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HSE still against DF using Balado site

Guest Paul ™

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I know this has came up a few times, but the recent planning application for this years T is still causing serious concern for the HSE and they continue to advise the council against it.

But they agree in principal for DF to have one further year on that site, so maybe we might see a move in 2015.

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Sorry meant to post a link to the document

HSE Letter

Hmm weird it's been removed or currently unavailable, but I had it open in my browser since my initial post.

Edit 2

Try it again, or try from this LINK down 3rd from bottom.

Edited by Paul ™
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If something ever does go seriously wrong then there will be a lot of explaining for whoever is responsible for taking action over these warnings, however I do find it strange that it has been fine for the number of years that it has been on that site although I do appreciate it only takes one time for it to go worng

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If something ever does go seriously wrong then there will be a lot of explaining for whoever is responsible for taking action over these warnings, however I do find it strange that it has been fine for the number of years that it has been on that site although I do appreciate it only takes one time for it to go worng

similar pipelines go thru the UK's major cities with people living permanently next to them. Why is Balado a greater risk than those?

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There are actually very few pipes of that size (36") that carry crude oil in the UK. These are the Green ones marked on THIS map.

The document I linked gives a fair bit of detail on the PADHI+ , but basically comes down to the density of people within certain zones and the soil topgraphy.

It does however state, worst case scenario only 44,500 of the 85,000 attendees could be killed.. so guess its not that bad :P

1. crude oil is not very volatile.

2. just take a look at this map of all the pipelines - many of which are hugely more volatile than any crude pipe, and run right thru big centres of population.


The HSE - making up stuff to ensure their own non-redundancy for at least the last decade. ;)

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1. crude oil is not very volatile.

2. just take a look at this map of all the pipelines - many of which are hugely more volatile than any crude pipe, and run right thru big centres of population.


The HSE - making up stuff to ensure their own non-redundancy for at least the last decade. ;)

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Holy shit I agree with Neil! Job creation and a self licking lollipop if there ever was one. I fell foul of this years ago with a temporary car park we used until jobsworth came along. If there is any danger to any person at all then teh whole thing should be fenced off to everybody all of the time. You are more likely to set fire to your own piss than crude oil.

To be fair to the HSE, I don't think they're pointless as an organisation.

But it's defo the case that having dealt with the sorts of issues that required their creation in the first place*, they've gone looking to create issues out of non-issues as a way to maintain their relevance.

(* just to be clear I'm not saying that these issues have gone away entirely. IMO, the HSE are still required to help ensure that people keep safety in mind).

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  • 3 weeks later...

yep, those health and safety types have to make themselves look important, else people will realise they have nothing meaningful to do and should be sent down to the job centre.

And you see, it's such a dangerous site - because pipelines of in-volatile crude are well known for self-combusting all around the world :lol: - that those health and safety people say it's OK for 85,000 people to be put at risk this year. It must be so very dangerous, eh? :lol:

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It's ridiculous, if it were any real threat they would never have put it at that site in the first place. These pipelines run under schools and airports so no reason why T is in any danger. It's once a year, schools/airports are near enough everyday of the year.

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The site at Stirling isn't big enough I'd say. The council still have the final say on whether or not it goes ahead at Balado. Don't really think they'd pass on the revenue for the area. TITP organisers said they could maybe adjust the layout on the site, but I think it's unlikely that it would be moved completely.

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They don't actually, if the HSE say it goes to a call in for MP's, they have their say.

And even then it's not the final say, as could go to appeal court etc.

Can't see a bunch of elected people - or even normal-salaried people - telling the country to go against people who have 'safety' in their job title, no matter how nuts the thing is that those 'safety' people are recommending.

Arse-covering demands that the recommendations of those safety people are complied with.

It doesn't matter that that worst-case scenario is as likely as me setting fire to water. ;)

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  • 4 months later...

very soon, the local H&S peeps will wake up to the fact that they'll have an awful lot less work to do if they push this thru, and will be creating their own unemployment (for someone, if not all of them).

Expect an announcement soon about how it will be safe to carry on but under a stricter H&S regime, which very nicely will protect those H&S jobs.

Cynical? Me? Never. :P

Edited by eFestivals
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This story seems to come up every year. Seems a little too much of a coincidence that tickets haven't been selling well for the last few years. Say to people it's the last T at Balado, they'll buy tickets so they can experience it one more time and then afterwards they can go 'We've been allowed to stay'.

As has been said, the same pipe goes under Aberdeen Airport (and the GE Arena in Aberdeen). If it's not a hazard there, why is it a hazard at Balado?

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not seens The Suns wording for it but also reported in Edinburgh Evening News - http://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/what-s-on/t-in-the-park-to-move-to-new-site-after-this-year-1-3454445 seems a bit of a rehash of what has been said previously really. Can't understand the ordeal over it all really when its been there for so long now. Though I wouldnt be surprised if this is part of why the festival has downsized over the last year or two (less stages etc) in preperation for a smaller site.


New location could be announced tomorow

Edited by Chiefski
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Yeah if the papers are correct (and that's a big if) it looks like the press are being taken to the new location for a press conference tomorrow and they have been told it's less than 30 minutes from Glasgow.

Seems a bit daft to deflect all the headlines from the upcoming festival in 2 weeks to discuss where it will be held next year though.

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