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Shameful Eavis

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I enjoy beef, I especially enjoy English beef, that I havnt had to pay through the teeth to be flown, driven, boated In from another country, if we let all animals run free and do what they want, we would probably die out, the cull's are there for a reason, not because we are cruel, you have to look at the bigger picture, and although it's sad on the badgers, foxes, deer, rats, mice, cockroaches... You have to draw the line somewhere to protect our livestock (big emphasis on the LIVEstock) and to keep our prices down, or we'll be back to eating unidentified meats, namingly horse.

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Anyone think there should be a thread called Shameful Cat Owners ?

"Domestic cats are one of the top threats to US wildlife, killing billions of animals each year, a study suggests. The authors estimate they are responsible for the deaths of between 1.4 and 3.7 billion birds and 6.9-20.7 billion mammals annually".


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As much as I respect and admire Mr Eavis I think he is wrong on this one and is believing flawed research and following desperate knee jerk reaction. However one man who I do respect in matters of wildlife and survival of species has his say in the following article. http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2011/jul/14/david-attenborough-badger-cull

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Anyone think there should be a thread called Shameful Cat Owners ?

"Domestic cats are one of the top threats to US wildlife, killing billions of animals each year, a study suggests. The authors estimate they are responsible for the deaths of between 1.4 and 3.7 billion birds and 6.9-20.7 billion mammals annually".


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I don't think being left or right has much to do with whether you support a badger cull or not. This is the gov reacting on the basis of the scientific advisers at Defra, it's not party politics. Whether the advice is right or wrong, we'll see over the next couple of years I guess.

Personally I'm undecided about the cull, because I haven't carried out any research into the spread of bovine TB. When I do, I'll get back to you.

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The thing is the research that badgers can catch TB and spread it' amongst cattle is quite correct. But the issue should be whether a cull will be effective. The are some pretty knowledgeable people who say it won't and could make thing worse.


Edited by gibbin82
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Oh Dear! Its his fucking land and he's a legend for holding the greatest festival on earth on his farm. I'm not saying you cant criticise him, but theres no need to call him a c**t.

He is a farmer first and I'm sure he does not take any pleasure whatsoever in having to kill badgers if he feels it necessary in order to run the farm.

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Also when have the government taken much notice of their own researchers or advisors, for example take the drug reclassification recommendations, the research on Iraqs weapons of mass destruction or MP's expenses. If the researchers don't agree with the government agendas they just get sacked or discredited and ignored.

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