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Chavmeisterdeluxe last won the day on August 12 2018

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About Chavmeisterdeluxe

  • Birthday 10/30/1986

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  1. I think Bloc Party would be well down the list of headliners they'd be asking.
  2. Los Campesinos have been a Trees fave from back before when they did book a lot of indie music.
  3. Letlive wouldn't have easily headlined before the reunion hype so it's not a given now and given how much Jason loves to climb sh*t I could definitely see them headlining either tent.
  4. Yeah majority of my group go for the social side regardless of who's playing. I'm always pretty enamoured with the line up so am always confident in buying straight away.
  5. I think Shikari will headline. Think we could see a Million Dead reunion based on the conversation Frank had on 2 promotors, 1 pod. The Menzingers were basically confirmed for next year on the podcast too, and they said they'd talked about something really cool in regards to their set (though that was when they were in conversation for 24)
  6. Not overly, though I go VIP so that's probably less busy in general. No app, no.
  7. Definitely has done in the past but that was years ago I got some so not sure if it still does.
  8. James has always sounded very happy with the sales on his podcast so not surprised it's gonna be close to selling out
  9. I wouldn't say a lot less. It was full but comfortable.
  10. Sounds like he did, and was told to remove the tweet
  11. And Rob will have likely had backstage access so may have witnessed it
  12. They've closed the car parks at Leeds today due to weather so there will be a free shuttle bus from Leeds City centre and passes will be refunded. No doubt they'll get pelters for this but it can't really be avoided
  13. As a Saints fan so have I to be fair. Outplayed you twice this season so will definitely lose when it matters.
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