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Official Offsite Pre Erected Tents etc - On sale now

Guest StoneCircle

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Exactly Sprit of 71! I don't know why some people on here are so hung up about what other people do and how they choose to enjoy the festival. With over 100k people going there is bound to be a representative cross section of society whcih means there will be those for whom the cost of the ticket and the weekend is a budget stretcher and those for whom it is not. If people choose to spend their hard earned money getting a bit of space and more facilities then good luck to them.

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It's just a sign of the times. People view "getting wet" at glastonbury and people tripping over their guy ropes (in the busiest campsite), and a lack of access to showers as a cause for distress. Incredible.

these exclusive areas will grow and grow over the years, no doubt about it. It wont be long before they start appearing inside the festival fence. And what do you think will get smaller to accomodate these areas?

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Spirit of 71 - if you choose to camp in what is known as just about the most popular place to camp, why be surprised to find out it's a popular place to camp? :lol:

There is plenty of camping space, just not perhaps where you'd choose to camp. But that's no different to the likes of Worthy View, because I bet that's not the place you'd choose to camp either.

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To an extent yes, we are all very lucky to be able to afford a ticket to Glastonbury (and I bet there's some on here who can't but work the festival instead). Yeah its only 125 quid to get your tent..but its another 125 quid on top of the Glasto ticket isn't it? That's more than some people would have for the weekend to spend on food etc..so yeah to some extent it is for the "rich" , maybe not the super rich but...
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Not sure if you were there in 2007 but it was more than 'a bit wet'.


The last thing when you come back late, shattered and ready for a kip is to have to put the tent back up because some inconsiderate twit knocked out your guide rope going for a p*ss in the night.

Yes there are other places than the Penards but in 2003 it was no where as busy as it was in 2007, and from the look of 2011 it was even busier.

In 2013 I will be getting another Tipi and I'm happy to pay the extra. It's not just Made in Chelsea types, it's for people who value a bit more comfort.

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Lift the restriction banning vehicles from site so we can all muck in together. It was this that created the whole offiste camping phenomenon in the first place in the late 80s. It won't happen of course but I really do miss being able to camp next to your car at festivals. Some of the smaller ones still allow it I believe, but not many.

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Spirit of 71 - if you choose to camp in what is known as just about the most popular place to camp, why be surprised to find out it's a popular place to camp? :lol:

There is plenty of camping space, just not perhaps where you'd choose to camp. But that's no different to the likes of Worthy View, because I bet that's not the place you'd choose to camp either.

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yeh I was there in 2007 and I also know that only a tiny fraction of the site flooded to the extent of that photo, and I also know that anyone brainless enough to camp there deserved to be flooded out :lol: there are a lot of clues around there as to why it might not be the wisest place to pitch your tent

Not too sure why you even needed your guy ropes if you were packed into pennards, but they should be hammered in as close to your tent as possible, not 1 metre away from it forming a deadly trip wire.

The simple fact is you dont like getting a bit mucky and cant be bothered to carry a tent in, and are prepared to pay a premium for this.

Fine, but its a sad reflection of the current glastonbury goer.

In a muddy year the comeraderie and "we're all in it together" atmosphere is fantastic. Seeing a load of freshly showered prima donnas will cause people to jeer and mock, I am sure of it. And rightly so.

All these areas are doing is creating a "them" and "us" divide.

Part of the beauty of glastonbury used to be you never know if you'd be pitched up next to a millionaire from richmond (like tonyblair) or a pauper from lewisham like me.

And it was great.

Edited by Spirit of 71
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Lift the restriction banning vehicles from site so we can all muck in together. It was this that created the whole offiste camping phenomenon in the first place in the late 80s. It won't happen of course but I really do miss being able to camp next to your car at festivals. Some of the smaller ones still allow it I believe, but not many.
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what was the capacity of worthy view previously? if it's the same then there'll be no more freshly-washed people than usual. i'd love to be able to have a proper wash somewhere close to my tent just once during the festival but for me the slog up that hill is definitely not worth it. i'd rather ming.

i'd not realised people put up 'day tents' for supplies. what @rseholes.

edit: spirit of 71, isn't that top photo of pennards in '05?

Edited by scaryclaireyfairy
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I'm not an ardent fan of some health and safety rules but having vehicles parked away from campers is one I agree with. The last thing you want is some pissed up / stoned lunatic deciding to take their car for a spin in the middle of the night where tents are pitched.
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what was the capacity of worthy view previously? if it's the same then there'll be no more freshly-washed people than usual. i'd love to be able to have a proper wash somewhere close to my tent just once during the festival but for me the slog up that hill is definitely not worth it. i'd rather ming.

i'd not realised people put up 'day tents' for supplies. what @rseholes.

edit: spirit of 71, isn't that top photo of pennards in '05?

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