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E Festival posters who didn't get tickets

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For a secret hashtag we need a secret glastonbury place...

#piano bar


I am @amfy - follow me and I will follow you back & be helping in any way I can on ticket day & looking out for re-slae before then.

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btw - I am IT illiterate at everything except getting Glastonbury tickets. I have no idea how to set up a secret hashtag! I am old enough to be a tweeter's grannie - I can tweet & follow - but don't expect me to set anything up!

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Have just requested to join the Facebook group. I got tickets in a previous resale because of reading about it on this forum so will be great to be able to check via Facebook too! Have been to Glastonbury 7 times but couldn't get tickets last Sunday or for 2011. Feeling more postive now reading this thread though!

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After a week I'm still totally hacked off at the lack of tickets - like many of you, I was using multiple PCs and multiple browsers, as were 2 others in our group, and while we all got through to the registrations page multiple times, none of us got as far as the payments page. I did edit the hosts file, but it didn't work like a magic pill for me as it appears to have done for some...or was that just co-incidence ? Anyway, we all still want tickets, so here's hoping for the re-sale, and if I belonged to Facebook, I'd join Claire's group, so I hope its okay if I get someone else in our group to join.

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One thing that was suggested to me is that it maybe easier buying tickets from abroad, so your chances are better if you have a non-UK ISP. Does anyone know whether there might be any truth in this, and if so, would it also apply to the resale ?

Emily Eavis' opinion of what's a much better experience seems to be that it sells out in an hour and 40 minutes instead of 4 hours. Presumably the better experience is less RSI from the F5 key. Having always got tickets before, its not my perspective - they just seem to have got SeeTickets to have more ports available, or have I missed something here ? My idea of a better experience would have been to at least been able to complete the registrations page in advance (ie. effectively off-line) and then just submit it come the time, so that if you're going to get through, you would be straight to the payments page.

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Just sent a request for the fb group too. Think I spent ages trying to sort the host file thing - didn't work for me either. Only after 2 tickets, and like lots of people we'd got to the registration page a couple of times and been kicked out. Am keeping the faith!

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Yeah me and the mrs were gutted. Its the fitst time we havent managed to get tickets and have been to every one since 2005. I really thought I had plenty of time when I still didnt have a ticket at 10:30 only to see the sold out notice at 10:40. Couldnt believe it!

There are 8 of us in total who always go. I did get through to the booking reference page a couple of times but got kicked off after pressing proceed. In the past, once you had got to this page your tickets were sorted. I will try the reslae in April as I managed to get one of my friends a ticket in 2011 (albeit on the bus) but I am not feeling hopeful at all. It wont be the same if we dont end up going. I dont think I could bring myself to watch it on the TV. I would look at any options of getting a ticket though. Been checking the hospitality packages but they are thousands!

I hope most of the people who have bought tickets dont actually go so there is a big resale and I will be looking for anything in the next week or 2!

Good luck to everyone in the same boat. I was getting angry seeing people say that had got through and bought tickets 3 or 4 times!

Very sad at the moment :(

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definitely feel for you ads, but please don't get down. we're in the same boat, but we've got to stay positive. me and the wife (and bump, whoever they turn out to be) really want to be at Glasto again next year, so we'll try any route we can, but if we can't get tickets, there are other festivals.

Most of the other 'big' fests don't really appeal to me, but Beautiful Days, End of the Road, Green Man etc all sound like they have a similar feel to them, just on a smaller scale.

Keep your chin up, enjoy the next few months, do what you can in Spring to get there, then look at alternatives if it comes to it.

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definitely feel for you ads, but please don't get down. we're in the same boat, but we've got to stay positive. me and the wife (and bump, whoever they turn out to be) really want to be at Glasto again next year, so we'll try any route we can, but if we can't get tickets, there are other festivals.

Most of the other 'big' fests don't really appeal to me, but Beautiful Days, End of the Road, Green Man etc all sound like they have a similar feel to them, just on a smaller scale.

Keep your chin up, enjoy the next few months, do what you can in Spring to get there, then look at alternatives if it comes to it.

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I have been to a lot of the other festivals and non of them come anywhere near to Glastonbury. I think I would rather not bother. I am determined one way or another to get us there though.

I will keep positive anyway. I have always got tickets in the past so fingers crossed. How old will your new born be by the time the festival starts?

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You could try here http://manorfarmglastonbury.co.uk/ or www.entourageevents.co.uk

I am loathed to advise on them though as they cost a fortune. And I do mean a fortune! There was also a converted double decker bus but I think that was £11k if you really want to splash out!!! cant remember the website for that one but I am sure you can google it. I have never used any of these companies before so if you do it is at your own risk.

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