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Random acts of kindness

Guest Bexxxxx

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Thought it would be nice to remind ourselves of the Glastonbury spirit (especially with some of the negativity knocking around in here today ;) ).

So, did anyone experience any random acts of kindness over the weekend? Here's your chance to say thanks....

I'd like to thank the kind chap who caught me from behind when some idiot pushed past me and tripped me up as I was leaving the Pyramid field after Beyonce. He just caught me, made sure I stayed on my feet and then just walked on by without a single word.

Thanks also to the lovely lady who told me i'd dropped my phone as I stood up to leave the benches near the cider bus.

It's things like this which remind me why I love the festival so much :)

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I tore my achillies tendon on Saturday whilst on a very muddy wander. Through the festival people have been holding me up, helping me along, and lending me chairs and sticks. Both those I know, and strangers.

Quite amazed I did the festival. Had no idea how bad it was until I saw my doctor today.

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I fell over onto my hands by the Other Stage when the mud was at it's worst. Well annoyed, and more so when I was unable to pull my wellies out with one hand. Chucked my beer on the floor and had a big strop - and some great fellow helped me up, and gave me a can, checking I wasn't hurt.

I was well touched - it was just a moment where the frustration was too much at the mud, and he turned my mood around like that (and gave me a free beer too!). Made my night.

Festival at it's best.

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My hubby lost his ferral in the mud and had to dive in after it.. All I could do was laugh, then felt really guilty when a bloke offered to wash it in his beer and a lady gave him a wad of wet wipes.

Also not random acts of kindness but awesome all the same were the volunteer helpers in the spring field, they really amazing.

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A big thank you to the Irish lady who gave me some wet wipes when i fell over in the deep mud at the loos near in Pyramid Stage. I was feeling really rubbish and her kindness meant a lot.

Also the Stewards who pulled me out of the mud when i fell over (again) near Gate A. They helped carry my stuff as well. Top people. Thanks. :)

Of course there were a lot of less than decent people there too. The selfish tw*ts who left all their rubbish at the stages (particularly the pyramid) you should be ashamed of yourselves. I saw one fat idiot finish a can and just squash it into the mud. Well done mate you really care about other people and the farm. Sorry, probably another thread on here for tw*ts at Glasto :angry:

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Thanks to the man who rushed to my aid after getting stuck and falling backwards on my ass into the mud on Wednesday! He rushed over, grabbed my hand, lifted me up and as I stood up he fell back and landed on his ass :P need less to say we helped each other out :D

Also thanks to the chap who walked the entire length of Bushy Ground with me to my tent holding a torch as it was so dark I couldn't see where I was going!


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I was pushed flying on my way to see Chase and Status and consequently lost my wellie but some guy rushed to my aid and retrieved it and helped me hop over to a bench lol

I saw lots of strangers helping each other out in the mud which is really what it's all about but the barging and pushing really annoys me.

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Several people jumped into deep mud to help pull my OH and our Ket-headed friend who dragged her into it on the Saturday night. And then helped me out when I got stuck.

For our own good deeds picked up randoms all weekend from all over the site, many more collapsed people than usual I thought this year, which I like!

One that sticks in my head was getting a girl out of the mud on the Friday night near the toilets on right hand side of the Park as you go down the hill. It took me and the OH five or ten minutes to get her out as she kept falling back over again. The guy she was with just stood a few metres away on dry land watching us all fall over! Cheers mate!

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I am hoping that Kate got her phone back that we found on the Pyramid field on Friday(?) afternoon - we rang the last number called & told them we'd leave it in a particular lock up for them to pick up later that day. I was hoping it'd result in some good weather related karma but unfortunately the rain just kept coming. :D

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We were sat having a few ciders and a slightly drunk Somerset lady kept walking past lost. We invited her to sit and chill for a bit and have a cider. Her friend eventually found her and it turned out that she used to live in the road behind me in Essex, random lol

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doing the long trek back to the car in the early hours of this morning laden down with a backpack that's about the same size as me, and a dragging a heavy trolly with everything else on it... the trolly suddenly became lighter, which startled me for a mo as i had no idea what was going on (for a split second i thought someone was trying to steal it, then i thought someone had grabbed it by mistake). i said something in a horrified voice along the lines of "geezer, what are you doing" and he says "helping you". so, on we walked... him with my trolly in one hand and his girlfriend in the other. sweet :)

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Me and my buddy found a chap in a bad way in Avalon. Shocking he was face down in the mud, completely out of it and no-one was doing anything so we gave him a lift up and sat him down with some water for a while.

Nothing major but a part of the spirit we felt :)

Oh and I didn't fall over!! (And that's a miracle as I'm 100% a faller!!)

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I would like to thank the random stranger who offered me a hand getting up a super slidey hill, thankfully i managed to right myself in time but was lovely having a stranger offer help.

I still haven't fallen over in 5 Glastos, which is so bizarre as i tend to fall over all of the time elsewhere! Definately had some near misses and this year took me at least a day to find my mud legs, i was walking very much like bambi until Thursday evening! :D

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I also kind of had a good karma come back esque situation, saw a ticket folded up on top of some really thick sticky mud and thought i should pick it up to hand in to the nearest burger van as someone might retrace their steps to find it....turns out it was my bloody ticket! I must have dropped it at least 20 minutes earlier when i got my purse out to get some food!

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I got my trolley stuck this afternoon. It was well heavy and I was attempting to do a 'run and jump' type of monouvre onto a higher level platform thingy when my trolley flipped over onto it's side. I felt like a right dick and generally couldn't get it back on its wheels and this really kind guy helped me......Apart from that I feel I carried out plenty of acts of kindness all weekend in between my ' i'm getting too old for this' and 'think my festival days are numbered attitude :)

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