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Guest ApacheAnderson

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2007 was our first year - probably the best, but in different ways. loved being able to actually sit on the ground last year - bliss! No matter what the weather is, Glasto will always be fab, so long as you are prepared for all eventualities weatherwise. ^_^

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Guest blackcockerel

It had it's moments (Aliens, Spiritualized, The Who) but it's my least favourite of the nine I've been to. the weather and twelve hours stuck in a car park on Monday morning caused me to take a year out, something I never thought I'd do. I imagine it was great for first timers though, just like the muddy year 97 was for me.

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I loved it. I love Glasto whatever the weather is like. Whatever it is its a different experience. 2007 was a mudfdest and I loved it for being a mudfest. You see stuff you would never see anywhere else. Other stage and Dance Viallage like a swamp. Difficult/impossible to get through but it makes it for me, I do not see things like that outside Glasto. Mud, mud, mad. It was more memorable than any other fest I have been to, although in fairness I can't remember thinking like that at the time!

Take whatever comes your way, and enjoy

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Had a great time in 2007 despite the bl**dy rain and all the mud - defo one of the best years - or at least it was up until the mega monsoon that kicked off just as I was taking me tent down at the crack of dawn on Monday ! Me and just about everything got totally bl**dy soaked though and as this was closely followed by several hours standing ankle deep in water waiting for the shuttle to Castle Cary, several hours standing around waiting to get on to the platform before I could sit down under cover and then several more hours waiting for me train home it was not fun at all. Never been so unbelievably cold, uncontrollably shivering and p!$$ed off for many, many years <_< Was defo a "never again" moment that's for sure ... until I eventually got me mouth round a cuppa and BBQ bacon butty or 2 from the usual guys who run the excellent munchies place at the station anyway ! Was still wet and freezing cold when I finally got home something like 10/12 hours after I left the campsite mind you :(

There's been at least one deja vu stylee moment since then as well with a most unwelcome monsoon starting just after taking the tent down but fortunately nowhere near as bad as 2007.

Edited by mikeb
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I loved 2007, the mud made me feel like a great big excited kid, every journey was a unique adventure and i learned alot about the different types of mud.....skidding all over the place was a bit of an adrenaline rush especially when you manage to save yourself from what seemed like an inevitable stumble!! Dare i say it, i think i laughed more at 07 than 08 or 09 because of the mud....and the really old leaky tent!

Don't get me wrong, i love the sun as much as anyone else and last year was amazing, being able to sit and chill in the Circus field or anyother field that takes your fancy without running the risk of skidding all over the place when trying to stand and there's nothing better than a nice cold Brothers Strawberry on a hot sunny day!! :D

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I didnt go in 2007, but I did go in 2005 and there was loads and loads of rain then as well, that was the year that the bottom of Pennards flooded. I had a good time for most of the weekend though, but by Sunday afternoon I had had enough and we left early.

I dont mind a bit of rain and will be totally prepared for it, but it does make things difficult

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it was a shame it ended with The Who and peeing it down which was the low point of all my visits to Glastonbury.

I know it seemed to rain constantly and if I really really try hard to remember, it all comes 'flooding' back but it didn't get in the way too much. It's still the best time of my life, just like every other year and I have great memories

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2007 was an excellent year for me and my friends at Glastonbury! Walking through the floods in wellies and waterproofs all weekend, had such a laugh at the festie! It was amazing! Loved every minute of it! Appreciate what you have not what you don't!

Stay positive and enjoy! :D

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Nah, 2007 was a pain in the arse. 2005 was brilliant (and I think up until last year, my favourite)...it's not the mud (it was mental in '05), but the constant rain in '07 started to piss me off by Sunday night. It's a competely different festival when you can flake out and have a beer on the grass.

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I honestly can't remember it raining in 2007 for the whole fesitval (though it obviously did!!). It just can't of bothered me at all. What did end it on a bit of a bad note though was having to pack up on the monday in the relentless rain. I had one of those stupid rows with one of my mates that started with how to put a pop up tent away, and eneded with us wanting to poke each others eyes out! We have never quite got over that row unfortunately. Standing with all our stuff on our backs and in our hands for 4 hours in a lake, so we couldn't even put anything down whilst waiting for a shuttle bus to take us off site and to some kind of transport that would take us home was very miserable. We all said at the time we would never ever do it again, however as soon as I had had a bath and was clean and dry again I was desperate for 2008 to arrive! my mate and his wife though haven't ever returned so I guess it killed off the less hardcore amongst us!! I have missed them the last couple of years though.

I love my waterproof's even if I don't look my best when wearing them!!!

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2007 was still a brilliant year but it was stupidly wet. Everything you bought to eat turned to mush in minutes and our tent was full of mud!

It was a really strange quiet year because at night everyone went to find shelter so you could walk around freely. I remember going to sleep on the last night and saying to my girlfriend that by morning the rain would stop but then we were awake and it was just as heavy! Packing up our tent in the rain was a laugh(!)

My abiding memory however, was seeing Chemical Brothers. An amazing set and the only time we noticed the driving rain was when the lasers danced off the drops creating sheets of light. Amazing.

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It was just hard work - getting in and out of your tent required a major decontamination procedure, there was nowhere dry to sit and all the tents were packed out. The Monday morning was one of the most bleak moments of my life and I just wanted to be out of there.

The really weird thing is that i've heard friends and workmates telling tales about how it was brilliant and 'the mud was just part of the fun.' At the time I saw them complaining bitterly about it being cold and wet, and walking back to their tents early in the evening because they couldn't be bothered with it. I also remember refusing to put a positive spin on it to the customers in our bar, and having loads of conversations with people who were grateful to be able to drop the pretence and just admit that it was rubbish.

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