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34 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

Most recent rises in fuel will  not increase inflation due to what it is compared with 12 months earlier hence the UK inflation fell in August whereas other countries went up. The increase in inflation will come, but will only really show mid summer on next year depending on what happens next. It is that later effect that will mean inflation stays at 2% ish longer rather than falling below it as many thought - so no reason to cut rates.

bit 12 months is a long time and who knows what will happen............ apart from Nostrodamus of course but don't look at his predictions for 2024.

Bit bold to claim inflation will be 2 percent by next summer. Highly doubt it. People continually underestimating inflation and downplaying it is part of the problem . boe should be raising IRs more to get it to 2 percent pronto. We are all getting poorer with high inflation , something ozanne totally ignores when he’s crying about IRs 

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1 hour ago, Nobody Interesting said:

Most recent rises in fuel will  not increase inflation due to what it is compared with 12 months earlier hence the UK inflation fell in August whereas other countries went up. The increase in inflation will come, but will only really show mid summer on next year depending on what happens next. It is that later effect that will mean inflation stays at 2% ish longer rather than falling below it as many thought - so no reason to cut rates.

bit 12 months is a long time and who knows what will happen............ apart from Nostrodamus of course but don't look at his predictions for 2024.

The rises in price now won't show their impact until later on, sure, but I wasn't talking about it impacting IR rises now - but when we see that hit. That's when we'll know if sticking at the current rate was wise or not (but it's all hindsight anyway).

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1 hour ago, Neil said:

customers will have been expecting rises so far so they're easy to do further rises will trickle down more slowly.

Price rises will continue to be passed down to consumers as businesses feel the impacts of interest rate rises on their mortgages/rents which only beds in inflation more. 

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3 hours ago, Nobody Interesting said:

We were lucky (or just savvy) and got on a 2 year fix on 7th Oct 2021 so have missed the worst.

I have seen our new DD for when that fix ends............................ tis a big number.

f**king hell. I am with Ecotricity. If I go with a less green provider I can nearly half my bill. I guess this is a watch this space thing.

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33 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

Price rises will continue to be passed down to consumers as businesses feel the impacts of interest rate rises on their mortgages/rents which only beds in inflation more. 

Beds in price rises but not necessarily inflation and that requires price rises across the board.

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33 minutes ago, Neil said:

Beds in price rises but not necessarily inflation and that requires price rises across the board.

That’s pretty much what we are getting. They expect us to pay more for everything all whilst having less available money. 

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8 hours ago, grumpyhack said:

I've been impressed with the number of people she's managed to get to talk openly on camera about what was going on.

yes...but not the big boys...no Johnson, Truss, May or Sunak. Nothing from opposition people too, but I guess this isn't about them. Enjoyed it though, such a mad period...and good to hear thoughts of senior civil servants and advisors.

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5 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

I’ve seen talk on X that Sunak will have a Cabinet meeting this week to discuss and vote on having an early general election on November 23rd. 

must have tax cuts in the autumn statement.

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