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Guest bsolxiv

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Does that still work after three of brothers best... And the rest of the days drinking?

Seriously forget claims of good aim - why the hell are you doing it in the first place?

Clean it, use it. Otherwise all you're doing is leaving or creating a problem for someone else. It's no different from rampant littering - people who think they deserve to have someone else clean up for then. Too good to touch a commoners loo

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and men don't do the squat thing for having a dump? is that why twice this year i had total bellends lean in over the top of my cubicle where i was SAT having a pee? not to mention the turds lurking at the back of the stall which meant i was unable to use the longdrop. i can deal with a lot but i'm not baring my pink bum to a smiling jobby.

also we need a proper term for this standing/crouch thing that's been happening to avoid misunderstanding. hovering is with your feet on the floor - still more prone to mess than plain sitting but not the epic mess the squatters make.

edit: decided i don't like squatters as a term for this.

Edited by scaryclaireyfairy
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and men don't do the squat thing for having a dump? is that why twice this year i had total bellends lean in over the top of my cubicle where i was SAT having a pee? not to mention the turds lurking at the back of the stall which meant i was unable to use the longdrop. i can deal with a lot but i'm not baring my pink bum to a smiling jobby.

also we need a proper term for this standing/crouch thing that's been happening to avoid misunderstanding. hovering is with your feet on the floor - still more prone to mess than plain sitting but not the epic mess the squatters make.

edit: decided i don't like squatters as a term for this.

Edited by russycarps
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Its the bloody tampons left in the little sink that freak me out! Why would a woman do this?

(T in the park and Belladrum)

For the record Lowlands had the best toilets I have seen at a festival.

Simply because they were cleaned, constantly every hour or two throughout.

Edited by Klyde
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I can't quite get my head around the logic of standing on the wooden bit on the long drops - what's that about? (I wasn't even aware women did that).

As for the hovering topic - it's pretty easy to hover just above the seat and not make a mess.

The she wees are a great idea, but would be good if they had a few more of them.

The compost loos were the cleanest I used on the site.

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That'll be me. I rarely use the urinals. I get situations whereby I need a piss but nothing comes out for an inordinate amount of time. When at a urinal this can be embarrasing. I'm there willing the bastard thing to work and it doesn't happen. I then go into a panic thinking the blokes around me pissing like dray horses must think I'm a toilet trader with my lad out and nothing going on. I therefore seek the sanctuary of a cubicle of some nature.

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