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Why Does Glastonbury Hate Scousers?

Guest ninetyeightytwo

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Scousers, the Scots and the Irish have always been butt of everybodies jokes. Sometimes you just have to laugh it off but sometimes people take it way too far and it becomes hurtful. Some people need to know where the line begins and ends.

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a scouser pissed behind me splashing it on my legs 3 times claiming the same excuse on all 3 occasions "who put a hole in my cup" Prick

there where loads though

Edited by Tomo18
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I've been to Glastonbury many times and have never previously heard so many scouse accents all over the site. I don't think this is because their accent is more distinctive, as some on here have said. I put it down to the fact that they were there in greater numbers, and also because they were loud. Every scouser I have met in life has been loud, and in my opinion, far too cocky. Are there any quiet scousers out there I wonder? Any who are shy humble people? I guess there must be in a city that size, but I have yet to come across them. I want to like scousers as I do people from any part of the country, but do find it hard. I can't help it if my sixth sense kicks in when in their presence and tells me to get out of there asap. To add to this rather groundless discrimination I am surrounded by people who feel the same way. Not sure what the solution is. Maybe a trip to Liverpool, but that does really seem to be going into the lions den.

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Hi Yoghurt!

You should definitely come to Liverpool for a trip, I promise you will meet lots of wonderful scousers (a couple of loud ones are always unavoidable but can be funny) and you will change your mind about us, we are mostly very warm & generous!

I would stay in the south of the city and do a Friday night in town & a Saturday night in Lark Lane, then you get to have the most fun (my opinion only!)

I would stay away on football days & Grand National weekend though or your pre-conceived ideas of scousers may come true! Haha ;)

Good luck :)

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I think they travel to Glastonbury in bigger groups and have a louder time so you notice them more easily.

Coupled with the fact that one group will inevitably know somebody from the other group.

We get talking to each other easily. Like we would with other groups from other places by the way.

Or maybe a group of lads will crack on to a group of girls and then you've got a very loud lot of "banter" going on.

I still stick by the "make more effort to get tickets" theory though.

It's a pilgrimage.

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Hi Yoghurt!

You should definitely come to Liverpool for a trip, I promise you will meet lots of wonderful scousers (a couple of loud ones are always unavoidable but can be funny) and you will change your mind about us, we are mostly very warm & generous!

I would stay in the south of the city and do a Friday night in town & a Saturday night in Lark Lane, then you get to have the most fun (my opinion only!)

I would stay away on football days & Grand National weekend though or your pre-conceived ideas of scousers may come true! Haha ;)

Good luck :)

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We once took an American woman for a night out in Liverpool.

We were sat in bar Ca Va having tequilas when this man stood up and announced - in the strongest scouse accent possible - "Everyone! I'm the king of the castle and you're all the dirty rascals."

Everyone sort of nodded and got on with things, but our American companion was utterly dumbfounded.

I think our Yoghurt friend would have bolted out the door the moment our king rose.

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I'm going to Liverpool this weekend and very much looking forward to that forced high pitched voice all the blokes put on for some reason.[/quote

I'm from Liverpool, moved away a while ago and definitely notice this phenomenon whenever I go back. As a rule of thumb, the higher the voice the twattier the bloke. Odd.

As it happens, this year we had a big mixed group of Scousers, Londoners and one each of Somerset, Polish and Yorkshire. We were camped next to a gay couple from Kent and a big group from Manchester who seemed to spend most time partying at their tent (each to their own) and got on with them all just great. There's room for everyone isn't there?

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I'm a scouser and I love being a scouser.

People can take the piss all they want, they're just jealous because our accent is well better than yours.

Also if given the opprtunity I'll fucking rob you blind and leave your tent on bricks.

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It's totally non-Scouse to easily take unnecessary umbrage at something, isn't it?

I think the OP needs to have a word with themselves. A Hives gig is a total laugh, Pelle is the biggest pantomime villain of them all, he revels in it. If there was any jeering of Liverpool (I didn't hear any) then surely it should be taken in the context of the great Scouse wit?

I did notice a lot of Liverpool accents this year but those camped by us were sound, to use the vernacular, once they'd go the first afternoon's worth of "fockin' this, fockin' that" out of their system ... I put it down to youthful exuberance. The only thing negative I did hear was one WAG'd-up-to-the-nines young Scouse girl give her mate the most vicious tongue lashing I've ever heard, it stopped me in my tracks to hear it, I honestly thought "blimey, one day some poor bloke is probably going to be married to her and on the receiving end of that temper on a regular basis". She could've been from London, Glasgow or Manchester though .... still a nasty piece of work, but the Scouse accent made it sound particularly vicious.

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i stayed in Tangerine Fields. it's a different vibe in there. this gang of scousers were camped next to us and apparently on the first night they stayed up a bit late and made a bit of noise. if i was there i didn't hear them, but a woman close by reported them and had them moved!

this woman however had 3 young kids with her who got up at the crack of dawn to run around and make lots of noise. she was far, far worse than those she had moved. give me scousers over children any day.

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