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Park, spesh guests on friday...

Guest cejx

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So many people seem to have developed a strange misconception about the monkeys. They are nothing like the “new oasis” some idiots make them out to be, they are not the slightest bit arrogant, and I really don’t see what there is to dislike about them. With each album they’ve released they’ve shown progression and improvement, they are all very competent musicians, especially the drummer, and Alex is one of the best lyricists around – the poet laureate, Carol Ann Duffy, has put him in the same league as Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan.

I think the main problem is that people instantly dismissed them after hearing songs such as Dancefloor, which Alex wrote when he was about 16. Their songs really aren’t that aggressive anymore, their new album is rather closer to 50’s/60’s style heartfelt love songs. They also don’t take things seriously, and people often fail to see their sense of humour; they might occasionally act arrogant or pretentious, but that’s only because they think it funny, and it’s self-mocking more than anything. This is most obvious to see if you watch the cornerstone video, I can’t believe how people fail to see the joke, I mean it’s directed by Richard Ayoade, it’s hardly going to be serious.

When Alex isn’t touring or recording, he spends his days sat at home, listening to records, cooking roast dinners, watching The wire or The Sopranos, and writing songs. He’s not your typical rockstar, all he cares about is writing good songs, and in little over 5 years, he’s released over 120.

Basically, you’d be a fool to write them off just because you thought they were a bit overrated or arrogant when they first turned up, because they’re really not, and If they end up playing the park, they’ll put on quite a show.

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So many people seem to have developed a strange misconception about the monkeys. They are nothing like the “new oasis” some idiots make them out to be, they are not the slightest bit arrogant, and I really don’t see what there is to dislike about them. With each album they’ve released they’ve shown progression and improvement, they are all very competent musicians, especially the drummer, and Alex is one of the best lyricists around – the poet laureate, Carol Ann Duffy, has put him in the same league as Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan.

I think the main problem is that people instantly dismissed them after hearing songs such as Dancefloor, which Alex wrote when he was about 16. Their songs really aren’t that aggressive anymore, their new album is rather closer to 50’s/60’s style heartfelt love songs. They also don’t take things seriously, and people often fail to see their sense of humour; they might occasionally act arrogant or pretentious, but that’s only because they think it funny, and it’s self-mocking more than anything. This is most obvious to see if you watch the cornerstone video, I can’t believe how people fail to see the joke, I mean it’s directed by Richard Ayoade, it’s hardly going to be serious.

When Alex isn’t touring or recording, he spends his days sat at home, listening to records, cooking roast dinners, watching The wire or The Sopranos, and writing songs. He’s not your typical rockstar, all he cares about is writing good songs, and in little over 5 years, he’s released over 120.

Basically, you’d be a fool to write them off just because you thought they were a bit overrated or arrogant when they first turned up, because they’re really not, and If they end up playing the park, they’ll put on quite a show.

Edited by cejx
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as it goes, I thought the first album was really good, and it's been downhill ever since and yeah, like cejx I have absolutely no interest in what tv shows he watches and what he cooks. I stopped reading Smash Hits a long time ago.

Frankly he could be out every night shagging badgers up the arse for all I care, as long as the music is interesting.

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I've just never really warmed to the Arctics. I can see why people like them, don't hate them or anything, I just think I missed the initial buzz around them and haven't really heard anything to back it up. I hope it's them on the Friday as I don't want to miss Morrissey

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Ha, well i just meat to say, he's not the sort of person who spends his time hanging out in posh bars (every night) etc, he was never trying to become famous or anything, it just happened. It was more in reply to some of the earlier comments, such as your "i can't bear them", than the recent discussion, but anyway, hi :)

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Dunno if anyone has suggested this yet but I'm absolutely CONVINCED it's Lou Reed. He's only playing 2 UK shows that he's announced, the one I'm going to which is the Friday after Glastonbury. He's obviously in the country, he's 70, his final tour with the full band. Unlikely he's only going to be doing the two UK shows? Especially when they're so close to Glastonbury. Just convinced about it, what do you reckon?

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For myself I don't give a toss who it turns out to be. In fact I'm a little disappointed at the early lineup releases. I'd much prefer to be surprised to be honest. I've long since given up being disappointed at what I may have missed and instead concentrate on enjoying what I've seen.

If there is one truism about Glasto we can all agree on then that's probably having to choose between two acts you love. Neither Pulp nor Arctics are bigger than Radiohead (or even a fraction there of)and that worked fine. If missing one band over the weekend ruins it for you then I'd suggest your money would be better spent buying tickets for that particular band and if the possibility of seeing Pulp at Glastonbury would make your weekend (more so than missing 20mins of someone else)then you know where to be.

What this seems to boil down to is that some want their cake and eat it. Or are perhaps not able to focus on enjoying what's in front of them.

I'll be chancing my arm on the Park both nights because I'm prepared to miss 20 mins on the off chance.

Edited by grandadcollective
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Right ignoring all the bickering over whether we should have special guests or not. Another person on an arctic monkeys forum has also received the same info and referred back to this thread:

"Just received a text from a mate in the know who told me Arctics are playing the Friday slot with Pulp on the Saturday. Also said they might be playing the new album in full. 75min set so they have plenty of time. Arctics into U2 would be once in a lifetime!

Seems someone on efests has received similar info"


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So many people seem to have developed a strange misconception about the monkeys. They are nothing like the “new oasis” some idiots make them out to be, they are not the slightest bit arrogant, and I really don’t see what there is to dislike about them. With each album they’ve released they’ve shown progression and improvement, they are all very competent musicians, especially the drummer, and Alex is one of the best lyricists around – the poet laureate, Carol Ann Duffy, has put him in the same league as Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan.

I think the main problem is that people instantly dismissed them after hearing songs such as Dancefloor, which Alex wrote when he was about 16. Their songs really aren’t that aggressive anymore, their new album is rather closer to 50’s/60’s style heartfelt love songs. They also don’t take things seriously, and people often fail to see their sense of humour; they might occasionally act arrogant or pretentious, but that’s only because they think it funny, and it’s self-mocking more than anything. This is most obvious to see if you watch the cornerstone video, I can’t believe how people fail to see the joke, I mean it’s directed by Richard Ayoade, it’s hardly going to be serious.

When Alex isn’t touring or recording, he spends his days sat at home, listening to records, cooking roast dinners, watching The wire or The Sopranos, and writing songs. He’s not your typical rockstar, all he cares about is writing good songs, and in little over 5 years, he’s released over 120.

Basically, you’d be a fool to write them off just because you thought they were a bit overrated or arrogant when they first turned up, because they’re really not, and If they end up playing the park, they’ll put on quite a show.

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New Arctics album is actually decent from what I've heard so far.

I liked the first album, liked some of the second and didn't like the third.

I'd be quite pleased if they played and would catch them on the Friday. If they played the Saturday and Pulp played Friday though that would suit me better ;)

At this time last year The Strokes were "confirmed" by mutiple sources for one of the guests slots, until Biffy announced themselves playing on the Monday before I believe, so taking everything with pinch of salt at moment.

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This pulp special guests thing is massively pissing me off, I love pulp, and like the special guests thing at the park, I often go up there just for the fun randomness of it. Even didn't mind when the klaxons turned up one year,

This doesn't feel like fun and randomness anymore, it's stressing me out :(

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