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Guest nickid

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There were a couple of bars near the Meeting Point last year which were discouraging people coming in with their own drinks. They were showing the football in the bars (Holland v Cameroon iirc). Other bars earlier in the day showing the Italy v Slovakia match had no issue with us taking our own cans in.

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The Bars are not charging you £ 200 in fact they have to pay a lot more than that for the rights to sell - if I am a Customer and have bought a drink but I cant get a seat because its being taken up by people drinking their own drink I would be annoyed and I am sure I would complain - sure if there is loads of space then there is no problem but when its busy people do have to think about the Customers who have bought drinks in that specific bar.

As there is several operators this year { and last } each operator will have their own policy so just because one bar does not mind does not mean they all will not mind.

When busy the seats and tables are for Customer use only.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This sort of ridiculous territorialism is a huge step backwards and needs to be stamped on swiftly and harshly.

If you can't turn a profit on a bar at bloody Glastonbury without allowing people to sit down wherever they want then frankly, you're in the wrong business.

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The Brothers Bar has no tent, seats or special areas. It is one of the busiest on site. Personally I'd just drop the concept of 'bars' to be honest. Make them regular stalls, hire out only the actual bar area, and keep the tented areas separate.

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To be fair, I loved the brothers this year, but the mess. It was too dark and my photos are illegible, but at midnight on sunday, when the place was a crap hole and the tables were piled high with litter there was a completely empty brown top recycling bin less than 10m away. Those bins hadn't been emptied for hours and one was still empty, which sort of made it look as though the entire clientelle had made a conscious decision to never use it and to make the place as crappy as possible.

I liked the bread and roses again this year, spent a couple of nice shady hours in there.

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Many of us like an ale or several served from a cask kept at a decent temperature. Many of us also like a nice shelter from the rain, or even the sun, when we drink said ales. Often the atmosphere in the bars (at least the ones I tend to spend time in) is fantastic and they are great places to unwind. How is that un-Glastonbury like?

Note: Not everyone wants to get soaked whilst drinking so-called cider from the Brothers Bar. Nor do we all throw our cups and food plates in the mud when we've finished. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rather than start a new thread, thought I'll post here for the new Brothers advert looks very cool...


Edited by jamiejc
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Chameleon Bar didn't like it. Ended up just pouring our cans into the plastic cups outside, then they couldn't really do anything about it. Had a great night in there enjoying the tunes.

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