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Official Offsite Pre Erected Tents etc - On sale now

Guest StoneCircle

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Isn't this what I just said, or are you being deliberately obtuse?

I'm physically quite capable of camping in the main fields; I'm happy enough to dig my own hole to shit in if I'm wild-camping; the change is a change of attitude. I don't want to spend time camped next to a bunch of thick-as-shit teenagers who are experiencing all this freedom for the first time - they are DULL! I've done it and my t-shirt fell apart years ago. I don't want to stop the babes discovering sex/drugs/rock&roll like they are the great social pioneers, but I don't want to be trying to sleep in the tent next to them as they do it.

So, yes, and thanks for pointing the shining light of your wit at what I thought I had already made abundantly clear - I am now a middle-aged, middle-class snob, a traitor to my roots, and I honestly couldn't give a fuck because I'm happy. I'm fortysomething and, as we fortysomethings say, sorted. I also have a ticket for G13 and a booking at Tangerine Fields and I will have a thoroughly good time.

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The festival needs his money to cover the costs of the unprofitable areas of the festival that are apparently the heart and soul of Glastonbury. Without it you dirty hippies wouldn't have anywhere to spread your peace and love so show some respect.

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The festival needs his money to cover the costs of the unprofitable areas of the festival that are apparently the heart and soul of Glastonbury. Without it you dirty hippies wouldn't have anywhere to spread your peace and love so show some respect.
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James Bolivar; appologies for the cheap shots yesterday, sarcasm being the lowest form of wit etc....., but your post did open you up a tad for some unsympathetic banter, and having a quiet morning at work I couldn't resist.

My New Year's resolution was to be more tolerant; must try harder :)

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James Bolivar; appologies for the cheap shots yesterday, sarcasm being the lowest form of wit etc....., but your post did open you up a tad for some unsympathetic banter, and having a quiet morning at work I couldn't resist.

My New Year's resolution was to be more tolerant; must try harder :)

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Oh dear, oh dear. Just re-reading some of these posts in this thread, and wondering how Glastonbury ends up having such a lovely and tolerant diverse mix of people that it achieves. Re the Kids Field - been there and enjoyed it for a few years, but last year was horrified at the number of people who hijacked Cockmill Meadow with the only link to kids that they had once been one.

My children are older now and I can expect them to walk a bit more on site. thank you to the lovely guy who insisted on my son Charles going on his shoulders in 2007 to watch Arcade Fire - he will only be 15 this time round but is now 6" and is a successful rugby player. But if it wasn't for you, mystery student and alround good guy who put up with someone's kid for over an hour, it might have been different.

Meet y'all ina field soon


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  • 1 year later...

The guy who's trying to sell his tee-pee and has posted the same link on about 5 different threads I think.

I see that post has been removed, so now understand your confusion. Neil or Scottie must have agreed with Jeffie's request.

We appear to have, in actual fact I have a lot of respect for Neil, I'm not sure why we sometimes have appeared to fallout. I would hate to run this site.

(Surely Neil and Jeffie didn't see eye to eye).

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