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Why Does Glastonbury Hate Scousers?

Guest ninetyeightytwo

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Im from Liverpool myself

Think even without the accent you can spot a scouse crowd a mile off from they way they dress (Both the girls and boys). Like with any group there is always a few idiots but the vast majority are really nice people - dont let the negative stereotype cloud your judgement

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I gave a scouse accented young lad a hand when he got his foot stuck jumping over a fence near some campervans. It only occured to me afterwards that he might have been breaking in...

I also got called a "ballbag" for not letting some scousers play with my laser pen.

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Why Does Glastonbury Hate Scousers?

of course it is a generalisation, and completely unfair and unfounded......and then I refer you our 'neighbours' in Bushy ground - who managed to fulfill every worse stereotype.. including several 'domestic' fights, screaming foul mouthed abuse and constant agressive abusive behaviour throughout the festival....horrible people who happened to have that accent....

- unfair ? yes, but as an exercise in stereotype confirmation these people did an amazing job !

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I gave a scouse accented young lad a hand when he got his foot stuck jumping over a fence near some campervans. It only occured to me afterwards that he might have been breaking in...

I also got called a "ballbag" for not letting some scousers play with my laser pen.

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First scousers I saw was on Weds morning, vile little bunch who eventually decided to break open the pedestrian barrier so they could jump the queue. I saw 3 scouse drug dealers, 2 scousers trying to start fights and general knobbery from every scouser I saw.

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Haha, it was my son Jack who was the Liverpool lad that was at the Hives, a little group of us at the front having an amazing time! We didn't hear any boos where we were, just cheers but we would have laughed anyway, I'm sure it was just in fun!

I also heard a lot of scousers. From some parts of the city it's a pretty strong accent that can be pretty grating and I'm tuned in to hear it I suppose. We're defo not all bad though, all of my lot are fun, generous & full of a whole lot of love :)

I might have met some of you while I was having a boogie with my pink vodka cup ;)

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First scousers I saw was on Weds morning, vile little bunch who eventually decided to break open the pedestrian barrier so they could jump the queue. I saw 3 scouse drug dealers, 2 scousers trying to start fights and general knobbery from every scouser I saw.

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@karlpowell - where did you hear that the bags had been recovered? i had 2 friends who were robbed on thursday night in the dairy ground. if bags had been recovered i want to let them know but obviously dont wanna pointlessly get their hopes up. cheers

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Being serious, and leaving the stereotypes to one side, HTF did so many from Liverpool get tickets? Daughter No1 has just arrived home and tells me that every other customer at the cafe she worked was a scouser. Daughter No2 confirms this was also the case where she was working. How? I know people in Somerset who couldn't get a ticket. How come the festy was full of scousers? What is their magic touch and will they please share it with the rest of us?

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police came into our field asking if anyone had been robbed as wallets had been recovered , I was in the next field along which i think is either baileys or more apt for us lot, south park :)

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Broadband in our area is quick thats the only guess, pretty much everyone I knew who wanted tickets managed to get them

Some clowns on here tarring us all with the some brush :-( , yes some people from around my neck of the woods are idiots but dont presume we all are. And as for this 'they think its ok to act like blah blah' of course we dont. If you want to meet up in 2014 (ticket permitting!) for a beer id be happy to, hopefully that will alter your perception of us. We arent all bad

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Didn't a few different places get booed during the Hives? I am sure there was an element of booing/cheering when anyone said where they were from. Think it was more just friendly banter, didn't feel like an aggressive boo at all..

(I am still convinced scoucers make up the vast majority of any Festival though :P..As well the ahem free traders ;))

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