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A handy tip for all you first-timers - Especially the solo'ers

Guest Deepsky

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I know it's months off yet but I'd just like to share something from my own experience...

When you're packing for glasto seriously keep it simple.. Especially if you're on your own!!

The first time i went to glasto i seriously packed the whole house up... I had a massive 150L army back pack (one of the MASSIVE ones) with all the available attachable pouches and bags attached and filled, one large camping rucksack AND a hold-all totally filled with stuff!

I'd packed so much stuff into my packs that i could barely stand up with them on and with carrying the other bags i almost caused myself a massive injury.

I dunno why i went mental but the prospect of being by myself for five days miles from home kinda worried me a bit so i went majorly overboard and packed my whole bedroom up pretty much!

The walk from the car into the festi can take a while, especially if you're standing around waiting at the gate and when you're leaving the festi you'll be glad you dont have 100+KG of stuff to lug back to the car!

all you will ever need is the following:

# A decent sized army/camping back pack

# tent & sleeping bag (i have an air bed but they do take up space and can be heavy)

# no more than two complete changes of clothes but as many socks as you can pack.

# a couple of packs of wet-wipes... Excellent for scrubbing yourself down and for keeping clean.

# optional: i take a small saucepan (clips onto my backpack), bread and a few tins of canned food... This is optional of course but it does keep the cost down whilst at the festi. I buy a small camping stove whilst at the festival... they're normally less than a tenner.

# decent torch with spare batteries

# Toilet roll

Of course there are other things you can take to make your time there more enjoyable... I often take a pair of trainers as well as my boots for good weather as my boots tend to f**k my feet up.

A fold-out chair is also a good thing to take but it's annoying to carry around with you especially when its heaving with people.

I also normally take a small waterproof back-pack to carry my camera around in and various other bits and bobs like a torch, toilet roll (you never know when nature will strike!), water and a few plasters and blister tape for my feet.

Blisters will be your worst enemy so take care of your feet!

That's pretty much all you will need... if you need anything else then you'll be able to get it at glasto.

Don't freak out and do what i did! :):)

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I know it's months off yet but I'd just like to share something from my own experience...

When you're packing for glasto seriously keep it simple.. Especially if you're on your own!!

The first time i went to glasto i seriously packed the whole house up... I had a massive 150L army back pack (one of the MASSIVE ones) with all the available attachable pouches and bags attached and filled, one large camping rucksack AND a hold-all totally filled with stuff!

I'd packed so much stuff into my packs that i could barely stand up with them on and with carrying the other bags i almost caused myself a massive injury.

I dunno why i went mental but the prospect of being by myself for five days miles from home kinda worried me a bit so i went majorly overboard and packed my whole bedroom up pretty much!

The walk from the car into the festi can take a while, especially if you're standing around waiting at the gate and when you're leaving the festi you'll be glad you dont have 100+KG of stuff to lug back to the car!

all you will ever need is the following:

# A decent sized army/camping back pack

All good stuff there, one thing I would add that is essential is preparation. All said before somewhere but;

Dont let this be the first time that you put your tent up, the conditions (space) will not be ideal and if it is new and faulty you will sulk.

Start wearing the footwear that you will be taking loooong before the day, wear them in and be comfortabe, that alone will make a big difference to your festi experience, agony with every step tends to take the shine off of even Glasto.

Pack things well before and see what you can carry, be realistic.

If all this fails and you do have a problem just ask for help, the vast majority of folks at Glastonbury are in a beutiful mood and will be only too pleased to help even.

# tent & sleeping bag (i have an air bed but they do take up space and can be heavy)

# no more than two complete changes of clothes but as many socks as you can pack.

# a couple of packs of wet-wipes... Excellent for scrubbing yourself down and for keeping clean.

# optional: i take a small saucepan (clips onto my backpack), bread and a few tins of canned food... This is optional of course but it does keep the cost down whilst at the festi. I buy a small camping stove whilst at the festival... they're normally less than a tenner.

# decent torch with spare batteries

# Toilet roll

Of course there are other things you can take to make your time there more enjoyable... I often take a pair of trainers as well as my boots for good weather as my boots tend to f**k my feet up.

A fold-out chair is also a good thing to take but it's annoying to carry around with you especially when its heaving with people.

I also normally take a small waterproof back-pack to carry my camera around in and various other bits and bobs like a torch, toilet roll (you never know when nature will strike!), water and a few plasters and blister tape for my feet.

Blisters will be your worst enemy so take care of your feet!

