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Guest beth_h123

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such good points! I am doing my end of year case study on policing and security for festivals! very interesting to hear everyones points of views. I have had a few incidents where I have seen security at the end of glasto going through peoples tents taking stuff I guess some u can trust some u cant like anyone!!!

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such good points! I am doing my end of year case study on policing and security for festivals! very interesting to hear everyones points of views. I have had a few incidents where I have seen security at the end of glasto going through peoples tents taking stuff I guess some u can trust some u cant like anyone!!!

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Well that depends on your definition of bullying, maybe harrassed would have been a better word. And yes I have seen groups of punters harrassing and intimidating others, and I have seen weapons wielded and robberies. And this was in the late-nineties, I wasn't around in the eighties or early-ninties but I'm quite prepared to believe glaso-worker's version of events.

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Personally i've never had a problem, and i have never seen them in large numbers inside the fence. I walk past the odd one, same as i would anywhere else.

I think they are a necessary evil, and find them generally placid, only seen them acctually approach someone if they're really making a scene.

Of course theres going to be the odd few that are tossers, but my general experience is i dont really notice them.

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Absolutely. I think a lot of people on here need to either grow up or wake up.

If you think the police are heavy handed in the UK then you are smoking something!

Fact: We need some kind of police force (unless you wish to see a return to lynch mobs and unpunished crime - murder included)

I'm sure there are a few "bad apples" in the police force, as there are everywhere, but overall the police in the UK are a massively beneficial presence.

I have heard nothing but positives about them at Glasto, both from my observations and from personally talking to people.

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Answer me some questions, I've had debates on here with you before and your good at dodging answering them!

1. where they there legally?

2. did they have warning?

3. where do you get your information from?

Anyway I was alluding to the fact the police, unlike in the past, will not attack unprovoked...and they don't. As to the injuries that is off the top of my head, where they the students out front or the actual victims? And the police are bloody soft, if that had been in Germany a tank would have been outside with the water canon up top and tear gas would have went in without warning. Next up would be the rubber bullets!

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I've seen an undercover cop go through the crowds talking to groups at our camping field only to watch him blatantly walk off to talk to uniformed officers at the bottom of the hill where we camp. Next thing these group knew was uniformed officers steaming in and busting them. This happened over and over again as other groups in the field were oblivious to this bloke walking around asking questions, sniffing for weed etc. Unfortunately I was unable to assist these groups as they were too far away from me. So, just remember this when you are at the festival. If an stranger comes asking if he / she can buy a little smoke from you, then you are probably safer saying you don't smoke weed etc.

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