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Haha, when I read the first two pages of largely criticism, I thought 'only on this forum' - I've not really seen bad reviews for it and the concensus everywhere (especially on the social network sites when I got back) was that she was sensational. Great to see more positive responses in the last few pages, especially appreciated from those who weren't expecting to like it and admit that despite not being for them, they were entertained.

It's not an issue not to like her music or her setlist, I just have no time for those who can't admit she's a talented lady!

I had the adbsolute time of my life, the atmosphere around me (within the first 15% of the crowd) was INSANE and I had the absolute time of my life. My best Glasto, musically all week my finest time at a festival and this was definitely the peak - it felt very special to be there.

With regard to whether she sang every note, even if it was her own vocals recorded as a backing (which she certainly does do sometimes for TV purposes), she showed beyond all shadow of a doubt on her recurring ballads that she can really sing. Every note. Why the need to prove it for every note for an hour and a half? I'd rather she put on a show with the variety of her talents than felt the need to be static so she could sing each note!

So glad that in general she proved to be a success!

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Accoustic/smaller tent = hard-working, independent, created music themselves

Massive popact = Marketted, branded, spoonfed, stylised, synthentic

A million miles apart in terms of artistic output, credibility and principles - people are right to highlight this.

It's the difference between getting a coffee at a family run local independent Cafe every morning, or going to a Starbucks

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I was dancing too much to notice, but did Janelle Monae use any backing tapes - because she's someone working in similar sort of territory to beyonce, putting on a hell of a show and working her arse off physically, while belting out songs and dancing like James Brown.

At any rate, having seen the lion's share of both shows, Monae was hands down better.

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Don't you think small bands would sell out if they got the chance to make more money? It's VERY rare to find a band/act who would pass up the chance to sell some of their creativity / individuality to becoming a brand.

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I saw the grand finale on tv last night, by the gods I nearly choked on my super noodles! I never thought I'd see something like that at glastonbury. I actually burst out laughing at the end when she went down the lift shouting how she loved everyone.

Utter cringeworthy garbage. It suited the pyramid stage perfectly.

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I saw the grand finale on tv last night, by the gods I nearly choked on my super noodles! I never thought I'd see something like that at glastonbury. I actually burst out laughing at the end when she went down the lift shouting how she loved everyone.

Utter cringeworthy garbage. It suited the pyramid stage perfectly.

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My favourite was definitely the bit where she thought she was playing to 175,000 people! I was so relieved to get back and see on the TV coverage that at least a few people had turned up to see QOTSA & The Streets!

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If people didnt think it was very good then they'll say so wont they. Just because the press thought it was 'sensational' doenst mean it was. The bbc describe every pyramid headliner performance as sensational anyway.

For what it's worth, i thought it was a crass show of disrespect to turn up over 15 minutes late, especially as Pendulum had finished 20 mins early. There was almost a 90 min gap between performances. We only ever intended to saty for the first few songs, after the first two i thought it was time to head elsewhere - so went to watch the streets instead.

What i will say is that you would have to be particularly naive to think that playing the pyramid stage was actually Beyonce's 'dream' - mike skinner displayed the kind of passion i like to see from a headliner. In fact, it clearly meant more to the guy out of 2 door cinema club on friday lunchtime than it meant to beyonce.

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Beyonce sung "At Last" at President Obama's inauguration party as a "first dance" for the him and his wife. If playing the Pyramid at Glastonbury is more of a dream than that for her then she has some seriously skewed priorities! (Maybe that WAS her dream and the Pyramid was her next one?)

I have to say "At Last" was my favourite moment of the set. I didn't see the visuals at the back of The Pyramid for it until I got home, but it was the point in the set when her vocals sounded the most beautiful, and it was the one time that I was seriously moved and engaged by her, due to thinking of her singing it for President Obama and what that had meant to her.

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My favourite was definitely the bit where she thought she was playing to 175,000 people! I was so relieved to get back and see on the TV coverage that at least a few people had turned up to see QOTSA & The Streets!

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they were pretty frosty with each other on the Saturday, but that sermon was the final nail in the coffin.

