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Funny things you saw/heard

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So many I can't even remember them all...

- Chap in full on Iron Man suit made from coke cans. Bloody hell.

- Really fat girl stack it down the steps on the longdrops in Brown

- Some dude in the Silent Disco off his face on MDMA trying to "see his own hands"

- Nicking a kid's guitar in Orange, playing MMM Bop and attracting an instant crowd of about 50, then giving it back and walking away like a boss. I enjoyed that.

- Newly made camping friend taking my other friend's camera, going "get in the picture!" to everyone near the toilets in the arena, and about 100 people bundling over. A hero of a photo

- Dance off in the silent disco. So much fun

- HEAPS of overheard conversations and some brilliant ones in the toilet, including "this might be the best wee I've ever done" and "I can't believe I'm missing Twin Atlantic cos I'm trying to shit"

- Singing "Whooooooaaaaa! You're tower's for fire!" a la Kings of Leon at some poor bored girl in a fire tower

- The legend that was Andy, and his friend Nathan, from Essex. They were absolutely off their faces on something and arrived in our campsite. I had to help Andy to the toilet and then he went to the supermarket in Brown, where he entertained the crowds for a bit longer and then tried to pay a £31 supermarket bill with £20. Back at camp, Nathan was absolutely alarmed to learn we weren't at Leeds, but at Reading. "But...this morning I was at Leeds. I'm sure I was at Leeds. I've walked all the way to Reading from fucking Leeds. OH FUCK, man, I'm gonna have to walk all the way back to fucking Leeds to find my tent!"

- Andy's stories included some brilliant ones about how he was fishing, found a frying pan in a bush, and to cut a long story short did a poo in it and cooked it in his mate's tent. And how he did a poo in a pizza box and gave it to the workers in Dominos. Absolutely ridiculous individual but so so funny...and I have the whole frying pan story on video, so that's going on Youtube!

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Some guy before the Foos attempt a backflip and stacking it.

Posh arseholes unable to roll a spliff.

On Wednesday night there were these penguin people who had guitars and a large group went around the food drive chanting at all the stalls.

A couple of human pyramid fails.

Naked high guy at the end of the Cribs

A couple of girls losing all dignity on sunday and pissing in a hedge.

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This lad next to me who was pilled up to his eyeballs and who literally did not stop moving through all of Kasabian's set, or the half an hour before hand. He was having the time of his life :P he's probably still there now all on his own bless him.

This middle aged couple who were eating eachother's faces through most of All Time Low's set, until a guy came up to behind and mimed f**king them both . Was hilarious to see.

A lad no older then 8 walking around with a stack of cups twice the size of him. Saw him doing this three days on the trot haha.

Seeing a very skinny guy pick his rather large lady on his shoulders and almost toppling over.

And this lad who was tripping balls in front of me during The Vaccines and spent the whole time facing away from the stage licking and tasting the air :L

Oh, and of course, the now legendary I NEED A SHIT sign :P

Edited by Andre91
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Some bloke dressed in full Captain America costume stood in power stance shield up on top of the crowd!

Some woman stacking off the top of a human pyramid and into the crowd during The Black Keys.

Also for some reason I burst out laughing when we walked past some blokes singing

"Sex at me nan's come on move your body, Sex at me nan's" Then someone else shouted out "Whilst she's watching Corrie!"

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3 girls wearing gstrings and bras dancing outside one of the small stalls, one of them fell over and had mud all over her arse

Straight after the above girls walked off music man came on, me and one of my mates started dancing to it and soon attracted a crowd of around 30 people this was at about 5am on Saturday morning

I fell over twice in the same place on different nights (bottom of orange hill) first time i was surrounded by

people and could not bring my self to stand up so i just lay there for a good 10 seconds as people danced around me

me and a mate sharing a long drop (wee)

I fell asleep standing up whilst watching tribes only for a second or two and then stumbled forward and woke up, unfortunately one of my mates clocked me

A bloke with an awesome beard grabbed me around the face with a bright pink gimp type mask

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I was talking to Greg James briefly, with him on the parapet of the BBC Three thing by the FR stage, some guy walking behind me doesn't miss a beat and just yells 'Snog Marry Avoid is shit!' at him.

Will think of more while I get to sleep...

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A guy got naked at Reading, waved his cock at security and managed to outrun all of them round yellow/orange for about half an hour

Guy crowd surfing on a camping chair during the Black Keys

The high people dancing at the end of Justice, for an entire song this girl just dragged her palms back and forth across the floor

Everyone absolutely drenched in sweat after Green Day, put on a brand new shirt before and it was soaked

The improv jam session on the bins in Y9 on the last day

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A woman pissing people off so much holding an iPad in the air to film We Are Augustines that someone took it clean out with a full pint of beer. Cracking shot.

The crowd during Twin Atlantic in front of the mid-distance camera, hilarious.

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Queuing to go in on the Sunday morning. A small group of guys, kinda young (maybe 15/16) were stood around getting excited to one of the first bands on. They kept looking at their phones, until one of them went "YES!" and started to read out what he found on a page on his phone... he sounded smug. "Red Hot Chili Peppers are playing shows across all of summer, and are rumoured to be playing Reading and Leeds". I then found out they thought the first band on the FR tent was RHCP. Their rationale on the matter "They're from LA, and they have a song called Californication". They were so excited, bless them. I walked in and they sprinted over to LA and got barrier. My biggest regret of the festival was not following them to see their disappointed faces.

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Partaking in the circle pit conga line and spectating the on-the-shoulders mosh pit during PABH.

The running joke with my mates that Brian May was going to turn up and play with every band: "And today only, with Gallows, it's BRIAN MAY!!!" etc etc.

Watching the girl nicknamed Swallow in Brown camp going into the tent of most of the boys she saw.

Gutted I missed the Gaslight cricket, that sounds immense :D

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Even though it wasn't hilarious by any means, I just felt like it summed up my morning.

I remember seriously hungover on the day Green day played, and in a foul-ass mood, and I'm not a huge fan... Was at the camp site, moaning, then got onto moaning about their singer constantly doing that "woooahhh, wooaaah" audience thing. I ended up wanting to get away from it, then went to one of them luxury toilets to cheer myself up with a nice poo, soon as my arse hit the seat I heard "wooooooaahhhhh, woooaaaaaah". My nearly in tears face hit my hands, made my day though!

Other than that, our neighbours having a very dramatic sword fight with a stick was absolutely hilarious.

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A bloke trying to get a 'large' girl on his shoulders and having to ask his mates for back up..

A boy taking a piss in the crowd during kaiser chiefs geting took to the floor by his mates so he was lying in his own piss

On the sunday i only saw one puddle all day, watched my mate stack right into that wearing trainers

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