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Flavored Vodka Thread

Guest The_Spoon

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Is it too early for the yearly "Flavored Vodka" discussion?

My flatmates and I had a bash at making skittles vodka for the first time last night (Previously I've only made Werther's Original flavor and Foxes Glacier Mint).

The blackcurrent one has worked pretty well - however, the others have been left to filter overnight and a lot of it is still sitting in the filter paper, not going through... How can we make it work a bit better?

Also, I've been having a thought, the Glacier Mint vodka didn't need any filtering at all and was very very nice! Has anyone tried using the Foxes Glacier Fruits? I'm guessing it'll taste the same as skittles without the need to filter.....

What other good recipes can people attest to... I want to try a few before glasto this year so I can take a couple of the best ones with me :D

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i was considering taking vodka jelly this year in plastic shot glasses... ive made them before and there good enough, i was just wondering if anybody had any idea how long they'de be good for? in an airtight tub would they last all weekend? (they probably wont last all weekend because theyle be devoured anyway)

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This is the first year we have made the glasto vodkas, after reading about everyone's efforts last year. We have got a raspberry vodka and blueberry one, and they have been in the cellar since Christmas time. We give them a shake (and a taste!!) every so often. It's going well, may be alittle more adventurous next and use sweets!

Can't wait to be sipping/gulping them down in a field in June!!

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Step 1: Buy vodka and sweets of your choice. Personly I wouldnt go with anything that has a sugar coating. Cherry drops are pretty banging.

Step 2: Put your sweets in the vodka bottle, and shake.

Step 3: Wait. This can be over night, a week or even a year.

Step 4: Using a coffee filter and funel filter the drink into a plastic bottle ( in the case of Glasto)

Step 5: Ignore the shot glass and just drink it.

Edited by guypjfreak
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The trouble with making them this early is they are likely to be gone by June!:)

They only take a few days to make so we left ours until a couple of weeks before last year.

Last year we made

Polo (very very nice)

Skittles (I seem to remember somebody saying that if you don't remove the green ones it goes a horrible browny colour. We removed the green ones and it went a deep red. Then I ate all the green ones)!

Fruit Pastels (although nice, the sugar kind of congealed and it went a little sludgy, as above I wouldn't use anything with a big sugar coating)

This year we will try Foxes mints, Skittles again and Pear Drops. Then maybe whatever else takes our fancy.

A couple of tips:

Empty a cupful out of the bottle before you add sweets and put in another bottle, for every 3 bottles you make you get a 4th.

Standing the bottle in hot water makes the sweets dissolve faster.

You can get a 6 pack of 500ml water bottles with the flip tops pretty cheap at the supermarkets. After straining the mixture it they just about fill perfectly.


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I did skittles last year for Glasto, and although it tasted good it looked horrific.

By V I had perfected it, to avoid any bad colours after the sweets have dissolved and filtering done I add a couple of drops of red food colouring. Made it go an appealing dark red.

This year I'm thinking Skittles and Foxes Glacier mints. I've heard fisherman friends can work well, has anyone tried it?

Standing them in hot seems a great idea, will definitely give that a bash.

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