I'm never his greatest fan but if I'd been faced with her talking drivel all weelend I think I'd have laughed and left before my shift finished as well. I'm convinced he was meant to be doing the Beyonce interview, not Jo Wiley.

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a lot of numpty's on here probably had speeches ready just to copy and paste no matter what beyonce did, how well her peformance has gone down will eat away at these clowns for years to come.

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World's biggest pop star in slick, choreographed, over produced, cheesefest shocker. What were people expecting!? This is what they booked, and this is what they got. Job done, and fair play to her.

Interestingly, I know that Beyonce's security demands were more than U2 and Coldplay combined!

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I thought she was great, but I do think she pushed it about as far as the 'show' should go. Coldplay even tipped it along way with all their lasers and pyro and confetti and whatnot, and I think they should be careful to make sure those headliner slots are about great performances more than great shows. I was kind of waiting all night for something like that to happen during the famously over-the-top U2, and it never did, and in the end I think it was great that there was one headliner who put the songs/performance first. Although it is a fine line I guess. Maybe U2's set in that atrocious weather (also resulting in atrocious sound) would have been helped along by something a bit bigger on that front.

Beyonce was great fun. I thought what Coldplay did with the projections on the Pyramid was fantastic and really added something great. But you don't want it to become a game of every headliner trying outdo the last for biggest fireworks, craziest lasers, most stupendous lights, all potentially at the sacrifice of (or distracting from) a stunning performance. I think in that sense, I hope that kind of thing peaked with Beyonce this year.

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No time to read through the thread but here are my thoughts.

Not a fan and not overly looking forward to it but willing to be won over.

At 10ish joked that she was not on yet (screens still showing Beyonce on at 9.45) that she did not have enough songs to fill her set. Then she came on and played more cover versions than I can ever remember an act (apart from a covers band)playing. Was not just me heard loads of people complaining about it at the end.

Was stood in a very similar place to where I was for U2 and it felt just as crowded however that was because of the absolute hordes of blankets and chairs still out on the floor. Never know so many for a headline act - people usually have the common sense and common courtesy to put them away (we were not that far back) but not for this and it definately made it feel busier than it actually was.

I felt the performance was a bit bland and had to laugh when she said something about the next song being about relationships when pretty much every song up until that had the same theme.

For me she did not do it - was very bored to be honest. I am all up for different types of acts at Glasto - to me that is half the point of the festival - but Beyonce did not get my interest at any point really.

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No time to read through the thread but here are my thoughts.

Not a fan and not overly looking forward to it but willing to be won over.

At 10ish joked that she was not on yet (screens still showing Beyonce on at 9.45) that she did not have enough songs to fill her set. Then she came on and played more cover versions than I can ever remember an act (apart from a covers band)playing. Was not just me heard loads of people complaining about it at the end.

Was stood in a very similar place to where I was for U2 and it felt just as crowded however that was because of the absolute hordes of blankets and chairs still out on the floor. Never know so many for a headline act - people usually have the common sense and common courtesy to put them away (we were not that far back) but not for this and it definately made it feel busier than it actually was.

I felt the performance was a bit bland and had to laugh when she said something about the next song being about relationships when pretty much every song up until that had the same theme.

For me she did not do it - was very bored to be honest. I am all up for different types of acts at Glasto - to me that is half the point of the festival - but Beyonce did not get my interest at any point really.

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This thread very much feels like the Gorillaz thread last year, and the Bruce one from the year before. Lots of For's and Against's / defenders and attackers. Like all the Pyramid headliners this year, they all have that 'marmite' aspect to them - love em or hate em.

I just think Beyonce did the least to convert the unconverted, and maybe that's why this thread is more divided than the Coldplay and U2 threads. Dunno.....

Edited by Nickyboy
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I didn't watch her as none of my companions were in the least bit interested but I haVE HAD A squint on the BBC thingy and realised that I would have been bored stiff after about three or four tunes. R and B just isn't my cup of tea. It looked like something you might see in the MGM Grand at Las Vegas - super slick, all glitz, lots of leg and no real soul to speak of. Possibly the worst headliner since Rod Stewart (and I actually enjoyed his show because I was roaring drunk at the time).

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