That's pretty much all you will need... if you need anything else then you'll be able to get it at glasto.

Don't freak out and do what i did! :):)

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Hmm, cocked that last post up a bit, never mind.

What I meant to say is prepare, Wear your foot wear well before, be imaginative, army boots in the office could become a fashion, put up your tent before hand if it is new, be sure that it is not faulty and that you know how to put it up, try out carrying your load, be realistic and if you cant carry it you have got too much.

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I second all this. First timers this year and we took way too much crap that we didn't use/need. Funnily enough, a lot of it was booze!

If you can, I'd take more cash (or more likely - have it in your account so you can get it and spend it) and less alcohol. Beer etc. is heavy and not so good after it's been warming in a tent.

Another thing I'm going to do this year is get some decent, comfortable, waterproof footwear. Wellies are great but damn uncomfortable after a while and I only had to wear them for 1 day this year. If it was wellies every day your feet would be agony. Thinking of checking out army surplus for some decent boots.

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I never tire of saying this - pocket tissues are better than loo roll. get them cheap at poundland. They will go everywhere with you and stay dry.

My first Glastonbury I was wearing shorts and a vest, and all I took with me was a single duvet and a jumper. It's probably best to take a bit more than this.

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I second all this. First timers this year and we took way too much crap that we didn't use/need. Funnily enough, a lot of it was booze!

If you can, I'd take more cash (or more likely - have it in your account so you can get it and spend it) and less alcohol. Beer etc. is heavy and not so good after it's been warming in a tent.

Another thing I'm going to do this year is get some decent, comfortable, waterproof footwear. Wellies are great but damn uncomfortable after a while and I only had to wear them for 1 day this year. If it was wellies every day your feet would be agony. Thinking of checking out army surplus for some decent boots.

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I think I got it about right when I went T this year, maybe an extra cotton t-shirt for glasto and maybe a spare of shorts/trousers as well(That was only 3 days.).

Hand sanitizer gel stuff and wet wipes, with a man bag for the day(the girl i was with got pissy cos I kept stuff my sunglasses and hat in her small hang bag.) is also a must.

And guys don't forget sun cream if you burn easy! :) (My mum packed me two bottles of factor 50) I burn that easy!

and as much Kopperberg as you can carry!

Edited by LondonTom
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Decent hiking boots are a must, they're waterproof, comfortable and protect your ankle if you do stumble (whilst drunk or on a muddy rut)

Baby wipes are great for washing with, and alcohol hand rubs.

A day-bag in which you can smuggle beer in to the main arena (it's Glasto, no rules) carry your beer around in.

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Another handy hint, take a spare change of clothes, I means everything, socks, pants, footwear the lot and put them in a sealed bin liner and keep them back in the car till the end of the festival, so that if the heavens do open for a prolonged period, you will have a clean dry change of clothing to get into for the journey back.

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I wouldn't go without my weatherproof over trousers and pack-a-mac type thing. Fairly light so they can be carried in your other tiny day bag with the loo roll etc and whipped out and on in seconds. Absolute festival savers in '05 & '07, the highlights being able to stand in the rain totally dry at The Who, and then afterwards, joining in the heckling in the Bill Bailey crowd. "PUT THE UMBRELLAS DOWN". Please don't bring umbrellas, they spoil everyone elses view. I won't mention flags.

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Guys (of all genders :D ) I highly recommend the following:

3/4 length trousers

- great with wellies, (nothing to tuck in or attract mud)

- great if it is hot

- if its cold (at night), wear long socks!

Nervous about the waterproofness of you boots? get a pair of sealskinz socks (it is a brand name, not made from seals). They are waterproof! No clammy feet. Wear trainer socks under them to avoid any rubbing.

Get a woolen work overshirt, it will keep out the cold at night. Failing that, Uniqlo have their merino wool stuff in right now, light weight, comfy, scrunches up small and just enough warmth.

Look for a solar powered keyring torch. a little bigger than a match box. its Light without worry, clip it to the lanyard you'll get with your pocket guide and it will charge up during the day. Maplins had them in for about £6. I have one of these:


it has lasted me 2 years (4 festivals and numerous other events) and still works fine!

The wind up ones are not worth it. Never have power when you need them, used in hast (like in the dark when you want to go to the loo) they tend to break and wind up getting thrown away (When your trying to be 'green' that is counter productive).

Car Air freshener, hang one up in your tent, 5 days living in one tent, despite best efforts, you know it makes sense!


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