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jedward for glastonbury

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ok realise ive just painted a massive red target for abuse onto myself and I DO think they are pure shite but...

they can be good in the so bad its good way

they are good when your off your face

and imagine putting them in some kind of kareoke bar in shangri la... it could work

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ok realise ive just painted a massive red target for abuse onto myself and I DO think they are pure shite but...

they can be good in the so bad its good way

they are good when your off your face

and imagine putting them in some kind of kareoke bar in shangri la... it could work

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ok realise ive just painted a massive red target for abuse onto myself and I DO think they are pure shite but...

they can be good in the so bad its good way

they are good when your off your face

and imagine putting them in some kind of kareoke bar in shangri la... it could work

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Now stop being silly. Even watching paint dry would be more fun than Jedward.

How about throttling Simon Cowell who single handedly has probably done more to stiflle real music and creativity than most in recent times?


Edited by grumpyhack
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Honestly - can we stop going on about useless twats like Jedward?

They are not musicians. Music is a form of expression. They don't write their own songs, the songs they choose to perform (I refuse to use the word sing here) are f**king pointless other than a cynical attempt to get people to phone a premium rate number to hand more cash over to those who really don't need or deserve it. It's got nothing to do with expression or art whatsoever.

You end up with two groups of people here - the gullible ones who think that they're the best thing since sliced bread and those who love them thinking it's "ironic", but either way, both buy the t-shirts and the one single and album these acts invaraiably manage before being dropped thinking it's funny and/or clever to support useless, talentless, worthless corporate nobodies such as them.

They quite probably don't give a f**k what they're doing or what song they're singing, all that happens is that your Simon Cowells of the world become f**king rich off fleecing people for complete and utterly meaningless shit.

Please, for f**ks sakes, find someone worthy of support and invest your time or money on them, Jedward aren't clever, funny and have no place near somewhere such as a music festival.

Edited by OneLittleFish
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Honestly - can we stop going on about useless twats like Jedward?

They are not musicians. Music is a form of expression. They don't write their own songs, the songs they choose to perform (I refuse to use the word sing here) are f**king pointless other than a cynical attempt to get people to phone a premium rate number to hand more cash over to those who really don't need or deserve it. It's got nothing to do with expression or art whatsoever.

You end up with two groups of people here - the gullible ones who think that they're the best thing since sliced bread and those who love them thinking it's "ironic", but either way, both buy the t-shirts and the one single and album these acts invaraiably manage before being dropped thinking it's funny and/or clever to support useless, talentless, worthless corporate nobodies such as them.

They quite probably don't give a f**k what they're doing or what song they're singing, all that happens is that your Simon Cowells of the world become f**king rich off fleecing people for complete and utterly meaningless shit.

Please, for f**ks sakes, find someone worthy of support and invest your time or money on them, Jedward aren't clever, funny and have no place near somewhere such as a music festival.

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