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  2. All forecasts worry me this year. 48 hours before Bearded Theory the forecast was for little or no rain on the Wednesday. We had over 70mm, more than a months rain in a day and setting a new rainfall record. 3 days ago the forecast for next week was 20 degrees plus sunny and warm. Now the forecast is 11 degrees with showers and rain and even 'wintery showers' over the highest ground. The weather pattern has gone bonkers and on several occasions this year has little or no historical similarities to use to forecast accurately hence getting things so wrong. All that said - all my faith is in the monthly forecasts the BBC and Met Office have out now cos they have to be right sooner or later.
  3. smogo


    Incredible use of language. The National will "pull a crowd", whereas SZA will only pick up passing trade.
  4. Dua Lipa 100 LCD Soundsystem 156 Little Simz 160 IDLES 21 The National 139 The Streets 140 Jungle 80 Justice 325 Heilung 150 Nia Archives 150 Sampha 110 Sleaford Mods 31 Romy 115 Fontaines D.C. 210 Orbital 270 (-10)
  5. It would appear to be a beautiful day in Buckinghamshire. Already had a topless coffee in the sun. Sorry to those of you eating breakfast, not a pretty image these day 😂
  6. Dua Lipa 100 LCD Soundsystem 156 Little Simz 160 IDLES 21 The National 139 The Streets 140 Jungle 80 Justice 325 Heilung 150 Nia Archives 150 Sampha 110 Sleaford Mods 31 Romy 115 Fontaines D.C. 210 Orbital 280 (+10)
  7. moogster

    PJ Harvey

    Checking yesterday's setlist was pretty much the first thing I did this morning after grabbing a coffee 🙂 As said above if she cuts a couple of the slowest ones it should work out well. I'm a PJ Harvey worshipper and have faith she'll deliver. Would have still preferred another spot for her but I'll be there.
  8. And arrive in a yellow triumph TR7. But remember, He’s a detectorist not a metal detector 😉
  9. Dua Lipa 100 LCD Soundsystem 156 Little Simz 160 (+10) IDLES 21 The National 139 The Streets 140 Jungle 80 Justice 325 Heilung 150 Nia Archives 150 Sampha 110 Sleaford Mods 31 Romy 115 Fontaines D.C. 210 Orbital 270
  10. Last year we got in the queue about 5:00, through the gates at about 8:30/9:00, Big Ground and Kidney Mead were pretty much full. I think it was because of Row Mead not being open, which is the same again this year! Queue up early with just your tent and chair (and a few ciders), then weave round all the trolleys doing the zigzag, it’ll be much quicker - then do a second trip for the bulky stuff!
  11. You might be glad I did not take you up on your bet LOL Though I do think Abbott will stand just to spite Starmer and co.
  12. Dua Lipa 100 LCD Soundsystem 156 Little Simz 150 IDLES 21 The National 139 The Streets 140 Jungle 80 Justice 325 Heilung 150 Nia Archives 150 Sampha 110 Sleaford Mods 31 Romy 115 Fontaines D.C. 210 Orbital 270
  13. I think Tuesday cos 22 days before lie others have said and it will not be after than as the D-Day stuff will take over with the 80th anniversary on Thursday. Monday would be nice though cos come on, hurry up now.
  14. I just realised the other day that Justice do the Channel 4 F1 highlights music.
  15. I’m thinking the same, having at last discovered her most recent album
  16. Just checked last year's last announcement. It was on May 23, included a lot of names, no headliners but some medium-sized like Young Fathers, Snail Mail, Brutus, Avalon Emerson and a lot of small names. But 2024 will be the first edition with 4+1 days, so it isn't totally comparable to the previous ones.
  17. No, Wunderhorse played Great Escape. I was there.
  18. CanWeRest

    PJ Harvey

    I've been listening to PJ Harvey more over the last few days and she's quickly becoming a must see ♥️
  19. But it's not a vote for "best stage"? We're looking more at poster design and the impact of surprise additions?
  20. Dua Lipa 100 (-10) LCD Soundsystem 156 Little Simz 150 IDLES 21 The National 139 The Streets 140 Jungle 80 Justice 315 Heilung 150 Nia Archives 150 Sampha 110 Sleaford Mods 31 Romy 115 Fontaines D.C. 210 Orbital 270
  21. Dua Lipa 110 *LCD Soundsystem 156(-4)* Little Simz 150 IDLES 21 The National 139 The Streets 140 Jungle 80 Justice 315 Heilung 150 Nia Archives 150 Sampha 110 *Sleaford Mods 31 (+6)* Romy 115 Fontaines D.C. 210 Orbital 270
  22. Mopping up anyone still not thinking of voting labour as we become a one party state led by our great chairman Keir
  23. All major telephone providers will have masts on site - Vodaphone ( the main sponsor) EE O2 Last year Vodaphone provided the best coverage - however if you are not on Vodaphone you can get digital sim on your phone tht will connect to Vodaphone - or if your phone is too old to manage that or your are not techy enough to manage - go buy a Lebera simm and put that in your phone - they are either free or very cheap (49p) and they run off the vodaphone network
  24. Dua Lipa 110 LCD Soundsystem 160 Little Simz 150 IDLES 21 (+4) The National 139 (-6) The Streets 140 Jungle 80 Justice 315 Heilung 150 Nia Archives 150 Sampha 110 Sleaford Mods 25 Romy 115 Fontaines D.C. 210 Orbital 270
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