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Pukkelpop 2013

Guest benrothwell

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There will be no argument from me Semprini, I was merely looking at it from a financial stand point. Refund the tickets for Neil, then resell them to fans of "Band X" who they book as the replacement, like Dave says.

It's a proper "know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em" now though eh? Got the option of a refund on your day tickets for Neil? Take it because, no Crazy Horse and then see someone awesome booked. Don't take it and see someone you don't like booked.

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I agree that this and the storm are two totally different scenarios regarding refunds, and I think anyone on Twitter unable to see this is being very shortsighted. These returned tickets will be easily re-sold.

I'd be very interested to know how many people are taking advantage of the refund offer, i.e. how many had such narrow tastes they were only coming to see Neil. 500? 5,000? I'm guessing we may never know.

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Perhaps this will turn out to be a positive PR exercise for the festival at no financial loss? Appease the die-hard NY fans by offering a refund whilst knowing that, as the festival is sold out and there's a waiting list, those returned tickets will be sold to the fans of whoever they book as a replacement. I actually think they would sell them even if they didn't announce a replacement.

Read a news report last night that said the cost of offering food and drinks vouchers after the storm will be around 5.5 millions euros over the three years. They took loads of flack over this (even had a court case) and, perhaps a little bit like the NY situation, is an example of them trying to do what they think is right but still being slated for it. Who'd be a festival promoter -thank God all we have to do is turn up and get drunk!

Edited by Semprini
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Editors are still a decent live act, they're no Prince though. At the moment, I have one foot firmly in the "trust Pukkelpop" camp. I'm expecting them to get this right. Is it misplaced optimism? Only time will tell!

Also, in the absence or Crazy Horse, I need a new band to obsess with between now and the festival. Currently hammering Eels albums, any other suggestions?

Edited by TheNewUnion
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We saw Allah Las a few weeks back at Best Kept Secret. They were very good on the outdoor main stage there. But I think they will be even better at PP, as being indoors in the Club will suit their sound more.

Edit: their whole set at BKS is here if anyone's interested:

Jagwar Ma, Parquet Courts, and Phosphorescent are all on my 'to see' list.

Don Broco clashes with Noisettes and i wanted to see them back in 2011, so they get my vote.

And I haven't heard the new Foals album, but thought they were merely OK at PP 2008. Not memorable enough to tempt me all the way from the Dance Hall after !!! and back again for Crystal Castles. Think I'll check out The Soft moon in the Castello instead, or maybe the first part of Filter as they always play 'Trip Like I Do' as first song.

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There's a shop in Campsite A that sells camping stuff, would assume they sell the blow up bed, chairs and the like but don't know 100%.

Don't know anything about availability of recreational pharmaceuticals I'm afraid. Never seemed to be a very "druggy" festival to me, but then I don't hang round the Boiler Room/Dance Hall that much.

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Just picked up this tweet from Chokri Mahassine (Pukkelpop's top boy):

Damn! Toch moeilijker dan verwacht om zo snel een waardige vervanger te vinden…
We doen ons uiterste best!

Google translate:

Damn! More difficult than expected as soon find a worthy replacement ...

We do our very best!
My interpretation of that is they don't have anyone yet. Think if we don't have a name by Monday it will be a filler or timetable shift.
Edit: just confirmed on Facebook, no replacement as yet.
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Just seen the Facebook post.

'We do not think that replacement will be found before Tuesday.'

That doesn't fill me with hope. :( I realise its going to be hard for them to find someone, but still going to be really disappointed if they don't. Not Pukkelpop's fault Frank Sampedro broke his hand either though :/

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I'm guessing one possible reason why they have mentioned Tuesday is because someone like dUES or Netsky have said 'yes' but they want to give themselves a few more days to find someone bigger. Realistically, they can't leave it any later than Tuesday to make an announcement so we'll know one way or another by then at the latest. Can't believe they haven't got anyone at all so will be interesting to see how they word it if it does turn out to be someone of the calibre I've mentioned (basically a filler).

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Yeah, know what you mean. Haven't listened to much of either, but, without being disrespectful, it would be a big drop from NY to either for me. At least we still have The Prodigy to look forward to in the way of a big act on the Friday. There are still loads on the bill across all three days that I'm looking forward to so still going to be amazing regardless. Leaving on Tuesday night, cannot get these next three days in quick enough!!!

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Yeah, know what you mean. Haven't listened to much of either, but, without being disrespectful, it would be a big drop from NY to either for me. At least we still have The Prodigy to look forward to in the way of a big act on the Friday. There are still loads on the bill across all three days that I'm looking forward to so still going to be amazing regardless. Leaving on Tuesday night, cannot get these next three days in quick enough!!!

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