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Robbie Williams

Guest drewsstrat

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Does no one remember his connections with the festival then?

One of the first signs of Take That breaking up was as a result of TV from Glastonbury '95 like this...


He then came back in '98 and played a legendary set that pretty much kicked his career off. I was working as security at a Bristol venue a few days before his Glastonbury set that year, and we got told he was coming to play our place as a warm up gig for Glastonbury. Despite the money on offer, i laughed and turned it down, as I was going to be at the festival during the gig.

A few days later I was loitering behind the pyramid stage and saw him by a tour bus. I went over to say hello and to get an autograph (my sister was a huge Take That fan) and he seemed really nervous and told me to f**k right off.

Moments later, there was this ridiculously huge crowd noise from the other side of the pyramid stage, and he was killing them dead. I wish I could find the 'Let me entertain you' he opened with on Youtube, but here's Angels. You can literally watch his career get reborn in the UK at this point.

I should also say I've run across him since, and he's always seemed like a thoroughly nice bloke to me.

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I can't stand him so if he were playing I would be watching somebody else preferably at the other side of the festival. It's possible but I have heard some terrible reviews of his new album. One reviewer tweeted that they pulled over to the side of the road when they were listening to it as they though Chicco had made a return.

I'd imagine if they were to go for any at the moment they would try and get Take That as I think the band actually have a bit more credibility than him at the moment.

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I'd go an see him, there about 4-5 songs i do really like, not fussed on Angels mind, and my obvious guilty pleasure is Take That, now i'd never pay to see the clown, but at Glasto, shits different, as someone rightly said, 'That' Set, did launch his solo career, what a fitting way to get back out there and re-announce your self to the world than at the world's biggest and greatest festival?

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As many have said ... I wouldn't pay to see him on his own but at Glastonbury it's a different story. He's got a decent selection of songs but no way near enough to justify a headline slot. Now a Take That headline would be appealing especially as people are seriously suggesting Rhianna !!

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