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Sober Glasto?


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I rarely drink alcohol, preferring fruit juices, though I do enjoy relaxing with the occasional Glastonbury cigarette.  Works for me. Just getting completely ratarsed would seem a waste of a festival.

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Done quite a few Glastonbury festivals sober, and actually found them more fun than drunk ones. Can see and do more during the day and find I don't waste a few hours asleep under a tree somewhere, as may have happened in the past. So many amazing experiences to pass the time unlike some other festivals where you sit round for hours waiting for something to happen

As others have said though there is no right or wrong way to do Glastonbury and no judging people whether they are sober or drunk

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I gave up the booze in Oct 2015 and am doing this one sober.  

Totally looking forwards to being more relazed each day, not hungover, not spending the evenings chasing down urinals, missing friends coz I went to the bar again, missing bands coz I went to the bar again and general worries about acting like a cock.

And also, I work in a bar, but thats OK as I've done Halloween, NYE and Valentines events since being dry.

Totally a brilliant decision I've made.  I don't think you'll have any regrets.


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6 hours ago, Dannytc said:

Just curious, really sorry if this has been asked before.

But I am doing glasto completely sober. Not going to going into detail, but don't drink, smoke or any the rest (Bad past so keep them all on the no no list)

Is there many people that do the whole thing sober, or am I going to stand out like a mad man when Im still walking on two feet and the rest of you are all drunk moneys by the weekend?

Really really excited, just a little apprehensive about being at a festival sober and hopefully won't end up looking like the boring one!

You'll remember it all, wake up feeling fresh, no hangovers. And it's one of the best places, where you won't need any stimulants to have a good time. Thousands of people there will be staying sober m8, have a good 1 :)

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I have been sober for one year, one month and one week exactly today. 

Last year I went to Glastonbury sober for the first time. I honestly thought it would be hell but actually I had a really fantastic time. 

If this last year has taught me anything it is that I definitely do not need alcohol to have a good time. 

I have to add that last year I did have early nights but this is because the medication I take had only just started so it made me very tired. This year I intend to party til the wee small hours! I can't have caffeine but sugar, that keeps me going when I need a pick me up!! ;)

All is not lost. Glastonbury is fantastic and it doesn't need anything extra to help you enjoy it. 

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You'll be fine... Literally the only reason I can imagine being sober inhibiting your experience is if you tend to get annoyed with there being loads of drunk people around you when you are sober! 

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