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Guest beth_h123

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As for security - when I first went, there were no police inside the festival and they had to warn us of the likely searches when we left. There was no more trouble then than now, but, of course, they've since heard about the festival on Merseyside so a whole army of Bow Street Runners is probably quite justified.

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Burning Man was an eye opener. The police there actively target users. One joint = $600+. One mean trick is getting attractive 20 year old female officers as skimpily dressed undercovers, then asking naive male punters "hey do you have any mandy?" (mdma). The moment something appears, out comes the badge.

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Burning Man was an eye opener. The police there actively target users. One joint = $600+. One mean trick is getting attractive 20 year old female officers as skimpily dressed undercovers, then asking naive male punters "hey do you have any mandy?" (mdma). The moment something appears, out comes the badge.

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It is the annoying sweeping generalisations of ignorant pompous dicks that is truly hateful. A sense of humour is not the sole preserve of scousers but it certainly looks like it hasn't crossed the border into the valleys.

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I've never had a problem with the police or security at Glastonbury and I do realise they have to be there. I've witnessed brutality from security at Leeds in the past but most the security I've met at glastonbury have been friendly and helpull. As for the police, I just politely keep my distance.

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Burning Man was an eye opener. The police there actively target users. One joint = $600+. One mean trick is getting attractive 20 year old female officers as skimpily dressed undercovers, then asking naive male punters "hey do you have any mandy?" (mdma). The moment something appears, out comes the badge.

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Couldn't that be classed as entrapment? I'm not sure if it happens in the UK but I have a friend who swears blind that an undercover police officer tried something similar on him. Fortunately it was a male police officer in his 30's not an attractive 20 year old! Ha!

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I see, so hackneyed jokes based on regional stereotypes are the sole preserve of lads from Merseyside with their famed sense of humour.

lol @ conforming to regional stereotypes and judging a whole sector of people based solely on where they come from, shame on you child!

I judge the person on how they are with me, not where they're from! :)

And you wonder why everybody hates you.

A bit like yourself when you first came to this site, spouting your misogynistic bullshit, eh James? Yet there were a few people on here who didn't judge. ;)

And you wonder why everybody hates you.

Do they? Do you speak for everybody? You're beginning to sound like that inane fucktrumpet 'formed_a_band'

Turn it in James, the hate is getting tedious.

Edited by DAVA
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I see you believed every word you were fed by the media hate campaign.

They OWNED the land they lived on. They were there 100% legally.

The land was NOT greenbelt land, it was brownbelt land. The former use was a breaker's yard.

Water and electricty was ILLEGALLY cut off from the site, prompting an outcry from UN human rights monitors and amnesty international. Elderly and children lived on the site.

Did you know that 90% of travellers planning applications are rejected, compared to 20% overall.

To see the views of todays glastonbury goers is quite shameful.

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Under the laws of the land unauthorised development is illegal, land owner greenbelt or brownfield still illegal. If we let people build what they like wherever they like we as a nation would have real issues. We are not blessed with space.

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Misogyny? I was accused of it, but I'll stand by every post and still insist that the accusations were a result of misinterpretation; often willful. This place is full of trolls.

And are you telling me that the scouse accent isn't nasal and whiney? Alan Bleasdale even has a character mention it in GBH.

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