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James - Definately Playing

Guest hattiecaroll

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saw them twice in festy slots... 2007 and 2009... they whored there new material and hardly played classics, 2009 they played out to get you, sit down and laid... but criminally missed off born of frustration, waltzing along, come home, destiny calling, sometimes etc etc - it was a poor performance to be honest, sure they may have had records to sell but missing off alot of hits was strange when nobody seemed to know what they were playing... 2007 they played a few more hits in the set.

i sure hope we get greatest hits and not new material...

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The Maccabees have writtern an album that is perhaps relevant to today, James turned up thinking it was still the 1990s. I mean enjoy your set, play your songs, but remember its not YOUR gig, its a festival, get of the freakin' stage!


Unless you are one of the many James fans who thoroughly enjoyed their Latitude set.... Personally, I didn't want them to leave the stage, especially given it was The Maccabees on afterwards who played a string of songs that all sound exactly the same and exactly the same as most of the other stuff in their genre thats out there at the moment.

I have been crossing my fingers for James being at Glasto. Seen them about 20 times now and would make my festie. I had a feeling that Tim would be making an appearance either with James or with his new solo stuff. Bring it on!!!

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Ah, but that doesn't really work because 3/4 of JD became New Order and released great records for another decade. They are still going today in the form of Bad Lieutenant, which contains 1/2 of the Joy Division line up and still plays JD songs, though the less said about that the better.

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Robith is spot on here. I don't see longevity and an inability to realise the game is up and it's time to call it a day as the defining qualities of good music.

Loads of bands make one, maybe two great albums and disappear. That's not so bad. Lots of bands never even make one great song. There's beauty in the transient.

James, mind, I have no strong opinions on.

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I don't really care how long or how not long The Maccabees or James have been going. At the end of the day, music is a very very personal choice and as someone who has been a fan of James since 1989, I don't think any of it is dross whereas I think everything released by The Maccabees is dross. I also happen to think that New Order are dross and Joy Division are moderately dross but its all personal opinion. No-one is right, no-one is wrong!

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