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Does anyone else feel ripped off?

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If you don't like what you see then don't go!

This year looks like being the year I finally stop my 12 year run with the festival.

Virtually everyone I used to go with have stopped going, and the line-up is none too appealing these days, unfortunatly as I've got older the bands become less relevant. There are a few on there that I'd like to see but nothing that I haven't seen before.

We'll see. If a cheap ticket pops up, or I suddenly get the urge to go i'll do it, but the way it looks at the moment i'll be waving a tearful goodbye to it!

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reading holds a fairly firm place in my heart; it was my first festival and i thought it was the absolute dogs bollocks. several years, a few readings and a few glastonburys later, it just seems hard to look on the event with a huge amount of excitement or affection. i'll be here this year, for the obligatory post gcse result piss up but after experiencing glastonbury and what a festival can really be, reading just doesn't really seem to cut the mustard. a big reason i guess is value for money; reading charges £200 a ticket for only 6 stages, an oppressive campsite arena system, nothing in the way of after hours entertainment, corporate branding everywhere, bad organisation, bad toilets, little atmosphere, no site decoration to spruce things up and a not particularly fantastic lineup (which is, in the end, the festival's only real selling point), whereas at a festival like glastonbury, for the same price (slightly less even, now i think) you get a 1100 acre site, hundreds of stages, much else to do than just watch flavour of the month bands on large stages, better organisation, often better bands, huge areas devoted to after hours partying going on until the early morning and even a free souvenir programme that's actually worth reading, a booklet with a proper wallet with all the stage times and a free bag given to you free as you go in. the same items at reading+leeds cost £8. almost a tenner to know the stage times, that's just taking the piss. plus, people don't feel the need to act like complete twats - there are other things to do at night than burn tents.

as fun as i know the festival can be, it just seems to be in the end, nothing more than a gigantic money spinner for festival republic.

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there will always be people who moan about everything but most people will go to the festival and have a great time.i always laugh when i come back from reading cos i spend three days with about 80,000 people singing,drinking,dancing and laughing and generally having a good time, then i come back to find thread after thread on here full of people saying how bad it was,ha ha.

basically,its what you make it.

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If I'd bought a ticket for Reading expecting a replica of Glastonbury then yeah I'd feel ripped off. However, it never pretends to be that and I'm looking forward to it as a different experience-i.e. all about running between stages watching bands and as Reading has more than £200 worth of bands I want to see I don't see the problem. As others have said Reading/Leeds plays by different rules to Glastonbury in terms of profit-making.

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i'm sorry but why do you seem to think i'd be interested in going to see lady gaga or going to a resort in spain?

festival atmosphere? reading has virtually no atmosphere - the site is pretty dingy, far overcrowded and with nothing to make it remotely interesting.

consider the enormous profits fr make compared to promotors of most other festivals. you can say glastonbury is a special entity all you want but at the end of the day, they're still putting on an enormous amount of entertainment and an actual experience for the same price, and that's without the mass corporate sponsorship that r+l attract.

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