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Random acts of kindness

Guest Bexxxxx

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Thank-you to the two lovely ladies who helped push my car through the mud of the east camping on Thursday lunchtime when I was starting to think I'd spend the weekend stuck there.

In return, helped out with a hand to plenty of others who were stuck wading through the mud over the weekend.

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A big thank you to the security guy at the bottom of the park after radiohead, one of my boots came off and the other foot slid from beneath me, he grabbed me when my arse was an inch from the mud and as he stood me up he slid my foot back into the boot and then helped me down to the path... good guy :)

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Some kind lad gave us a lift up the path near the Pennards toilets with our heavy trolley on Thursday getting his hands muddy in the process - he lifted it right up over the mud and although it was only a couple of minutes it made a huge difference after it had taken us hours to get that far from West 47!

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I also kind of had a good karma come back esque situation, saw a ticket folded up on top of some really thick sticky mud and thought i should pick it up to hand in to the nearest burger van as someone might retrace their steps to find it....turns out it was my bloody ticket! I must have dropped it at least 20 minutes earlier when i got my purse out to get some food!

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Thanks to the group of folk who help me whilst one of my friends was stuck in the mud when her wellie fell off! I was holding her up when a great gentleman came and received her wellie from the mud and two ladies came with wet wipes to help her clean herself up a bit!

Also, at the pyramid stage after Coldplay I thought was lovely! A man helped me through the mud when I got stuck so I stuck around for 20 minutes pulling folk through (until a drunk lady pulled me down with her and I left!) haha xx

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I already posted this in another topuc, but will pop it in here as it fits pretty well!

On Sunday afternoon my friend broke her leg, and got shipped off site. Unfortunatley it was her car we were all departing in and so we needed to ship out and get car and stuff home that evening. As is predictable, the rest of the group were in the middle of Beyonce with their phones off! I knew which flag they were with so decided to mission it through and get to them, and let them know.

A MASSIVE thank you to all the people who when faced with a short panicky girl frantically explaining 'my friend broke her leg we need to leave!' helped me through the crowd, pushed me through, picked me up and shunted me and generally did the impossible of getting me to the centre front of pyramid in 10 minutes and then got us out again.

If you were any of these people, you are amazing. Also the orange chill and charge team, who let me charge my phone after they shut so I could get hold of her parents and mine, and bunged me £10 worth of free credit when I panicked I was running out, the nice group of gentlemen who calmed me down with a hug and can of fosters after she was shipped to medical and I was left alone, and the ice cream man who gave me a free bottle of water at the same time.

Luckily she is now home and recovering, feeling sorry for herself, but could have been so much worse.

Glasto Spirit in full force, awesome!

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I hope your friend has a speedy recovery, well done to you for keeping it together!

Thank you to everyone who helped me out of the mud. My mum bought me some new wellies for Christmas and that, coupled with how well the wine and other things were flowing in my system and my utter elation at seeing my favourite band Pulp for the first time in 9 years, meant I was all over the place Saturday night.

The four boys who pulled my welly out of the mud in Shangri-La = ACTUAL HEROS!

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thanks to the couple who helped me out of the sticky mud on saturday, one foot got stuck and i lost a boot! :) after that i made an extra effot to help those who needed it in the mud :)

me and a mate help a bunch of people who were struggling to put on their tent in the rain on wednesday morning, I commented about had they not done a trial run? they said it was alright, they brought it on their way down to glasto from tescos and were just going to leave it up after the festival :( wish i didn't help them afterwards :unsure:

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I already posted this in another topuc, but will pop it in here as it fits pretty well!

On Sunday afternoon my friend broke her leg, and got shipped off site. Unfortunatley it was her car we were all departing in and so we needed to ship out and get car and stuff home that evening. As is predictable, the rest of the group were in the middle of Beyonce with their phones off! I knew which flag they were with so decided to mission it through and get to them, and let them know.

A MASSIVE thank you to all the people who when faced with a short panicky girl frantically explaining 'my friend broke her leg we need to leave!' helped me through the crowd, pushed me through, picked me up and shunted me and generally did the impossible of getting me to the centre front of pyramid in 10 minutes and then got us out again.

If you were any of these people, you are amazing. Also the orange chill and charge team, who let me charge my phone after they shut so I could get hold of her parents and mine, and bunged me £10 worth of free credit when I panicked I was running out, the nice group of gentlemen who calmed me down with a hug and can of fosters after she was shipped to medical and I was left alone, and the ice cream man who gave me a free bottle of water at the same time.

Luckily she is now home and recovering, feeling sorry for herself, but could have been so much worse.

Glasto Spirit in full force, awesome!

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My first post so thought I would start with the happy vibe on this positive thread :)

After getting up @ 6.30 after a big last Sunday and dragging ourselves (and all our stuff) on the great hike back to the car, we hit a long traffic jam getting out of the field which just wasn't moving.

After about 15 mins a girl ran up to the queue from behind us, obviously delighted & excited about something shouting about discovering another exit. We followed her directions and sure enough were out on the road and moving within 2 minutes! we were absolutely buzzing & it was a top vibe to start the l-o-n-g journey home on.

Massive thanks to that little lady who had run about 500m back from their new exit and so delayed her own departure just to share the wealth for the benefit of others!

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We got parked up at gate C Wednesday morning and when we got in the nearest place to camp was Wicket Ground. So me and my father in law got the wifes/kids camped up and settled and had to go back to the car for our second run which took 5-6 hours. The ammount of help we recieved from people on the way back with our heavily loaded trolley and bags was incredible. Stewards were helping us through thick mud, people would rush over when the trolley went over to help pick it up, it was a testament to good natured human spirit.

I have to give a special mention to a group of about 5 or 6 lads and lasses who had taken a few hours out of thier day on the Wednesday to help people with trolleys/buggys/prams ect up and down the "hill of death" next to gate C, what a help they were.

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I already posted this in another topuc, but will pop it in here as it fits pretty well!

On Sunday afternoon my friend broke her leg, and got shipped off site. Unfortunatley it was her car we were all departing in and so we needed to ship out and get car and stuff home that evening. As is predictable, the rest of the group were in the middle of Beyonce with their phones off! I knew which flag they were with so decided to mission it through and get to them, and let them know.

A MASSIVE thank you to all the people who when faced with a short panicky girl frantically explaining 'my friend broke her leg we need to leave!' helped me through the crowd, pushed me through, picked me up and shunted me and generally did the impossible of getting me to the centre front of pyramid in 10 minutes and then got us out again.

If you were any of these people, you are amazing. Also the orange chill and charge team, who let me charge my phone after they shut so I could get hold of her parents and mine, and bunged me £10 worth of free credit when I panicked I was running out, the nice group of gentlemen who calmed me down with a hug and can of fosters after she was shipped to medical and I was left alone, and the ice cream man who gave me a free bottle of water at the same time.

Luckily she is now home and recovering, feeling sorry for herself, but could have been so much worse.

Glasto Spirit in full force, awesome!

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I lost the sun cream that I took out with me on the Sunday morning for my 10 year old daughter who has fair skin, she was going to seriously burn up and I asked a couple of different people if I could borrow a bit of sun cream and everyone not only said yes but also really looked after her my giving her covering to the head with various hat, wrapping things around her and keeping her sheltered, offering her a seat, I could not believe how nice people were, I know a few people may have had a few bad experiences over the past few days at the festival, but for every one bad apple at Glastonbury there must be a hundred really good ones and that is why it is the best festival on the planet.

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