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Antisocial behaviour

Guest Teddington

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We had a gazebo, we put it up in the space each of our tents faced on to, asked those around us if it blocked their view and would they like us to move/rotate it, they had no problem. People walked through the area and under the gazebo, that was fine, we said Hi and had a chat. When it was sunny and rainy people were more than welcome to come and stand/sit under it with us.


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On the antisocial side, I don't see how it's any different from waving massive flags around so people behind can't see or having groups of chairs in front of stages. And I thought banning things was against the spirit of Glastonbury?

On the safety side, yeah it could prevent a clear walkway through he campsite and create trip hazards so maybe stewards should ask people to take them down on health and safety grounds. Although with thefts and robberies a real possibility at any festival I can understand why some people would want to put up some kind of obstacle or deterrent, no matter how flimsy.

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We had a gazebo, we put it up in the space each of our tents faced on to, asked those around us if it blocked their view and would they like us to move/rotate it, they had no problem. People walked through the area and under the gazebo, that was fine, we said Hi and had a chat. When it was sunny and rainy people were more than welcome to come and stand/sit under it with us.


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On the face of it that seems fine, but I can think of two:

1. It may encourage others to bring a gazebo next time and chances are that they might not be so considerate in its use.

2. GFL are very clear that they don't allow people to bring gazebos and therefore you showed a lack of respect by ignoring their wishes

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Wandering around the site I saw the + and - side of gazebos

The ones that were in the middle with 3/4 or more tents opening out into it is fine

The worst one I saw was at the foot of the camera crane at the pyramid stage- 2 massive gazebos next to each other just to be used as peoples viewing platform as such and taking up way too much space and seemed to be used by only a few people

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I got into a fair few arguments when I arrived (at midday Wednesday, so not exactly 'late') with people taping off areas. There was so little space and it was raining and they didn't give a s**t that people were having to walk extra miles so they could be selfish.

'Err we've got 6 tents coming later'

'Well, I have a tent here NOW soooo.....'

I may have called a fair few selfish c**** :ph34r:

Really annoys me.

I don't mind the odd gazebo, as long as people don't take the piss. I happened to wander up to the camping area above the Pyramid on the Sunday, obviously prime camping territory, which we'd all like to enjoy if we could. I was shocked- Never has so much space been taken up by so few! There was HUGE gazebos, all joined together to create massive spaces for just a few people. Some had closed off gazebos that actually looked more like marquees! I stood there, thinking back to my little tent, crammed in with the other tents in the Dairy Ground, occasionally interspersed with a pleasant, social gazebo and just thought.... 'you selfish *******' :angry:

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I think gazebos are really rather social, they allow people to gather in all weathers, and as long as they're open to people outside your group they can be a great way of meeting people too.

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Antisocial? On Friday night I got split up from my mates. So for a laugh I sneaked back to Daves tent and took a dump in his sleeping bag. When I caught up with them the next day I expected Dave to be livid, however he was strangely quiet. I asked the others what was wrong with him and they said they didn't know but he had been up early and gone for a shower, he'd cleaned out his tent and seemed a bit depressed, they put it down to his come down. I reckon he thought he'd shit himself. Brilliant.

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I got so annoyed at this in 2011.

We got onto site at 9am, and it was already rammed. There were about 15 of us trying to camp together, and all but three got in at the same time. The other three were on the coaches, so we took their two tents in to put up, thinking that because they were being eco-friendly, they didn't deserve to miss out. We walked miles carrying these damn things and just as we got onto our pitch it started chucking it down. We put up half the tents, then these two teenage boys start mouthing off about how we're in "their space" and how they have friends arriving tomorrow. Chests puffed up, up in one of my friends faces.

This tactic obviously failed, as there were two of them and (excluding me as the only girl) 11 of us. School yard maths, and they didn't really argue once we were all there putting the tents up anyway.

I just do not understand all this space saving. Either get your friends to take the tents for you, or get there earlier. I've only been to two Glastonburys, but the fun of them for me has been meeting new people. Met a lovely Aussie last year who we spent the entire week with!

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I just do not understand all this space saving. Either get your friends to take the tents for you, or get there earlier. I've only been to two Glastonburys, but the fun of them for me has been meeting new people. Met a lovely Aussie last year who we spent the entire week with!

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I just do not understand all this space saving. Either get your friends to take the tents for you, or get there earlier. I've only been to two Glastonburys, but the fun of them for me has been meeting new people. Met a lovely Aussie last year who we spent the entire week with!

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If you ban gazebos people will just bring bigger tents with inside space, and these are less sociable.

My only objection to them really is the theory that "the space that everyone's tents points in to" would be there anyway, and the reasoning that this entitles groups to a gazebo, but not couples or pairs of friends. Has it never occurred to people in groups to sort of cluster? We always used to do that when I went with a group of friends. The "entitlement" to a space in the middle isn't a justification for a gazebo. First you have to justify the space in the middle.

I'm not against gazebos per se - just the idea that they're Ok for groups but no-one else.

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If you ban gazebos people will just bring bigger tents with inside space, and these are less sociable.

My only objection to them really is the theory that "the space that everyone's tents points in to" would be there anyway, and the reasoning that this entitles groups to a gazebo, but not couples or pairs of friends. Has it never occurred to people in groups to sort of cluster? We always used to do that when I went with a group of friends. The "entitlement" to a space in the middle isn't a justification for a gazebo. First you have to justify the space in the middle.

I'm not against gazebos per se - just the idea that they're Ok for groups but no-one else.

Edited by LondonTom
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IMO, Gazeebos are fine as long as you don't mind people passing through. Taping off your area though is simply not needed, it reeks of "this is my area and not yours" and it seems to get worse at festivals every year.

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Taping off tents does my head in, not for anti social aspect of it mind as I think I would rather talk to somebody else then bother 'taped' in people but because it can create a very complicated maze when needed to get out of the campsite area. In the end I thought sod it and walked through the tape as it was much easier than trying to work out a get away plan from my tent.

Gazebo's I don't mind, someones Gazebo ended up right over part of my tent though which was annoying when I was trying to get some kip and the neighbour's were chatting morning, noon and night, but apart from that I find Gazebos rather sociable especially if the weather's rubbish and they have a fire going.

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Our gazebo was not part of a taped off area...our camp was right by the toilets, and was used as a walk through anyway, neighbours said hello, couple of them came and joined us for a beer under it when it rained etc.

I don't see how people find gazebos so anti-social when ours are put up in our little communal area that we are sitting in anyway.

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We used this tarp gd-asset_7075350.jpg

But instead of having it over our tents we had it int he middle. Doesnt look very big but look at all the space it gave us.

It takes up a tiny amount of room compared to a gazeebo and was a god send whent he rain came. Its obviously not as spacious as a gazeebo but gave us enough room from the elements and thats all we needed.

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I use a Coleman Classic Awning, packs down the same size as a folding canvas camping armchair, can be used behind a parked vehicle,or attached to a tent, it has a lot of headroom, and covers a biggish area. (My wife and I park a motorcyle and sidecar, a trailer and a solo motorcycle under it. It also mean if it is persisting down with rain you can get in and out of the tent without rain entering the tent:-


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