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Cider bus meet

Guest mandolin

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For those who've not been before, this is how it works:

  • For months before there are threads about it where everyone says it's a good idea but no-one wants to organise it

  • For the final month there will be lots of posts in which people ask where the cider bus is

  • This results in a lot of general exacerbation

  • This will be posted:

  • ciderbus017.jpg

  • Lucious Lucy will finally cave and agree to get things sorted.

  • She will then don a high vis waistcoat and begin barking orders.

  • On the day, lots of people will gather and talk shite while laughing inanely a lot

  • People on their own will stand on the side lines plucking up courage to join in

  • At this point, one of two things will happen.

  • 1 - they will bottle it, wander off and regret it

  • 2 - they will neck a dry cider, pluck up the courage, approach the hero in the jacket and proclaim "Are you Juicy Lucy?"

  • They will be given the skunk eye until she corrects them and asks there name.

  • There will be an awkward silence as they realise they are not really called BigKnobby1963

  • They will fess up to said stupid name and say call me Dave

  • It will be ace.

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That's so spot on Gnomicide that its spooky - I swear you have just described every eFests meet there has been since 2000.

Don't forget:

Later in the evening when its dark, Lucy will once again assume her role as the Pied Piper of Glastonbury, leading all the Glasto Virgins up the main drag behind a luminous eFestivals Flag to King's Meadow where they will turn around and see the extent of the site, the lights and sounds for the first time. I rate it as being on a par with seeing the curvature of the Earth for the first time from space.

Oily Joe will turn up and be just generous with his homebrew port.

Neil will not be as scary in real life.

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I hear that next year, they are moving the 'normal' beer bar 100 yards toward the pyramid field so they can rope off an area just for the efests meeting between said bar and cider bus.

For the past 6 years it's become a Wednesday afternoon/evening feature attended by many.

There's lots of time for final arrangements. Crikey, I can't believe it's still over 6 months away.

Efests Glasto chat was never this popular this long before the festival... was it?

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How was it on Wednesday last year. My first Glasto was 2010 and I assumed Wednesday was rammed for the football. Was it any easier to find a camping spot last year? Was with my brother-in-law, Colin last time, will be with him and my 15 year old son next. He's gonna be blown away :-)

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How busy was it last year on Wednesday? My first Glasto in 2010 it was a nightmare, but I hope that was because of the football. I went to the meet, was a bit over-awed though. Was with my brother-in-law Colin, and next year we'll be adding my 15 year old son to the group. He's going to be blown away :-)

Oops. Double post!

Edited by RussellF
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Can't really say as we had friends who went and set up camp for us on the Wednesday, and we arrived on the Thursday. Don't think they had much trouble, however we camped pretty close to the coach parking so that is quite a walk from the main areas. I'd happily camp there again next year mind, it was nice and quiet when it needed to be (between 3am and 9am)

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