us at the front of Foals talking all the time which is well annoying but given the mudfest I actually had great time especially as only bought my tickets on tuesday!

Edited by shoptildrop
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I don't think the crowd numbers were particularly bad but the arsehole percentage was definitely high this year, especially at the main stage.

Foals yesterday was the perfect example. I was central and reasonably well forward but surrounded by people who weren't bothered, talking/shouting right through Spanish Sahara and clearly not interested in Foals. it ruined one of the bands I was most looking forward to, I didn't want to sing or dance with people around me chatting away and disinterested. At the risk of sounding like a snob I put that down to C&S and Eminem fans, it certainly wasn't the type of crowd I'm used to seeing at Leeds!

However I think it was only really a problem at the main stage which wasn't such a problem for us as between Sat and Sun we only watched 2 bands there. I thought the tents were generally well attended and good natured. I'd also say it was the best Leeds I've ever been to as far as the music was concerned- I watched good sets throughout all 3 days and left feeling pleased I'd gone.

I'll be back next year but I'd be much happier to see a Black Keys/Foos kind of closing as opposed to C&S/Eminem- for the crowds as much as the music!

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I don't think the crowd numbers were particularly bad but the arsehole percentage was definitely high this year, especially at the main stage.

Foals yesterday was the perfect example. I was central and reasonably well forward but surrounded by people who weren't bothered, talking/shouting right through Spanish Sahara and clearly not interested in Foals. it ruined one of the bands I was most looking forward to, I didn't want to sing or dance with people around me chatting away and disinterested. At the risk of sounding like a snob I put that down to C&S and Eminem fans, it certainly wasn't the type of crowd I'm used to seeing at Leeds!

However I think it was only really a problem at the main stage which wasn't such a problem for us as between Sat and Sun we only watched 2 bands there. I thought the tents were generally well attended and good natured. I'd also say it was the best Leeds I've ever been to as far as the music was concerned- I watched good sets throughout all 3 days and left feeling pleased I'd gone.

I'll be back next year but I'd be much happier to see a Black Keys/Foos kind of closing as opposed to C&S/Eminem- for the crowds as much as the music!

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One thing really, REALLY f**ked me off on the Friday during Biffy's set. A group of girls walked over and were jumping about shouting and I thought, oh good, more people loving The Biff :D but then one if the girls turns to a guy stood near her and asks, "Excuse me, who is this?" As a hardcore Biffy fan who was singing along to every word having the time of my life, it sickened me! My mate turned to me and said, "Mate. Don't go over there and kill them" :P

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