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Glasto on my own :(

Guest Glasto_buddy

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Many years ago now I was planning on taking my daughters but at the last minute they pulled out to go on a post 'A' level holiday to Spain with friends.

So I went on my own. There I was pushing my wheelbarrow up the hill, looking like a refugee carrying all my belongings.

An encampment of women further up the hill watched my progress with amusement. As I drew alongside they said: "I'd quit while you're ahead."

They helped me put up my tent (a 3 bedroomed job as I'd been planning to take daughters), made me a cup of coffee and offered me a meal.

After that I was a member of their gang and still years on we try to meet up at Glastonbury.

You'll never be alone at Glasto - unless you want to be.

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I'm going on my own too.

Have been to Glasto about 6 times now with friends and friends of friends and always spend most of my day on my todd.

Am not worried in the slightest about it as you can be as independent as you like and soak in the best the festival has to offer.

I would say about 98% of people are remarkably friendly (You always get a few knobheads!, but there seems to be fewer at Glasto than other festivals! ). I always get left with a big smile on my face.

Excellent place for people watching and as somebody mentioned striking up conversations with the most random of people.

Glastonbury really is a fantastic place, just embrace the atmosphere and prepare to meet new friends at every corner.

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It's my first time this year and my friends bailed in April. I payed any way because screw those guys! Any festival I have ever been at, I always end up alone and having fun, I doubt it would ever have been any different this year! Definitely gonna pop my head into the Cider bus or what ever you call it :P scouring through checklists in anticipation as we speak, trying to plan a sensible amount of alcohol for one human to carry is the tricky park in my opinion!

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I'm going with my son, but we're travelling separately. He told me he didn't think he'd be able to go until the Thursday and at first I panicked a bit at the thought of travelling and arriving on my own, but once I got my head round it I was really excited.

Then my son got the guilts about ditching me and said maybe instead of travelling down with his friend he'd get the bus with me. I laid it on thick about how it was more important for him to come by car with his mate so he could bring the beer and that I really didn't mind one night alone.

I didn't like to tell him that I don't want him to come on the Wednesday as I'm now looking forward to a bit of time by myself!!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm going on my own this year and I'm really looking forward to it. I've been a few times before but the first time at a festival on my own. A case of the common 'poorly timed break up' situation that happens far too often.

Just looking forward to wandering around, where ever I want to and meeting a bunch of new people.

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To a degree I'm going on my own. There will be people there I know and I may camp near/with some but during the day it'll be me and only me. In a way I'm looking forward to it. In 2011 I went with my bestie and we generally had different music tastes so trying to hang out was just more of a pain that enjoyment!

I can also go where I want in the crowd/site and not worry about a thing. Can't wait really!

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I'll be on my own. Other friends at the festival that I can hook up with now and then, but I'll be camping separate from them (they'll be in crew camping), and will spend most of the festival on my own I reckon.

Bloody looking forward to it!!!! I aim to forge my own path, keep my own company, pick up the vibe from people around me, make new friends, ride out the odd awkward or lonely moment, discover some new stuff, do things at my own pace, treat myself to some little luxuries in the food and drink departments, not give a fuck about anything, and generally have a bloody good time!

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my friend also has a situation and she's not sure if she'll be able to make it on the Wednesday/Thursday so I might have to go by myself. but i wouldn't miss it ever! no worries, in worst case we can always make a group out of this forum :)

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  • 8 months later...

I often wonder if something a little more organised for efests people to meet up for specific acts (eg reverend paytons big damn band seem pretty popular on here but i'll striggle to persuade my lot to see them) rather than just the cider bus meet would be good... but then i remember that using the word organised when referring to glastonbury is ridiculous.

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Looks like I'll be on my own this year, friend from last year has gone cold on it for some reason and no others are seemingly interested apart from one, but I doubt he'll end up going. Done Hop Farm on my own and Leeds last year so not too bothered - may try to tag onto someone else's group or something!

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You'll be more than fine :)

2010 was my first year with one friend, and we got chatting to the guys in front of us. We spent a lot of the weekend having campfires and just generally having a laugh with him.

In 2011 I don't recall being friendly with the neighbours, but they did pitch their tent in our doorway (despite being in Pylon Ground with lots of room) so our first introduction went along the lines of "Sorry our tent got in the way of yours. We'll remember that next time we camp, god forbid we get in the way of the tents that are yet to be pitched!", after which they promptly moved it so we could get in to our tent, and they didn't speak to us the rest of the weekend.. I think they were a group of American teens, and they left a complete pig sty when they left, it was disgusting!

In 2013 though, we helped the people in front of us put their tent up, they arrived just after we'd finished putting ours up. And later that night we started a small campfire.. before we knew it there was about 10 people surrounding the campfire, all guys from the tents behind and next to us. I spent all of Sunday with 3 of the guys who we'd made friends with, instead of the two girly friends I had gone there with! One of the guys would come in our tent in the morning to wake us up, have a hot drink with us and just generally chat and be friendly. They were all lovely and we're still in contact with them to this day.

I'd say it's safe to say you could make friends for life at Glasto :) Do not worry about going on your own. I technically am this year, but I do know people I could camp with. You'll have the best time of your life and being on your own means you can do what you want, without getting dragged along to bands etc that you don't want to see.

Just relax, enjoy and explore.

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As stated earlier in this thread from last year, went on my own in 2013. Its different, but in a new and good way, and I will be happy to be doing the same thing again this year. You meet more people and can do what you like without the inevitable disagreements on what to do and where to go next.

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