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Guest Glastonlocal

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Unfortunately not. I couldn't draw a human figure to save my life. I'm not sure why but a lot of my work (for work see shite) is made from electronic parts and industrial bits and bobs. That said I have a 'piece' right next to me which includes some of the epidermis of a pythons skin which I bought off ebay for £5 (taken when they shed a layer of skin naturally, I hasten to add). I have manneqins in the house and in the garage. My next major (in terms of time consuming) project is to cover the whole of one of them with some, if not all, of the 50,000 small rivets I also bought off ebay, for £20. I also have an array of polystyrene heads which I have transformed.

To conclude, I'm more of a piss artist than a true artist. Mind you, people who come to the house have said they really like some of my stuff, but they might be being polite, or were plastered drunk before they even set foot through the door.

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To conclude, I'm more of a piss artist than a true artist. Mind you, people who come to the house have said they really like some of my stuff, but they might be being polite, or were plastered drunk before they even set foot through the door.

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Yes, I too admire those who are creative - well, in the field of the arts anyway.

I'd really love ley lines to exist. Wouldn't it be fantastic. Unfortunately I don't think they do which rather puts a damper on things, and upsets the wannabe hippy in me.

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I've got that dreadful song in my head now.... :(

Anything exists, you just have to believe in it for it to exist ok Unicorns, dragons and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow are another matter entirely...

Good luck with your next art project... I have a hard enough time sanding down a pine cupboard and painting it!

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Without alchemy, we wouldn't have chemistry. That doesn't stop alchemy itself from being mostly or all twaddle. (Water diviners from the healing fields may disagree... or are they all accountants at this time of year?)

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You've got the wrong bloke - I have a passionate hatred for guns, bullets and shittery of that ilk. In addition, I do not care if somebody were to say my art is shite, juvenille, pathetic etc as I do it for me first and foremost. Don't get me wrong I'd like others to like it but if they don't then so be it. I'm too long in the tooth not to know that you can't please everyone.

Apologies, I think I went off on one there and failed to see the humourous side of your post which is only just now sinking in.

Edited by Ommadawn
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